Liverpool Meet Up, IDEAS??

Alli, whats happening tomorrow chick? Hope your’e ok.

Love Irene

Hi Irene,
I’m getting my results from last weeks MRI and bone scans tomorrow when I go for my Herceptin.Fingers crossed!
Hope you are ok.
Alli x

Hi ali and all …how goes it mazxxxx

Hi everybody,

Just thought I’d let you know that the scan results from last week show stable disease, so I don’tneed to have any more chemo at the moment. HURAY!.

Liz-didn’t hear from you on Wednesday. Hope I didn’t miss you and you are ok.


Hi everyone,
Yes,my scan results were great too! Liver tumour has shrunk again and there’s no spread to bones.Onc said there is something showing on my 11th vertibrate but because I have no pain she thinks it’s just wear and tear.
I’ve got a whole body CT scan on Tues just to double check.
Hope everyones ok.
Alli x

Nicky and Ali that is fab news xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi to everyone
Nicky and Alli I’m so glad your scan results were good. Sorry Nicky I wasn’t at hospital on Wednesday I’m there next Wednesday the 23rd will give you a ring.

(Hello Maz -if your still on line how are you?)

Take care
Liz xxx

Hi Liz just popped in hope you are well xxxx Good luck for the 23 rd let us know xxx

Hi Ladies,
read over thread and sounds like you had a fab time.I raised a glass to you all while I was on the beach under my umbrella with hat on and scarf around my neck,glasses and factor 30 haha.
We had a fantastic time and we met a couple from Fazackerly and guess what she is 5 years down the line, mastectomy.we had a great time with them,went for a meal,sat up till early hours,and we are going to keep in touch.
I am catching up on gossip on here now, but will def be at next meet.

Hope everyone is coping well

Keep strong and take care


Hi Mary …welcome back …glad you had a good time .where did you go ? Yeh the meet was fab ,really hit it off …I loved being back in Liverpool and looking forward to the next one may stay over next time xxxx

Hi Maz
Went to Spain,but struggled with heat.I shouldnt complain I know as it was raining here,but hey.I did sit with a glass of wine and say hello,as sad as it may seem,.You should come and stay over,I bet you noticed a difference in the old town.Hope things are ok with you


hI mary … I certainly didI loved it but needed more than a day I used to be able to stay at my parents when i used to come for the weekend but since they both [passed away in 2005 .Havent been as much since looking forward to meeting you at the next get together xxxxxxx
Had a few ups and downs these last few weeks but getting there xxxxxx

Good for you
I take it you haven’t got family you can stay with,and I know you have had problems personally,I hope you are coping with that,I wish I had the room for you to stay over here

Hi Maz and All
No prob Maz i am sure i cud put you up here. To be honest this place is resembling a B&B with the girls boyfriends stayin all the time. All i am missing is a notice board outside oh and the ££££££££££.

Hols over for now sadly. Must get the old hip sorted its freaking me out as to whats wrong with it, hobbled around like a 90yr old last 2 days of hols, mind thinking bone mets.

We must decide on a date in Oct, I would love to go for a travel lodge and overnight stay and night out but obviously thats a huge thing to arrange and if people had to pull out at the last minute its the cost.

Mary i just WONT do hot places, my flushes are bad enough in the cold UK.

Will have to arrange everything around footy this yr got my season ticket again for the REDS. Its my friends who died of BC and liver mets last yr. Everytime i go the match i have a quiet chat to her. she would be delighted i am sure i have the ticket.

Keep posting Liverpool crew.

Love Rx

Hi all

Made up for you girls with good results! I’ve been very busy recently so not coming on here much. As you will see from the time I am insomniac again! Went to my daughters hen night last night and got soooooo drunk I kept falling over, now thats not good is it! So had a few naps today which has thrown my body clock out.

Still, I need proper rest so getting to bed soon. And no more wine for me for a while, my poor liver! Someone pick a date for Oct, I picked the last one. I don’t mind stopping in a B&B but is there any point when we / you lot mostly live there? Maybe we could have a trip elsewhere and do that? I may be away last week of Oct.

Take care all, see you soon I hope.

Love Irene

Hi Scousies …I am up for October …not got much going on so free any time …shall we all toss a few dates around see what is the most popular one .
Irene how long till the wedding ???
Liver …glad you are getting to see the reds .
Mary looking forward to meeting you and all the other ladies who couldnt make it last time
Alli Nicky busy lizzie and crispy ? hope you are all well
Me …just plodding on as usual no change there !!!
Love ya loads

Hi girlies,
I’ll throw a date into the air! How about Friday 3rd October?
Alli x

Have emailed you Alli
I can’t make that date away that weekend, goin on that Friday.


What about the Friday 10th then?
Alli x

Go For It, we’ll have a coffee sometime soon Alli and chat about. Just not feeling too bright at the moment.
