Northern Ireland Meet-ups

Hi Sally,
Hope you are getting through the treatment and feeling more positive. I would have loved to go to Morrissons but going to Dublin that weekend. Hopefully we can all meet up in New Year,
Hi and best wishes to everyone,


Hi Sally
Hope you had a good time in Morrisons!
Don’t worry about posting if you’re not feeling positive. I’ve just had a couple of weeks on an emotional rollercoaster now that the chemo seems to have switched my hormones off - crying at everything and nothing. Feel like smashing a few plates but I need them to put my dinner on!
Isy x

Thanks everyone. Last night at Morrisons was brilliant. £2600 raised, so gonna donate to Marie Curie and The Willow Foundation.
Ive had 2 chemo and both times ended up in hospital with neutropenic sepsis. Nightmare. On the upside Ive lost almost 2 stones which I needed to loose Chemo again on Tues so fingers crossed.
Hope you ladies are feeling good…Word of advice…if you’re going to smash plates, smash dirty ones. ;o)

Hi ‘Bosom Buddies’

Thought while I had the chance I’d get a quick message off to you all. I’ve been so busy in the house lately trying to get the extension completed and I seem to be constantly cleaning up dust which is more like talcum powder! I only got around to writing Christmas cards this morning and my Christmas decoration at the moment is a wreath on the front door.

I had a really good night at LK Bennett, Isy again thank you. It was a shame some of you couldn’t attend. Well done Sally on raising £2600 at Morrisons. You certainly seem to be having a rough time with the chemo hopefully further cycles won’t be so bad. As for weight loss I kept asking my onc to put something in my chemo to make me lose weight but they never did, looks like I have to keep to the old fashioned way: diet and exercise or putting my head in the sand and hoping it will disappear on its own accord (my favourite, though for some reason it doesn’t work very well) LOL

It’s a shame we haven’t managed to get together before Christmas but we must get together in the New Year. I think we should also set a specific day each month when we will meet up so that we all know about it in advance - taking into account those you like to get away at the weekends how about the first Thursday of every month? First meet of New Year 6 January 2011 - how do you all feel about that?

Hope you are all feeling well, have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

Carolyn xxx

Hi Carolyn

Extention, snow, Christmas to contend with, never mind all the rest! Good on you girl!

So difficult making any sort of plans at the minute with the weather. I’d like to meet up 6 Jan, but depends on the roads. Could possibly stay over in Belfast, if that’s where we meet, but daughter at school next day so would have to be a weekend night.

Thursday night is not great for me if I have to travel a bit as getting daughter up and out next day is more difficult, but I could try and make it occasionally. Friday or Sat night would be better for me.

Sorry to be awkward, will try my best to fit in with the majority.

Lilac x

Hope everyone is well. Ive booked with Macmillan for the makeup demonstration on 15th Feb. 11am-midday. Aparantely theres loads of freebies etc if anyone else fancies :o)

Hi Everyone

I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas holidays and that everyone is keeping well.
Carolyn, 6th January would suit me to meet up but if it doesn’t suit everyone else I am open to suggestions. It would be great to meet up soon as it’s been a wee while since we’ve had a good meal and a few wines and a laugh.

I am also booked on to the macamillan ‘Look good feel Better’ day but mine is for Tues 11th January…really looking forward to that.

Will keep checking the site for any updates.

Carol x

Hi Girls,

I hope you all had a lovely new year , Thursday the 6th suits me too it would be great to catch-up with you all,

I’ll check in again for any updates,

Julie xx

Hi Carolyn,

I hope you read this , RE: meeting up for lunch on wed 26th Jan , i cant make it my meeting is on at 2pm , I can’t ring you I got my phone back from repair today and all my contacts and texts have been wiped off aaaahhh so if you can could you forward me all the bossom buddies numbers when you get a momment , I hope use enjoy your lunch and hopefully can set a date with Isy for our next meet-up down Isy’s way,

Julie x

Anybody up for a night out up my way soon? How about Ballymena or Antrim - might be easier for Belfast folk to get to than right up north? Would love a catch up and really need a night out.


Hi Girls

how is everyone? Our little thread has been very quiet lately although I do think about you all often and would love to meet up again soon.

Isy, I’m up for a meet up in your direction if it would suit the rest, however it would be the beginning of March for me as I’m away for 4 days to Krakow next week.
Carolyn, if you read this, I’ll be in touch this week to get that name and number off you if that’s ok.
Hope everyone is well and hope to catch up soon. Will keep an eye on the site over the next weeks to see what happens.
Take care everyone
Carol xx

Some possible dates:
Friday 4 or Sat 5 March or
Friday 18 or Sat 19 March?
Isy x

Any of the 2 Saturdays would suit me best but could possibly do Fri 18th…will check that one out and meantime see what suits everyone else
Carol x

Hi Girls,

The weekend of the 18th March is out for me my caravan opens :), but the two weekends before suit me.

Carol I hope you have a great time in Krakow.

I will also keep an eye on the site , I hope everyone is well.

Julie xx

Sat 5 March looking good so far. That any good for you, Carolyn?

Hi All

Saturday 5 March is good for me, as are all the other dates. I’m willing to travel ‘up north’ or anywhere else. Have you anywhere in mind Isy?

Catch you all again soon.

Carolyn xx

How about Gillies at Galgorm Manor?

Sounds good to me. :slight_smile:

Hi Girls

Sounds good for me too!

Carol xx

Hi Girls,

Saturday the 5th March is good for me too.

Julie xx