November 2023 chemo starters

Hi Looby

Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes I’m having Herceptin and assumed it would be in the PAC mainline during the weekly Paclitaxel and then in the thigh up to one year. Thanks for the warning.

So pleased that you’re coping so far. Good luck again for tomorrow and do let me know how you get on. Jax x


Will do and try not to worry. Be thinking of you xx

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Hi Ladies of the November Club. I was diagnosed via National Screening in July, two little naughty twins (Itchy n Scratchy) in both upper left quadrants, both ER and PR negative but Itchy decided he would be different and be HER2 + and then spread to lymph nodes which was picked up on my op 5weeks ago. Starting the Chemo 9.11 (what a wedding anniversary present!). Having x 3 cycles of EC every 3wks, then Pacliteral weekly x9, with Phesgo subcut every 3 weeks for 18 weeks, then radio will be discussed. Had issues with Pic Line insertion four failed attempts, sent to radiology as a day patient and success at first attempt via xray, i was a nervous wreck as the ward attempt hit a nerve.
Ive been told today that my hair will go even though Im going to try the Cool Hat if it fits, ive got a big grey shorthaired head :sweat_smile:. The nurse suggested Amazon for headgear. I wonder if anyone has any suggestions?. Ps im not a hat person, unless Im in the artic (visiting family). Im


Amazon have some really nice cheap wigs. Ive bought a few. Temu has some lovely stretchy turban type skull caps with flowers and jewels on and they really cheap.
My hair has thinned already after first week, so expecting not to have any in couple of weeks xx


Hi Claire - thank you for your kind words. I had my assessment on Monday and all was fine - not having a PICC line fitted yet - nurse said to see how it goes. My first one is at 11 - argh. Hope all goes well with your first one - we can compare notes.

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Hi. Hope you are feeling OK today. Just popped over from October starters to say the wig looks great! I am still hanging on to hair (started 30 October) but am sure it will be gone soon. I’m very dubious about my supplied wig -there was nothing similar to my hair colour or style (short). Glad you have your PIcc line sorted. I’m getting a portacath soon so we both can wave goodbye to the vein hunting and pin cushion feeling (except for the Phesgo sadly).


Hi. I also have an itchy and scratchy scenario. Both are Her2+ but Itchy likes a bit of Oestrogen too. I also have lymph spread. I’m just in the October starters (30th) group and popped over to let you know that I’m not a hat person either but have found some good ones at annabandana which are inexpensive and soft. Hair hasn’t gone yet but hats are ready in the drawer.


Hope you are doing ok.
I had my 2nd chemo today. All fine up to now.
Saw the hairdresser and he has sorted a lovely bob wig for me, be ready in couple of weeks.
Getting quite a collection of wigs an hats. Will be another dilema when go out- what shall i wear lol.
Have a look on amazon for wigs. Also on Shein. A girl had a lovely one on today and she only paid 6.50 from Shein. Hope the hairdresser can sort you out soon. Ive not lost my hair, yet, but has thinned out. Keep safe and happy xx


I don’t know what to say

Laughter can be good therapy!

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Hello all. Just briefly, I have lobular cancer stage 3 grade 2. Had a single mastectomy on 6 September and first chemo yesterday. I’m on EC-T. I was very scared but it hasn’t been quite as bad as I’d imagined. I had the PICC line inserted then straight onto chemo. Was in there from 9am to 2pm. Everyone was lovely and looked after me with tea, biscuits and sandwiches.

PICC insertion didn’t hurt at all as it was very numb and I didn’t feel it going in. They played relaxing music and showed a video of underwater sealife. :blush:. PICC a little tender today but I managed a shower and hair wash wearing the waterproof sleeve. Tip. Buy some PICC line covers yourself beforehand (Etsy) as they didn’t have one to fit me.

Chemo was fine. The PICC line had to be flushed first via a bag on a drip. First part is injected slowly through PICC line by a nurse and second part is given by a drip. Total time an hour.

I started feeling nauseous about an hour after the treatment. Didn’t manage to eat anything until 9.00pm when I had some porridge because I thought I should try, Feeling a lot better today and have been eating a bit more normally. Still plain foods. Had headache and took paracetamol. .

I’ve taken all tablets given to me (there are a few) and have surprised myself by injecting the filgrastim into my stomach which wasn’t very painful at all. Have to do it for 5 days. It boosts the immune system.

All in all, it hasn’t been too bad but I know that it can get worse as treatments progress. I’ve been told that my hair, which is quite long at the moment, will start to fall out after the next treatment. My hairdresser who is also a wig consultant will shave it off and fit a wig same day. She’s going to order three to try. I do have a wig voucher but the only place I can redeem it is a long drive away. Have also bought some soft head wraps to wear at home.

Will update. Having 3 EC two weeks apart, then 4 Docetaxel three weeks apart. Won’t be finished until March. Just have to keep going. Lymph node clearance after that, then radiotherapy, then Letrozole.

Good luck to everyone starting chemo this month. xx


Yes it can and it definitely helped our Oct17 gang through chemo :heart: if you ever read our thread you’ll see there was a lot of music, food and :joy::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Got my start date - Friday 17th. Will be getting a portacath fitted next Wednesday


Thank you for letting us know your experience this is really helpful when it’s all still an unknown for me. (Waiting for date)
Looking for picc line covers now. Please keep letting us know how you are getting on. X


Not sure if I did the link right. There should be a link to radio 4 ‘I don’t know what to say’ which had me nearly wetting myself!! I’m sure we can all resonate on some level with Laura’s experience.

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Hi ladies! I was diagnosed back in July with grade 3 ER & PR + 51mm IDC. I had a right side mastectomy and SLNB on 16th Aug and am due to start EC-P on the 15th after getting an oncotype dx score of 63. Its been a really difficult journey so far - my mastectomy wound refused to heal and I had recurrent infections. I was supposed to start on the 2nd I think but then I got a tooth infection and had tooth taken out and wound hadn’t healed so chemo was delayed. My wound is literally 1cm off healing fully so I’m still not guaranteed to start on the 15th and I’m beside myself with anxiety and fear, partly hoping that it doesn’t heal so I get another reprieve and also wanting it to heal so I can get it started finally. Glad to read a lot of you are managing reasonably well with your first couple of treatments. I really hope my bad luck ends and I’m able to manage well enough too xx


How did it go? I had a bit of a reaction to the Paclitaxel - so they slowed the infusion down and it was fine. Had no sickness when I got home and have been feeling ok today - waiting for something to kick in but glad it hasn’t so far!


Fingers crossed you are ok to get started on 15th

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Thanks. Im also hormone positive. My daughter ordered me some beanies from Amazon, they arrived yesterday both on offer (she is tight🤣), they actually look ok. Had first EC today so we will see if the Cool Cap works its magic but still undecided to continue as it gave me mirgraine type headache. The Nurses just said its ok to do what I want, so we will see. Take Care.


:heart:hopefully your wound settles so you can start your chemo as planned everyone here :two_women_holding_hands: gets each other through :heart: do ask away everyone will help :two_women_holding_hands::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Hi All :blush:
First post! Age 49
Grade 3 Stage 2 breast cancer :roll_eyes:
Lumpectomy & SLNB all done. 4 weeks ago!

Waiting for PICC line to be fitted & Start date for Chemo EC x 4 (2weeks) & Paclitaxol x4 (2 weeks) Supposedly within the next 2 weeks :crossed_fingers:

Planning on giving cold cap a try :cold_face:

Enjoying reading all these posts as all I can think about is my breast cancer nowadays :pleading_face: