Liverpool Meet Up, IDEAS??

I know you were !

My sis has been really great through all of this - the only one I could depend on. She’s coming to have look through my clothes tomorrow to see if there is anything for her to wear. All too small for me cos put on a lot of weight with chemo. My excuse anyway.

I have been known to raid the whisky when no wine left. Abstain - doesn’t belong in my dictionary. My first question when I went for my chemo was can I still drink ! and of course the answer was what I wanted - YES .

Off to bed myself - think there’s only be and thee left on here !!

You been to the new shopping centre yet? I like Manchester - my 2 girls are there so getting used to driving around the centre.

Nite Nite x

That was supposed to say only me and thee !!


I don’t SHOP. I only shop! I shop when I am totally pi***d off. When other half is being a prat, When I have a hosp app. When I get just one more bl**dy ailment (i.e Lymphodeama) on top of the other cr*p. So no, I have not been to where ever you said. It has to be local, near my house, and NOW, when I NEED it!

When I had chemo I couldn’t drink alcohol for months, or tea. God it was miserable. Here is my list of the worst things about BC in order of most upsetting.

1 - Chemo
2 - Loosing Hair
3 - Getting Fat
4 - Losing sex drive
5 - Hot flushes = NO SLEEP aaarrrgghh
6 - mastectomy
7 - loads of other annoying, niggly stuff!

And that is the honest truth.

Do you ever visit the Dew Drop Inn? You should, we have a laugh in there. And if the rose is getting low, you can have a virtual bevy, or just listen to the chat!I really must go to bed!



Irene i have emailed you and will try and ring you tomorrow.
Although i like my wine and its late i am sobber, but shud be in bed.
Had the most bizarre day. 2 funerals one a 3 month old baby, Peter the dad and his wife walked in with the little coffin in their arms. The next funeral for a 90 yr old, mixed emotions.
Havent been posting as much and i see i h ave a whisper on here which i must reply too. Just mega busy which is good i suppose. Actually feeling life is returning to normality fantastic.

The more who come on the 4th July the better, cud be a riot this. I nearly made a huge huge blunder and booked a hol for then.

Love Rxx

Hi, Ladies

Looking forward to the meet. Am phoning hairdressers to see who can do red/white/blue braids but not having any luck. Any suggestions?? I live in Stockport. Suppose I could try the Moss Side area, they’d do them. I can’t wear pink as I look like a blancmange.

Maureen xx

Hi all
God could do with a laugh. I may just end up getting down to Euston and geting on the train on 4th July . Dont feel in the best of spirits these days and am very up and down so am a bit unsure of how I’m going to feel if I was to come up . For those of you that have finished did you find yourself thinking about it ALL the time . I feel like I want to get brainwashed and erase the last 9mths. I need to find some Karma and dont know where (ok so that one is open for jokes ) This is all sounding really cliched but could do with fnding some inner peace …

Where do you get yours ? :wink: this is quite serious actually but am open to happy replies
Cally xx

I may just hang out on the depression thread for a while …

I’m talking to myself now but in the process am cheerng myself up !

You can talk to me !!!

I really wish I could make the 4th July as would be great to meet a few ladies from this site. Just started a course at our local Macmillan centre and the general thing amongst the ladies there was about the thought of it coming back - not sure what stage you are at Cally. It does worry me and I do try and put it to the back of my mind but then it appears and I have a good weep.

I had mastectomy, chemo, rads and now just had 5th (I think!) herceptin and at the mo I feel I am still being treated but it must be awful getting those feelings when you have finished and what next. Not sure when the inner peace can kick in if it does - am I depressing you even more? better shut up .

Looking at Irene’s points I agree with them in the same order except sex drive - don’t fancy hubby so that went ages ago. Now then - if a nice hunky male came along … Think hormones are still working !

Liz xx

HI Liz
I finished a week ago and I am one of those ladies you mention who fear it coming back . I try not to dwell on it but I almost feel schizophrenic with my good and bad thoughts. Yep agree with Irenes points although Jeeez hate to top the list but my number 1 is fear of dying and leaving kids . I guess that top 10 list would never make it to a channel 4 the 10 worst …

Ps whats a hormone ?

Ha ! hormones well le’s see…

Just been to the bank and saw this lovely looking man - seen him there before. May have to go at the same time next week just to if he’s there you understand !!

Think putting things into perspective yes dying and leaving everybody. My 2 girls are in their 20’s and I would hope I am still around for any grand kids. They haven’t got a steady boyfriend yet but here’s hoping !


Hi Cally and lizzie52,
Oh it’s such a shame you can’t make it on the 4th! Next time hey!
Cally,you were asking about everyones treatment?
I was diagnosed 2nd Jan and I’ve now got secondaries in lymph glands and liver.Had 6 Tax/Herc and finished Tax three weeks ago.Went for 7th Herc yesterday.Waiting for another MRI scan now.
Alli x

Hi Alli
sorry to hear about your secondaries. Was that discovered at time of diagnosis ?

PS Lizzie I’d be more excited about the fact he’s in the bank every week !,


He did have a lot of dosh in his hands ! But very, very, good looking. My height too - well maybe a big taller - I’m only 5’1"

Alli - so sorry to hear of your secondaries? Bet a shock to you if that was at diagnosis. Much love to you.

I was diagnosed from routine mammogram (I’m 53) took they 6 week to recall me to Wigan. Large and aggressive tumour. Mastectomy, immediation reconstruction us back muscle, chemo, rads and now herceptin. Hair just growing back !!

Liz xx

hi there all am i gonna be the only sober one at this do ??? Gave booze 8 years ago as I had a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge problem with it …couldnt get enough of the stuff .
as for the dreaded c returning I think about it every day at some stage it never leaves my thoughts and if there was anything that was gonn make me fall off the wagon it was my DX last Oct but surprisingly I havent and will never again touch a drop…anyway my OH drinks for both of us but never gets drunk !!! Cant wait for 4th July ,havent been home prop since my mum and dad died in 2005 XXXX

Hi Cally,
I had swelling under arm and neck a few weeks after finding my lump in breast.So I sort of knew it was cancer before I went to GP.Onc confirmed it was in my lymphs end of Jan but said my liver was inconclusive so started me on Chemo/Herc straight away.She confirmed I had tumours on my liver at end of April and that they’ve shrunk.
Alli x

To Kte 281,
Haven’t heard from you in a while!
Are you definitely coming on 4th July?
Alli x

Gosh I’m really busy on here today!

Hi to Moley,
I found you on other thread and hope you can make it on 4th July.
Alli x

My list does change a bit depending on my mood. Have to say that don’t think about dying as much now (18 mths since diag). I cope much better if I don’t dwell on that sort of stuff.

Lizzie, know what you mean about the sex drive thing, but I couldn’t **** with anyone, not even George or Johny!


Hi all really interesting reading all your threads…specially bout the sex drive …I think I have one ??? But my OH hasnt bothered since the BC … He hasnt even seen the sites of the massacres !!! dont think he fancies many more but never mind ,dunno if I would want them manhandled anyway they are too bloody painful !!
As for 4/7 none of us are gonna be depressed we are gonna enjoy enjoy enjoy and forget the c***p and party on xxxxxxxxxo
ps …on Tamoxifen so far .had aches ,thinning hair ,blurred vision no weight gain thank god ,no periods yipeee and still alive and kickin …and smilin all the way xxx
Love ya Maz xxxxxxxxxx
Irene who are George and Johny ?..MeI could prob force meself with Gene Hunt from Ashes to Ashes if I had too LOL xxxx

George Clooney and Johnny Depp ? do for me girl !!

Went out with niece and sister last night - tum very delicate this morning but head okay. Think I had a bottle of wine to self. I keep thinking I am going to limit myself to 2 glasses (didnt say how big !) but I never do.

do wish I could make 4th July but can’t so hopefully a meet will be arranged sooner rather than later.

Well I suppose I’d better go do some ironing.

Maz - I’m not even sure if OH has seen by reconstruction. I know I’ve shown everybody else ! and I am sure my sex drive is lurking there somewhere - just need gorgeous sexy man to find it ! and not a snoring fat one !! ha ha ! (god if he could read this ).
