November 2023 chemo starters

Hope everyone is doing reasonably ok. Had blood transfusion this morning which was no problem and took two hours to go through. Discovered that I’m O positive which I’d never known before. Glad it’s nothing rare.

Got all the way home then realised that my pre-chemo blood test was cancelled today as it was the same time as transfusion. Thought it night be ok as last one was Thurs but phoned chemo to check and they said I definitely do need a test today or chemo would be cancelled. Arrgghh! Travelled back to hosp (about 40 mins each way). Eventually back home at 4.30 having originally set off at 8.30 this morning. Long day.

Back again tomorrow morning for first Docetaxel.

Take care everyone. x


Glad your transfusion has gone ok :heart: sorry to hear you had to travel all the way back for blood test though, keep hydrated tonight you’ve had long day :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Yikes! Tough day. Hope you can rest up and tomorrow goes more smoothly with you feeling better after the transfusion.

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Hi did you get any answers yet? Hope you’re feeling ok?

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It’s been a rough few days! Nobody got back to me and I haven’t had the energy to chase. Never felt so exhausted or unable to think although I’m feeling slightly better than I have done so far this cycle. There’s a few people on the macmillan forum who said they got more irregular periods before they completely stopped on EC too. Just riding out the storm. Hope you’re ok too x


Glad the transfusion went ok, hope all goes well with the first docetaxel.


Im on paclitaxol and my hair fell out after 3 weeks. Ive got some lovely wigs and hats in all colours.
Dont know what my neighbours think, as every time i go out my hair is a different colour.
Im half way through chemo, not many side effects apart from feeling tired and weak. I try to keep myself busy. Been sewing my Grand daughter some christmas dresses.
I also am having herceptin every 3 weeks, which is injected in top of leg. Its ok as long as they do it very slowly otherwise stings like mad.
Also going to be starting something for my bones, but gorgot the name.
Think ill start watching some christmas movies, especially while the weather is bad. I love the oldies - Miracle on 34th St, Scrooge etc.
Hope everyone on here has a lovely Christmas and all the very best wishes for the new year.
Between us all, we can kick cancers ass xx
Have attached some photos of dresses x


I have a few wigs but haven’t worn them yet, so far I have stuck with hats (partly due to the horrible rash I have all over which is also on my head)
Quite right definitely try all different wigs :blush:
I am still trying to get my stomach to cope with the chemo- hopefully get a balance soon :crossed_fingers:
Wow you are so talented- love all these dresses, they are beautiful
Good shout - might start on some Christmas movies this week


Looby2 :heart:amazing dresses so very talented thanks for sharing :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thank you. Its a hobby of mine. Its kept me sane i think over last few months and been good escape, which i think we all need.


Ive got a pink one, red, burgundy, grey and a couple near to my hair colour. Neighbours must wonder whats going on lol. Theyve only been cheap ones from Temu and Shein.
Ive had and still got a bit of a rash on my head.
Been putting E45 on, which has helped calm it down xx


I will maybe give e45 a go and see if it helps, definitely worth a try :blush:


Are you on paclitaxol by any chance. I am and mentioned the rash on my head and cheeks to nurse while having treatment today. The Sister had a look and said its a Taxol rash due to the treatment. They gave me some Dermol and some Cetraben and some strong antihistamines. If you are having taxol may be worth checking with nurse at next treatment x


Yes I am on weekly taxol, they have given me cream which hasn’t helped much at all and they gave me antihistamines too which took most of the itch out of it. It’s the ones on my head which seem to be sore, the rest aren’t too bad


Might be worth asking for something else as there are lots of different medication.
Hope you can get it sorted soon.
One of the nurses said to me, your coping with enough, you dont need anything else, so they will try and help you. Wishing you all the best and have a lovely Christmas with your family xx


Thank you for all your good wishes. Hope everyone is coping.

I’ve been feeling a lot better since blood transfusion and Hb went up from 78 to 103 so was able to go ahead with Docetaxel on Tues. They sat me at the front of the room with a buzzer in case of acute reaction as it was first time with that, but it was ok.

Since then I’ve been feeling better than I did on the EC. A couple of sleepless nights with the steroids but no more of those now, just injections for 5 days. Nausea is less but I have been told that different side effects such as joint and bone pain can kick in after a few days. Can’t wait!

Next chemo 9 Jan. Hope you all have a good Christmas and can try to relax a little. x


I saw the consultant today and she is arranging new prescriptions for me for stronger antihistamines, steroid cream and another cream which I will get tomorrow so hopefully that will make a difference
Thanks for your advice :blush:
Have a lovely Christmas x


Glad you are feeling better since your transfusion and that you were able to go ahead with the docetaxel. Hope you don’t have too many side effects and are able to enjoy Christmas x


Hope your new cream works. Am sure it will.
Have a lovely Christmas xxx


Well, they were right about side effects kicking in a few days after docetaxel. It hasn’t been a good day. Feeling very tired with mouth ulcers but the worst thing is sore, burning fingertips - thumbs in particular are very hot and sore. Finding it difficult to use hands. I know this is a common side effect but that doesn’t help! Will be getting a call from oncologist next Wed so will see what he says. Worried that it may get worse as we continue with further treatments.

@sallychloe and @jolly_bongo_owner how are you doing now? x