Liverpool Meet Up, IDEAS??

Hi Julie I will be there on 4 july I am a scouser but now live in the Midlands so will be getting into Lime street bout 12 30 If you want to meet me there,and we can go to the restaurant together dont think the numbers have been confirmed yet cant remember who was booking it (soz whoever you are its all these nicknames and Tamoxifen memory loss !!!) I will be wearing pink bc top ,but we could arrange a specific place at the station so we cant miss each other … I think a few people have met but the majority havent incl me have just chatted on here so we will be all in the same boat and at least we have one big thing in common b;loody BC !!!
anyway let us know what you want to do xxxxx
Maz aka Maria xxxx

I will be in arriving in Liverpool on 4 July for the weekend, if I get there early enough I would love to come and meet you all.

Your welcome to come, i will post and ask for names about a week before and people can perhaps Pm each other about meeting at the station. I will phone the restaurant and give a rough idea of numbers, prob call in there wheni am in town.

Slightly concerned about Allicat, anyone heard from her recently?


Hi Alli,

Yep I’m still up for meeting, I just haven’t been on for a while - look forward to meeting you all


Hi everyone,
Yes,I’m still here! Haven’t been on computer since Sunday,so just catching up.
I’ve made a list of 11 names so far.For juliet66 - Cafe Rouge is in the Met Quarter shopping centre on the corner of Stanley Street/Whitechapel.
Looking forward to it!
Alli x

Hi Girlies

Good to be back. Been on hol to Spain. Lovely, but tiring too. Got bitten on ‘bad’ arm so hoping lymph odeama doesn’t flare up! Looking forward to 4th. I know someone said they couldn’t wear pink, but think I will and know some others are. It just might help us all recognise each other. How do people feel about name tags or stickers with names on? Too primary schoolish? I have such a bad memory and seeing a name will help me remember! Just a thought.


Hi girls,
Here is a list of who said they will be coming on 4th July.
and me!

If anyone on the list can’t go please say so we know how many to book for.
Alli x

HI Alli
Was really great to meet ya today, can’t believe you live 2 mins away from me. Will email you.

Would be good if folk can say a definate yes or No. I will call into cafe rouge tomorrow, Should be a fabulous meet up and you and I could ask folk to put their email addys down and we can plan something for Oct and BC Awareness maybe raise a bit for BCC as we all met on here.


Its a definate yes from me … looking forward to it xxxxx
Mazzy P

defo from me too


I’ve been on holiday, and am a bit slow on the uptake, but live in Liverpool, and would love to meet up on the 4th.I’ve already been in contact with Liverbird, so hope its ok with you all if I turn up.

Nicky x

Booked it today, so just need everyone to turn up. We could eat there and venture for a walk around the new Liverpool 1 shops and there are a few pubs enroute

Hi all

sorry i haven’t been able to get on the site for a while… you all sound lovely and I will try and come to the next one. I am from Manchester so it would have been really easy but I am working that day and can’t take it off as I am going away the week after.

Thank you though it’s really nice the way everyone is on here.

Hope you have a fab day and lots of laughs.

HI everyone
I wont be there but thought you could all have a laugh on my behalf !

I was coming back from the school run this morning and as usual walked around the public footpath which quite a few mums use . Its around a playing field hence theres a lot of foliage . I was talking to my friend and we had our buggies then all of a sudden I walked into a large bramble and walked on a few seconds before reaslising my wig was swinging up high . Her 2 year old was agog ! I burst ourt laughing with few expletives . She hadnt seen me without my wig before ( well she has now !)

Anyway she had to get a few twigs out of it when I shoved it back on . God you know what I did meet Worzel Gummidge at the garden festival in 84 and now I really felt like him.
If I wasnt laughing I’d be crying , maybe its time to ditch the wig , too many hazards.

Cally x

cally your story made me smile …good on yu for seeing the funny side …sorry u wont be at the meet xxxxx mazzy p

To everyone els I am really nervpous … daft r what xxxx

Just bumping this up for everyone to see! x

I wasn’t nervous till mazaroo said she was nervous! Mad ay! Excited too though.

Are the Lambananas in Liverpool at the mo ? am visiting sisters on friday so will have a mooch around

Arh lamb bananas everywhere they are FAB, I thought the other day i should have taken my camera out and taken pics see how many i can spot. I then thought blimey Ruth get a life haha.
Seen some great ones though. Maybe i should come dressed as one a pink one.

Come on girls dont be nervous at all from the people i have already met everyones just so lovely and down to earth.

If any of you know any of the ones who showed interest in coming to the meet up cud you email them if you have their email addy.
I am aware that people dont come on the site that often and may not see the previous posts.

Ta Rx

Can I buy one do you know ? want a lambanana at home in London