Liverpool Meet Up, IDEAS??

what time are you all meeting is everyone wlecome

Hi Bubbly I think the table is going to be booked for 1 pm I left it all to Liverbird I think as I am coming from the Midlands …the more the merrier I say where are you based ??
Maz xxxx

Hi Bubbly me again It was Allicat that was booking the restaurant !!! Lets hope she reads this !!!

Hi Bubbly,
Yes you’re very welcome.There’s now 11 of us! I’m booking the table for 1pm on 4th July at Cafe Rouge in the Met Quarter.
Where are you from?
Alli x

Hi Alli its maz …gonna be quite a turnout …better bring the tissues haha …I m a soppy old sod !

Hi maz,
Yes, it’s going to be a good day! I will definitely be having a couple of sherbets!
You cry all you want.You’re amongst friends.

I’m jealous - wish I could make it. Make the next one soon. Be great to meet you all - sound like a great bunch ! xx

Hi All you scouse loonies,
I am a little quiet just now because i have had a friend staying this weekend and showin her round Liverpool, gosh i am proud of our city. I think i would be great as a city guide.
Went to see Sex in the City, not really my type of film but i decided after it i still have some sex drive, gorgeous men and women in it, but i HATE size 10 and 2 boobs, envious.

Did i say on an earlier post i nearly booked a hol on the 4th JULY, but realised in time. anyone goin to the LMC LUCY woman at the cricket club on the 6th JULY?

Was in the met quarter today. Hope to meet Ali and another lady from the site week Mon wil have a chat about the 4th JUly.

Oh and i cant believe i am sayin this but i feel fine just now and am enjoyin life.


I feel like I already know everyone intimately as I have shared my deepest feelings on this site since my dx last year … I too am proud of the city of my birth and I am really looking forward to seeing all the changes …gonna be a big day for me cant wait to meet you all …ps I dont drink at all ,but that aint gonna stop me having a fab time with people who now exactly how you feel inside and out .I hope that we will be friends for years to come how weird to think if it hadnt of been for tjhis wretched disease our paths would never have crossed !!!
Looking forward to seeing you all soon

Arh Maz,
Cant wait to meet you, you sound fab. Its lovely to feel we can be open.

Liverpool is the place to be this year.
I went to the new echo arena tonight,great show of all the finalists of Britains Got Talent.

When we meet up in JUly it will be low key but we can always arrange something bigger for Oct maybe stay over in one of the many hotels in Liverpool and take in a show.

Take Care

That’s sounds like a good idea ! Can’t wait and will be thinking of you all on the 4th July !! xx

Hi Ruth

Read your thread on another part of the site and you were so fed up (about lifting with bad arm). You sound so much brighter today.

4th of July is going to be good, looking forward to it. Off on a family holiday on thurs to nr Malaga, really looking forward to it. Will poss not be back on site for a couple of weeks so will tune in again after 22nd.

Bye girlies!


Have a good holiday Irene and lots of the vino !

Liz xx

arh yeah bye and enjoy it.You deserve a great time.

I am ok coping with the arm work tomorrow, NOT babies thankfully.
Got loads on in the next month, my prob is forgetting things. I say i wil do something and forget duhhhhhhh, was never like this before DX and treatment.

Must get to bed up at 7 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!


Hi Irene
Relax and enjoy


Hi, girlies

Really, really looking forward to the meet. Not been around this weekend as I was at my caravan in Wales, a bit of R’n’R. Hip was giving me gip after all the ceilih dancing and I just wasn’t getting the rest I need. American rellies coming back to us today after visiting uncle in France, then flying back home on Thurs. Then me and hubby, son, d-i-l and grandchildren are meeting up in Trearrdur Bay with other son and new bride at the weekend before they fly back to the Caymans. Me and hubby are staying there for two weeks. Anglesey, not the Caymans. I can’t tell you how excited I am about it all.

So all you newbies who have just been dx or awaiting dx, take heart. I was given two years and that was almost three years ago. I’m having the time of my life and no mistake, and never felt better xx

And I’m still trying to find a hairdresser who’ll do red/white/blue braids for the July 4th meet :slight_smile:

Good luck to us all.
Maureen xx

Hi all , definitely cant make it on the 4th but will be coming from London and mooching around liverpool on June 27th . If anyone else mooching around I could do a coffee from 1ish although I am planning to hit the shops in the new centre as I never get to go shopping having a 2yr old at home. I’ll be the lady with short hair buying whatever I can get my hands on !.
Going out with my sisters that night (watch out Liverpool !) I’m the youngest of 5 girls (and the unluckiest …) . I think you are all going to have a riot on your meet.
Cant drink too much though as I’m going back saturday night- doing Race for life in London on the sunday with my 7 yr old.

Cally x.

Hi Cally
always a possiblity, i may have my daughter with me who will be looking for new clothes for work and i will be paying no doubt. I did suggest primark which we have here (huge one apparently biggest in Europe makes over 2 million a week, but she thinks the clothes are too cheap from there. The Liverpool 1 is good but not finished til Sept, all the shops cater for skinny folk.

I will be posting on here for the ladies who can make the 4th July but thought i would do a list a week before so we have a better idea who can come.

Will write town day on my calendar though Cally for that Fri so let me know a quick coffee would be fab.

Lucky you 5 sisters cud ya give me one? i have always wanted a sis.


Hello everyone,
I have been reading forums for a while but never posted. Diagnosed with secondaries about 2 months ago.Wolud like to try to make meet up in July as live in Ormskirk. However i am waiting to start Herceptin and not sure when will begin.
Do you all know each other and will I feel a bit out of place?Feeling a bit isolated at the moment and would appreciate a bit of company. Also not been to new shopping centre yet. Where is Cafe Rouge? Only know the one in Manchester.

No one has met yet, just chatted on here,so you will be made welcome,unfotunately I am on hols so will make the next one,

Have fun
