Hi Deb and angel enjoyed our chat last nite wonder if Linbob got lucky
ha ha Like it better when there is only a few on xxxx hope you 2 and all u other ladies are ok
I would neva watch BB EVER !!!
It took me about 59minutes to work out what BB was - my daughter had to explain…!
Was thinking of Linbob too!.. i got lucky… twice…!
Just told my mate about the pathology cock up - she said ‘are you going to make a fuss?’ - but why - nothing I can do about it, and we are all falliable - at least the pathologist rectified his mistake before either I didn’t know EVER or I’d had the wrong treatment…
Feeling ok today and definately like I’ll live till I’m 80!
td xx
Stop bragging !!! still the s
ame in my house but neva mind … what was the pathology cock up ???
Hi Debs, Maz et al,
Hope you’ve all been enjoying the sunshine (if you’ve had it) - it’s been glorious in Bristol today - I even thought about putting suncream on (but stayed in the shade)
The pathology cock up was that I was told that I had no lymph node involvement, and in my notes there are TWO reports saying just that. The onc fortunately noticed a third report that said I have 4/14 nodes involve, but not before he’d given me a really good prognosis and not too hard a regime of chemo… after spending 20mins on the phone to the pathologist (leaving me & OH alone, thinking he was trying to find out the HER2 FISH status) it transpired that the first 2 reports were ‘an error’ - but I don’t know how - and there is 4/14 affected. This changed my prognosis for cure at 10 years from 98% to 68%. So that’s been a bugger to get my head around, but I’m getting there.
How are you Debs?? feeling rubbish or having a good w/e??
Love Td x
Hi all
have to tell you, i have had such a good weekend, the first in two months, since dx. On saturday, we went out for a meal at lunchtime with my OH work colleagues to a harvester and I ate loads! whats more, I went with nothing on my head! brave or what!!! people keep telling me that with my head shaved, I look really good. I am not bald (although nearly there), and just have stubble, but everyone likes it, so will keep it short when it grows back. wigs not to comfortable, and head scarf still not arrived in post, so thought, what the hell, if people dont like it, its there tough luck. everyone was amazing and made me feel really comfortable and I had a lovely time. Before the meal, I ventured with OH down town for first time since hair loss, wearing just my cap. Slept during evening and woke to watch BB (sorry!!!). On Sunday, weather really hot, and had parents, sister and family friend to dinner and then they all went to work on our garden whilst I sat in shade and watched!!! Also had my ironing done for me! What a result. Garden looks great and I feel really good. today I went shopping on my own and tonight I am going to bingo!!! Making the most of this week before chemo week starts next week. Lots of plans made and hope to enjoy myself.
Td when do you start chemo?
Maz been thinking of you. give that hubby of yours a good slap!!! or let me come and do it!!!
weather lovely again today and loving it. Kids doing exams so they dont get to enjoy it!
hope you all have a good week and catch up soon
take care and love to all
deb x
Hi Debs …Angel Td and everyone else …good that you had a fab w/e .I had a good un weather really hot went to see my daughters new house !!! Bloody stately home more like !!! in a little village in Northamptonshire it was glorious got treated like a queen by her lovely fiance ,OH didnt want to come … what a surprise ? got todayoff work just come back from the clinic with my young friend no not BC clinic she is having a baby in Aug and had to have a glucose tolerance test didnt have all this high tec stuff 35 years when I had my first ,LOL she is looking grand I am really looking forward to it as my daughter doesnt wants kids so grandchildren for me will be awhile off yet cos my 27 yr old son can just about look after himself Ha ha wanted to stay at my daughters a bit longer but they both had a busy week a head of them in work so will save that for next time
Debs good for you going commando …you show em !! I had my hair cut really really short when I first got DX cos i was certain I would have chemo but I didnt …but I have never let it grow a again i love it short everyone says it takes years off me but I just think that they are being kind !Going now to sit in the garden with my doggie and make the most of my day love to you all and chat on thurs eve …if not before xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning all,
Sun just trying to shine through again… so hopefully another lovely day in store!
Got my chemo date - Fri 20th. Got to do TAC because there were, after all, lymph nodes involved … don’t know how, but there were 2 path reports stating no nodes then a third saying 4/14. At least I’m getting the right chemo for me, even though it’s going to be completely sh*tty.
I went dancing this w/e!! OH & I do ballroom and latin - didn’t think I’d be able to manage the latin, but it was no problem. I was a bit sore on Sunday though…
Got wig fitting on Thursday and ‘BC Club’ tonight… what joy!! Daughter v.excited about coming with me as school has inset day. Bless!
Have a good day!
Love Td x
Debs 66 Where are you … havent hooked up for a while ?? Hope you on live chat 2 nite Mazzle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i have been on here every day! you not been reading my thread!!!
just going to log on for live chat. hope you are there maz
my OH calls me ‘Flash’ cause of hip replacement, his way of joking! will email you at home tomorrow
Debs whats youir thread titled have to roam around every where to find you soz for being a misery last nite on live chat a bit down at the mo
Dont worry bout me its this blasted Tamoxifen gpot my brain falling out …haha
Maz - bookmark it next time you find it… there’s a button on the far left of the screen to click above the titles - it then shows up in blue and is easy to find. Hope you’re feeling better!
Debs - where have you been?? Well, I hope… haven’t had mail from you - worried you’ve fallen and broken something!
I’ve been in kidderminster all w/e - it was dour. My F - in - Law has had completer lymph node clearance from his upper half about 2 months ago and is still ina lot of pain, so we were pretty much stuck in… couldn’t get compfy in bed and ached from lack of exercise… had to go though as I’m quite sure that I wont be travelling over the next few months!
Love Td xx
sent you an email at home on friday, following yours to me. did you get it, as not heard back from you. probably because you have been away. had busy, but good weekend, now getting prepared for the dreaded chemo session on thursday! oh,how i hate it all!!!
maz, hope you are ok and sussed out the bookmarking process!!! lol
off to doctors this afternoon and then bingo tonight, wish me luck, could do with a big win!!!
tomorrow, blood test, wednesday, oncologist and then thursday, so busy week ahead.
will catch up soon
take care all
deb x
Hi all
well, last Thursday saw chemo session number 3, and yet again, it was an horendous experience. three attempts to get cannula in, yet again reduced me to tears and a few yelps! This caused a bruise to my arm and the whole process yet again was painfull. Immediately tired and slept all evening and night till morning and then, no more sleep for few days - must be the steroids! Felt really sick friday night and saturday, but slowly think I may be getting bit back to normal now. Have hospital appt. tomorrow for scan, and all being well, they are fitting a coil into lump to monitor it. We are praying they are right in thinking that the lump has shrunk considerably. I will be gutted if they are wrong, as it changes a lot of things over next few months, and will no doubt set me back considerably too.! I am finding that each session if affecting me differently, both mentally and physically. I am getting really down and spend the first few days wondering how I am going to get through it all. Got some holiday brochures before last session and when in bed was planning two holidays next year. Didn’t cheer me up much tho!! We are hoping, all being well with treatment, to go to Florida next October, and as we cant wait till then for a holiday and OH thinks I deserve a break before then, we are planning a trip for a week or two in Feb/March, perhaps to one of the Canary Islands, Fuertaventura, hopefully. Cant really do anything till all this is over, but lots to aim for. as had no holiday since 2005. (apart from lovely weekend away in Feb in Bournemouth). We love it there. Hope to get there again soon.
Kids finished school now, and just a matter of waiting for exam results to find out if into uni or not. fingers crossed for them. anyway, have someone at home with me now at all times for the next few months.
Wont bore you anymore, so will keep you updated after tomorrow.
take care all and keep in touch
deb x
Awww Debs, I am so sorry things are tough for you with the chemo,
It does just go to show we all react differently to it.
I am preparing for the worst for FEC no 1 on Wed.
I hope you feel a bit perkier soon hunny,
Sending you loads of love and hugs
Thanks Lisa
everyone I know at the moment going through chemo seems to be having easier time than me! I always thought I had a good pain threashold, living with rheumatoid arthritis for 18 years, but this has me beat! Wish you luck with your FEC tomorrow, will be thinking of you and let us know how you get on. A little secret, when I start to feel bit better, hubby gets me a KFC twister, and that seems to be the turning point! interesting, eh!
hope all goes well. take care
deb x
Hey Debs - I’ve got the headache, so now waiting for the falling hair! Put it in a pony to make sure it doesn’t suffocate me at night!!
Td xx
Hi all …sorry to hear that the chemo is knocking you about debs …et al I went to see the consultant thursday re the nerve damage and the constant pain …he did a load more tests …not ruling out more cancer but highly unlikely he said …not very reassuring !!! Tues got first appt with PS since my recon in Jan …if he is happy with my boobs he will give me a nipple woowoo!!!
Friday day off work to go to Liverpool to meet some of the scouse ladies off the forum …should be fun as havent been round the city since my mum and dad died in 2005 ,Cos not many rellies up there now
Hope you all get through your next sessions I really do count myself lucky that I escaped chemo .you are all so brave xxxx
Love you all xxx
Hi Maz. long time no hear! hope you are ok. how did meet up in liverpool go? hope it was good. whats the latest re: your nipple etc? and also, have you had test results yet?
I am due to start first of 3 TAX this thursday. really nervous, but just want it all over with. cant wait till chemo finished. roll on christmas, then it will hopefully all be over and we can celebrate!
hope to be on live chat this week, so hope to see you there.
hope everyone else is doing ok with their chemos. stay in touch
deb x