NEW !!!! just been told what treatment I need ...

hello everyone
came on here to be cheered up and have been with your wig storys,my sister was telling me the other day that some days she would get very angry, and on this particular day it was bin day,and the bin men left her bin so she did no more than get in her car and find them parked infront of them and demanded that they come back and empty her bin which they did girl power!!!
been hospital today and am in on the 24th april for lumpectomy, so least things are moving
take care all julie

hi there, this is my first post. I was diagnosed with grade 3 bc on wednesday. Been again today for biopsy to lymph nodes. Got to wait till next week for results. It’s reasuring to find i’m not alone. How are you doing now, hope your ok

hi hollymeg - sorry you’ve had to join us but good to see you - it does help to know that you’re not the only one worrying and dreading things. I was diagnosed on jan 7th and had lumpectomy and node clearance on 28th jan, just waiting for next lot of chemo next week - will be half way through it then - hurrah!! Have you got family and what area are you from? Mary x

hi mary, i’m 45 with 3 kids 13, 17 and 20, I live in nottinghamshire with my husband and kids. Got lots of support. Had a bad morning, think it just hit me, its the worrying about biopsy results next wednesday that i can’t cope with. Thanks for the chat, i think i’m finding talking helps. Where are you from? i’ve not read back through all your posts yet. Hope your feeling ok with your treatment. Pauline x

Hi Pauline, its horrible waiting for results, I’ve felt much better once I was told! Not all good but at least i know and where I’m going!! This site is brilliant, its good to chat to people who do know!! Debs xx

hi debs, it’s just nice to talk to people going through the same, people who understand and know what your going through. it’s early days yet for me but it winds me up when you tell people and they say ‘you will be ok’ ‘be positive’. How do they know and i dont want to feel positive at the moment. I feel sorry for myself at the moment and i think i desirve to. thanks for the rant. How far down the line are you? Hope you are feeling ok Pauline x

hello pauline
sorry you have had to join us, but this website as been a blessing to me ,i am just abit further on than you as my op for a lumpectomy has been booked for 24th april go in the day before, the waiting for this and waiting for that is so hard, i have started taking st johns wort to calm me down, i took these when i had post natal dep with my first son and they just took the edge of,i am just down the road from you in leicester, my sister went through all of this 6 years ago, so i sort of no what to expect although everyones journey is different, have been round the shops today to find a good book to take into hospital,i have lots of book but not really hospital reading, as they are all true life crime,serial killers etc,so i have bought alan carrs auto, anyone got any good ideas for a good read
pauline take care and keep intouch hugs julie x

Hi Julie & Pauline- I’m farther down the line than you but also in the East Mids(in rural Leics.). Know just where you’re coming from. I was picked up by routine mammogram last June Coped with being told I’d have lumpectomy and then rads but was somewhat bowled over when that changed to WLE after the SNB & histology results.
2.5cm ductal tumour, grade 3 oestrogen and progesterone positive, herceptin neg. Only one node involved but my stats are quite poor so I’ve gone thro the whole jolly menu 3 FEC(no probs.) and 3 Taxotere (really horrid) and 15 rads. Finished all that in Jan. and now on Arimidex with all the joys that brings.
Feel I’ve had to agree to having all the treatment that was suggested but am definiteley not POSITIVE- just realistic re my chances! I still find it really hard to accept that cancer crept up on me like this and knowing it is happening everyday to so many other other poor women doesn’t actually help.

It is a really bum disease and don’t let anyone tell you how ‘lucky’ you are to have had early diagnosis, prompt treatment etc etc. The only ‘luck’ i have had is that I escaped a mastectomy.

I believe that this is largely due to my surgeon at Glenfield (the now ‘disappeared’ but very lovely Sead Dzuhmer) who seemed very anxious to avoid mastectomies unless absolutely necessary- a sentiment which I do no think is held by all knife-happy surgeons)
Good luck with your tests and treatment- it IS all “do-able” - a cliched phrase but true: we have to do it- the alternative is not really an option if one has people who care about you.

Pauline - I’m 43 with 2 kids, 10 and 16 and I’m from shropshire/mid wales border area. Its one hell of a shock to hear you have this BC business and it takes time to start to get your head round it, most people say once you have def results you can start to feel as if you’re moving on a bit, we’re all different and respond in different ways I suppose…keep well and keep us posted on how you get on - will be crossing all for you and sending positive vibes your way…like topsymo says its all do-able but we’d all rather not have it to do!! mary x

Just wanted to say thanks to you all, i can see having you lot to talk to is going to be a great help. thanks pauline x

thanks topsymo,my consultant is miss stotter, who also treated my sister,and i think she is very good dosen`t just want to chop the whole lot off if can be helped,just spoke to a friend of mine who said thats good new that i am having a lumpectomy,doesnt feel that way to me but if it makes her feel better, had some more flowers come today from the girls from work they were lovely and my 6 year old said “why does everyone keep sending us flowers” had to laugh, to be a kid hay
going to watch corrie now julie

Hi Pauline

Hi again ladies

I do hope this helps Pauline as I started this tread when found out about the treatment I needed and wanted some of the great advise the ladies have on here …

It just tuck me a while to catch up on all the posts on here as in just the last few days Ive started to become mom again and not had the time to get on here, so to me in such a small amount of time it shows that during all this there can still be a little bit of normality …
Im 39 yrs old married with 2 children 12 and 7
4 weeks ago found out I had bc grade 3
Had full right mastectomy 2 days later found out all lymp where pos except for 1 so has to started chemo last Friday
Spent the whole week in bed as had really bad time on first chemo ( nan and grandad tuck children to there caravan in wales to have a nice holiday …)
And here I am now children have been back 3 days and weve been out to celebrate my daugthers 7 th Birthday and Im having to catch up with the ladies on here because Im so busy being mom again …
Hope that make you feel a little better and I will be on here loads next week because friends and family are going to Devon on a large family holiday …
Been advised not to go because its my low immune days and its really large club and site ect so be on here chating to my new friends …
Sorry its not that bad moms coming over so I get loads of tlc to oh and house work and ironing …
Hope you all enjoy easter with your friends and families and hope the sun shines
Lisa x

Hi Lisa, sorry to hear you have been feeling very poorly and now can’t go on hols, enjoy being spoilt by your mum and getting jobs done. Happy Easter love Debs xxx

hi lisa and everyone else

thanks for your advise, it really helps to talk to people in the same position. sorry to here you can’t go on holiday with your family. When i read your message i was suprised to hear how quick you had your mastectamy after your diagnosis. That is the worst thing for me at the minute, waiting for a date for my mastectamy. I found out last wed 8th and my BCN says she doesn’t think she will even have a date for me when she comes found next thursday 16th. They are waiting for results on my lymphs (wednesday 15th). I have been told it should be done within the next 31 days (hospital target).I’m worried about all the waiting. Coming on here is helping so i will be able to talk to you again soon. Try to enjoy easter with your kids. Thanks again, pauline xxx

Lisa - glad you’re back on track - and you put your feet up with a book or something when you get a chance this week coming - you deserve it!! Mary x

Hi Ladies thanks for all the kind words , your all my new best friends …

So just wanted to tell you all . guess whos all packed up to go away ??? Yes me …

Feel so like normal Lisa that ive decided to go away with friends and famliy…
Spoke to nurse who said as long as I avoid the club and busy shop ect
and cook for myself that it shoULd be ok

So Ive got all my anti back wipes ready and Im just going to stop round the van reading and taking in the sea air
and sit out side with all my frinds in the fresh air and when they go of to club ect Im going to put my feet up and catch up with all the tv I missed last week …

We also checked nearest hopital just half hour away so if temp was to go up I can be tuck there …
One thing I said when I found out was I didnt want this to effect my family so think ive won that one , lisa 1 bc 0


sharon hope all is going ok for you thinking about you Lisa X

hi lisa, glad to hear you are managing to go away with your family. Thats one of the things that is getting to me at the moment, what i am putting my family through. Have a good time and chill out, speak to you when you get back Pauline xxx

Have a good time Lisa, sounds like you have covered every option! I’m sure it will do you good! love Debs xxx

brilliant!! So glad you’ll have a break, like you say as long as you’re feeling well etc and take it easy! Mary x