Liverpool Meet Up, IDEAS??

The 10th is ok for me. Is there a reason for not doing a saturday? It’s just that my OH can then travel with me (and do all the driving that knackerises me!) and see his brother where I would be stopping over. It is poss for him to get a friday off but as holiday, so it’s ok if it has to be a friday.

Does that make sense?!


Hi all … Saturday is prob better for me butI dont mind going with the flow xxxxx

How about Saturday the 11th then?
Alli x

Hi everyone,

saturday 11th would be ok for me.

Thanks girlies for considering me and if it helps Maz too thats great. Town will be busier on a Sat and booking a table may be more difficult. Also, the last place were very relaxed and we stayed for ages after the meal, but on a busy sat that may not happen. Any thoughts on that?

11th is good for me.


Hi girls

Irene, I thought that. I’d love to be able to make the next one but even Fridays scares the shoot out of me, let alone Saturdays. Don’t do crowds. Mon or Tues would suit me. For what it’s worth, that is. I’d go the day before and stay with a rellie or treat myself to the Adelphi for the night. Sez me! I’ll have to find out the cost :frowning:

Good luck to us all.
Maureen xx

Irene and Maureen,
Don’t worry,booking a table for a Saturday isn’t a problem and if we’ve got a table we can sit for as long as we want!
I thought you said Saturday would be better for you?
I can’t do Tues or Sun because I’m working.
Alli x

11th is good for me,if confirmed soon, due to work commitments won’t be able to later in month without a letter from God ha ha


Hey Mary ya must be an insomniac like me kid, what we doing up at this time??

Pencilled in the 11th Oct seems like we are all fine for then what if we advertise a bit more on the site and can i invite some of the girls from the ward i was on when we had ops in 2005. all Liverpool girls.

I dont know how many of you attend the LMC at the royal, as many will be aware they have just had this very big fund rasing event LUCY at the cricket club, it was on the local news.
I got a letter thanking myself and my daughter for attending and raising funds but no mention except to say the money will go into cancer research.
I have written to the guy who is the main organiser and asked if some of the moeny can be used to set up a secondaries support group at LMC, A drop in group for ladies after treatment has finished and a lingerie shop, 2 mornings a week.
What do others think?

Maybe if when we meet in Oct we could organise a raffle or something to get a bit of money for BCC, they are tremendous the way they let us post on here and organise meet ups.


HI Liverbird
First week back at work and been in bed at 9 all week,now wide awake so will be shattered tomorrow.Doing interviews as well but gioing to bed soon in the hope of some shut eye.
I would also like to ask the lady I met on holiday.She was treated at Fazackerly,and I am at Whiston,but it all adds to the cause


If it was up to me, anyone should be welcome! So Alli, wheres this table we can sit at all aft on a Sat?! Shall we say 11th oct then?

Maureen, can we help in anyway? Meet you and direct you to the venue or something? Do let us help so you can come on the 11th.

Love Irene

Thats fine with me …the more the merrier .Where are we going .Maureen .where do you live .? Could we not meet somewhere more accesible to you .? I am coming up the M6 from the midlands so it doesnt matter to me .I agree with Irene ,we all want you to be there so if it would help to move to somewhere easier for you ,whatever you need just ask xxxxxxxxx

Maz xx

Hi girlies,
Most places are open all day now and don’t chuck you out. We could decide where to go nearer the time perhaps.
Alli x

Good idea Alli
I have so many things going on just now and family here a lot of Aug i cant think bout much else. Getting quite concerened at being so forgetful and in s much pain most of the time.
I went for a meal at a Brewers fayre down in the midlands last week, wished it was here in Liverpool they had a section seperated from the rest of the restaurant would have been wonderful for us.

Keep posting
Love Rx

Hi R …you were in my neck of the woods ,where in the midlands were you ??

Walsall, hubby dad lives there. We go a lot now as he has alzheimers and is determined to stay in his own house. quite some story.

Have to meet up sometime when we go down.

Too hot for me today the sweats are horrendous.


Yeh I aint far away xxxxxx Love to see ya xxx
my scars are really sore where i have been sweating !! otherwise lovin it ,my dad had alzheimers to but only early on set …its a bugger isnt it unfortunately hae had prostate cancer as well and passed away in nov 05 hard going isnt it and heart wrenching xxxx

Can I add my name to the list please. I will be coming from North Wales, so if any want wants a lift just shout. Thanks. (just got back from holiday to get over reconstruction - any excuse)

Hi all
havent been around for a while , had a clear ultrasound recently and I’ve been taking in that news combined with a bit of therapy and I’m feeling pretty good. I’m currently in Spain and absolutely second someones comment about flushes . I felt like I was going to explode today :slight_smile: was at a marine park and felt like having a dip with the penguins.

Oh well on that note better go to the pool where other half has the kiddies.

cally x

Hi all

Ruth, my flushes are definately worse on Tamoxifen (been on it 2+ mths now after awful side affects on arimidex) I am having more and they are hotter and I sweat on my face badly too. Have hated this warm weather this week, never thought I would say that! Been to reflexology today for first time, it was good, and went mainly to see if the flushes can be toned down (worked for my sis). Early days yet though.
