
Too bad I can’t make this one as it clashes with chemo. Hope you have a fab time.

Oh Ripley, that’s so rubbish - not only missing the meet, but not even for something pleasant! I was really hoping to see you again. We will miss you.
The table is booked from 11am onwards under the name of Mr Wallace. They often do an online voucher for 2 main courses for the price of one. We can look nearer the time and print off a few.
I’ve booked for 8 people, but will confirm exact numbers nearer the date.
Love to all
Jacquie xx

Hi all,
Just back from a short break fortunately not too disrupted by volcanic ash! I too would love to come along on 10th.

So far we have:
Kay, Nicky, Trixie, Sue, Dawn, Finty, Jayne, Billiegirl?, Manon, Louise and I. That’s a big table! Brilliant. Any more takers? Sue - you talked about coming down? Anyone else?

Thanks Jacksy for doing a great job sorting the table etc out. Sorry that Alison (Tawny) who started this thread can’t make it (amongst others) but hope she, and the others, can make it next time. Looking forward to meeting everyone on 10th. One question - how will I recognise you all, and you me - as my picture doesn’t give the game away? Will you have your potty Jacksy LOL. I’ll be dressed all in pink :wink:
Nicky x

Looking forward to meeting up! I have booked the day off work so fingers crossed nothing comes up

all the best


Hi All

Not sure if I can now make this date as have got appoint for jack to have his booster jabs, need to get bloods done in morning for herceptin/xeloda on tuesday and daughter got dancing too - pain in bum really. I will have to let u know nearer the time, but looking doubtful now for me. so gutted as not been to one so long now. Think Fridays are better day for me to be honest, and also for my hubby getting day off to do school runs and preschool run too. :frowning:

Speak soon

Hi Jacksy, Manon and Kay, I came to the London meet just before Christmas and it was a pleasure meeting you all. I will be in France on 10th May, so sorry not to come along.
love, Ariadne, xx

Hi people,
I can bring a potty if you think they’ll let me in!! No seriously, we will look out for any scared-looking women on their own who look ‘really well’ :wink: We will be on a long table of just women, and if you ask the waitor/ress for Mr Wallace they will point us out to you. They’ve always been v friendly and helpful with that before.
Nice to hear from you Ariadne, i was wondering whether you would make it. Enjoy your holiday.
Dawn, that’s such a bummer. Life’s complicated with two such littlies as well as treatment to sort out. You must choose the date next time.

Hi Jacksy
Thanks for organising this. I’m off on holiday (again!) this week so wont be back until just before our meet up. I seem to have missed and can’t find it now the time. Is it 11am? And the Cafe rouge, is it out the front of St Pauls or in the lovely big square under the new Temple Bar. I’m sure I’ll find it. I will be there despit my ‘wobble’.
Looking forward to seeing everyone

Hi Louise,
Glad you’re still planning to come.
Yes, it’s any time from 11,whoever arrives can get a coffee, and others usually arrive in a steady trickle up to about 12.30. It’s directly opposite the entrance to St Paul’s (stand on the steps as if you’ve just come out, and it’s on your left just across the road). I usually check on here on the morning before leaving, so post a message if you have any last-minute queries.
Have a great holiday,
see you soon

a bit late notice but can you fit one more in??? would be nice to put faces to names etc!
as long as i’m up to it after treatment would love to come, may get hubby to drop me off in the fire engine… ha ha xxx

Hi gossie
I’m sure there’s room for one more little one! I take it you are new to this secondaries bit as I haven’t seen your name around too much but it would be a great place to meet with ladies in a similar position. I’ve not managed to get to any meet ups in the 2 years since I had my secondary dx so everyone will be new to me as well!
Hope to see you there
Nicky x

Ooo Gossy, will he be bringing lots of other nice chaps in uniforms??
Look forward to seeing you ‘for real’

Am afraid that obviously given my recent problems, I am not going to be able to make the meet. I actually heard this morning they are taking me in anyway on Monday to drain the ascites again.

Am really disappointed as would so have loved to meet up with old friends and also new. I know you would also have given me much support. But it is not to be.

Hope you all have a lovely time - have a drink for me and I can fully recommend the fishcakes!

Kay x

Morning ladies

Sorry for the short notice but I will not be able to make the journey to London on Monday 10th after all. My mind is willing but my body is saying no too much! Hubby and I are going to Lisbon on Wednesday next week for a few days. Only second time abroad without the children in 17 years!! So, I need to pace myself better before then. I am sure you will have a fab meet in Cafe Rouge - I can recommend the fish cakes too!

Have a blast

Sue xx

hi all
boo! i am also sorry that i won’t be able to make it, even though feeling better i can’t get a babby sitter, so unless i bring my 2 year old who doesn’t sit still for 2 min, i will have to meet up next time.
i was looking forward to putting faces to names etc but hopefully it wont be too long untill the next meet
have fun enjoy.
gossie. xxx

Hi ladies
Sorry that Kay (especially after reading your recent update), Gossie and Sue won’t be able to make it on Monday, hopefully another time? I was just coming on here to say that there are some 2-for-1 vouchers for Cafe Rouge out so a bit of hunting on some discount voucher websites and we may all be able to pay half price. I’ve also got a 2-4-1 hot drink voucher so with any luck our coffee or cuppa can be half price as well.
Looking forward to meeting you all on Monday
Nicky x

I’m really sorry everyone but I have had a Monday meeting dropped on me at work and I just can’t get out of it. This is very last minute I know - I only heard this morning. I hope you all enjoy the fishcakes!


Sadly, i will be in hospital tomorrow and unable to come …sorry …hope you have a great meet…the fishcakes can run out ! Jaynex