Liverpool Meet Up, IDEAS??

Alli … another lady on the liverpool meet up for fun thread called Sophie wants to come told her to swing by this one and let you or liverbird know …
Maureen Im coming into Lime street about 12 30 i think shall i meet you there and we can walk to the restaurant together.


Hi Maz

Not arriving at Lime St, but Central. I am staying in Crosby night before and getting local train into town in morn. I am going to the Tate first to see the Klimt exhibition, then shopping after lunch.


Hi girls

I’ve thought long and hard about this, believe me, but I’ll have to pull out I’m afraid :frowning: When I checked train times etc yesterday and worked back to when I’ll have to be up and out, I know I’ll be exhausted by the time I reach the caff. Then it’ll be non-stop chatter for a couple of hours, then the return journey.

I can get to the station in Romiley no probs, 25 mins to Man Piccadilly, then just less than an hour to Lime Street. Then walking the relatively short distance to the caff. My walking is very slow because of the bone mets. I’ve considered a taxi, but know that that wouldn’t make much difference to how weary I’d be.

I know how exhausted I am if I go out for lunch with friends locally. I can only spend at most a couple of hours in company chatting, and then I’m knackered. We met up with friends on holiday and it was exactly the same, and that was without any travelling.

I’ve looked forward to meeting you all for ages now, and told my friends and family how excited I’ve been about it, and now I’m really, really disappointed :frowning: The only way I can meet up with you, I think, is if it’s local to me (Stockport/Manchester) and it’s very close to the railway station if it’s in Manchester. Or, just had an idea, if I came to the next Liverpool meet the night before :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Too short notice for this week, I’m afraid, as it’s a busy week for me.

I just know you’ll have a brilliant time and, believe me, I’ll be thinking of you all. Mazz, thanks for the offer to meet at the station and walk down together. Sorry it won’t be happening.

Maureen xx

Maureen … I could carry you if you really want to come !!! seriously, gutted .really do hope that you can make it next time xxxx
Irene M …see you at lunch … is the venue easy to find cos i aint been in to Liverpool centre since its all changed …Just about remember Church Street !!

Maz xxxx

I only know roughly where it is and intend to ask a stranger on the street if I get lost! I’m not the person to give directions this time so hope others can do that.

Sorry Maureen you can’t come but totally understand. I don’t have mets but do get days with severe fatigue and can relate to the tiredness thing. I am driving down on thur pm after work and getting local train from Crosby on the fri but hope to get to Tate before lunch. Then I am back to my sister in laws for a siesta!

Sat will visit other family, and Sunday at an open house in Blackburn. Then mon pm our school leavers do so I think I will be fairly whacked by tue! Worth it though!

Im sure I will find it … !!! It cant be far from Lime street !!! I cant get back too late as much as I want to stay as I have to go to work sat morning … no rest for the wicked …I chose tio get the train cos I ttoo get really tired and cant face the drive thjere and back … Really lookimg forward to seeing everyone xxxx

I’m dead jealous!! I even found someone to do red/white/blue braids for me!!!

Google in Cafe Rouge, Mazz, and a map appears. Have a great time.

I reckoned that if I went then I’d be back at Manchester Piccadilly around 5 o’clock and, believe me, you don’t want to be at Manchester Piccadilly at 5 o’clock on a Friday - or any day!

Maureen xx

Arh such a shame Granny.
I booked for 10 of us but will change it tomorrow to about 5 or 6.
Not to be helped if folk cant make it. No probs for those of us who live here as we havent got to travel.

Maz if your in anyway worried i can meet you at the station no probs just let me know.

Will be good to see those of you who can come.


Hi Sophie,
You are very welcome to come.The more the merrier.Where do you live?
Alli x

Well I’m setting off to Liverpool after work tomorrow so if there are any probs like a cancellation, can someone get Liverbird to ring me as wont be back on here now till mon. Looking forawrd to seeing you all!


Hi Everyone
All went well at my hosp appt today had herceptin again with no probs and heart and body scan results both ok so almost deffo will be there on Friday only problem now is 2 daughters off school sick today. Will try to be there, hope to c u soon sorry granny can’t be there.
Take Care
A Desperate Scousewife, Liz x

Just bumping this up.

Last chance to confirm everyone before our fun day tomorrow!
Alli x

Hi All see yoiu tomoz @ 1 XXXXX

Hi Maureen(Grannyscouse)

I am hoping to go to the next Liverbirds meetup whenever that is. I would love to come and pick you up and take you to Liverpool. I come down to Manchester a lot (I’m in Preston) and I could easily come to pick you up and go over to Liverpool. Please say you will let me ! (I mean it )


Hi Alli
Will be there tomorrow I have still got one daughter off but mum said she will mind her. How will we recognize each other? Or what name have you booked under so i can ask. See you tomorrow.
Liz x

Hi Everyone,

see you there



I love you to bits!!!

All of you, have a great meet tomorrow and I’ll be with you in spirit xx

Mo xx

Sorry that I cannot make it tomorrow.Have fun and I really wish that I could make it.


Have a good meet tomorrow , wish I could be there x
love Cally

Hi Liz,
Liverbird booked the table so I don’t know what name it’s under.It’s a table for 10 so it won’t be hard to find.Just ask the waiting staff.See you tomorrow.

To juliet66,GrannyScouse,lizzie52 and cally2108,
see you all at the next one!
Alli x