November 2023 chemo starters

Ah, they’ve not told me about any cut off numbers. Are you on paclitaxel after EC?

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No. Four cycles of Docetaxel after the three EC I’ve already had. ECs have been 2 weeks apart and Docetaxels will be 3 weeks apart.

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I am on 12 weekly paclitaxel along with 3 weekly carboplatin and 3 weekly immunotherapy then I go on to 3 weekly EC with the immunotherapy then surgery then they will decide about radiotherapy then immunotherapy 3 weekly for 6 months
It’s funny how it’s all different isn’t it


I feel like a light weight! I’m on EC every 3 weeks for 6 cycles if I can tolerate it minimum of 4. Filgrastim for 5 days starts day 3 after chemo day.
I’ve just had 24hrs IV antibiotics on the oncology ward as I spiked a temperature. I feel heaps better now so probably my experience wasn’t down to purely the chemo! I just don’t know what I should be feeling like at all. Good call to monitor temps it seems.
I like this getting blood results. I’m going to ask for mine as they just keep saying ‘unremarkable’ which is useless comment. I’d rather normal, slightly up or slightly down but we’re not particularly bothered about them :joy: I thinks that’s what unremarkable means!!

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Did you get the blood transfusion @countrygirl1 ? How are you feeling about hair now @kitty3 ?


Having a blood test later today and they’ll decide tomorrow. I was told that they may go ahead if it’s borderline and do transfusion afterwards. Apparently they don’t like to do a transfusion unless absolutely necessary and “you’re on your knees” as “it comes with its own problems”. Hmm!

Seeing oncologist this afternoon anyway for routine check so will see what he says.

Hope you’re feeling reasonably ok. x

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Sorry. Just seen after sending last message that you’re not reasonably ok! You’re having a bad time with infection. Yes, def a good idea to monitor temperature. Take care. x

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Oh gosh! I don’t think you’re a lightweight and I’m sorry you’ve not been well. Wouldn’t call yourself it either unless you’re taking the mick out of yourself and I’m not getting it lol. Saying that I take the mick out of my symptoms though. Unremarkable - how dare they say such things - even if it is about blood results. I suppose every hospital trust is different though and tell us all different things. Glad you’re feeling better now and take care x


Wow that’s a lot. I had a left sided mastectomy prior to my chemo and will be having radio and hormone therapy afterwards x


Good luck with the results and hope you won’t have to delay treatment. I’ve just had my blood tests for tomorrow’s infusion but I’m feeling good in myself so expect I’ll be good to go x


It’s been ok thanks, disappearing quickly now and all body hair too just a few eyelashes left and my eyebrows
Strangely feel ok about it - thought I would be gutted but I think the fact I made the decision to cut it off helped keep control
Hope you are ok after your stint in hospital- it’s so hard to know what you should phone about but definitely checking temp seems a good idea, I have been doing that daily but find it a bit strange as my temp always seems to be on the low side


It all seems to depend on the type of BC how they treat it, they told me as soon as mine came back triple negative that it had to be chemo first. You kind of wish the surgery was first so they have removed it but they know the best way to treat it.


Definitely no lightweights in this journey :heart:


Hi. My temperature is on the low side too. Often around 36. Paracetamol can lower temperature by about 0.5. I was told this by chemo nurse when I went down to 35.6 a couple of times and I had taken paracetamols for a headache. x

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Mine seems to be around 36 most of the time too

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Thank you. I was saying it of myself but you’re right- It’s not helpful talk.

Had blood test today (second one in two days as first one couldn’t be processed due to clotting - not me, something to do with the lab. Just heard that Hb is down to 78 and it’s been decided that I’ll have a blood transfusion on Monday. 4th Chemo (1st Docetaxel)) on Tuesday. Have to go to hospital tomorrow for them to take blood and assess blood type.

I don’t actually feel too tired or breathless now - better than a few days ago strangely. Just made a cherry and almond cake while listening to the Michael Buble Christmas album. I even had a little dance! Will prob collapse later. :grinning:. x


Love this. And so glad you’re feeling ok.
You’ve cheered me up. I’m having a low day. Hair falling out and turns out cancer does nothing to prevent teenage outbursts or disdain for their parents.!! (Mantra- only for a season- on both counts!!) Think I’m going to put music on full blast and dance it off :man_dancing:


:grinning:. Teenagers bring you down to earth. Just put that music on and dance. They’ll probably yell at you to turn it down if it’s not to their taste! Ignore them.

Hair loss is definitely a low point. Chemo nurse told me that my life is more important than my hair. Ok, I know that but ……. It wasn’t helpful. x


I’m really struggling this cycle. The fatigue has hit me big style and even though I had my regular period 2 weeks ago, I’m bleeding again now. Phoned the chemo dept who told me to make an appointment with my gp. Rang my onco who hasn’t got back to me. It’s worrying me but someone on the macmillan forum has said she was bleeding for 21 days on and off in the early stages of chemo which at least means I’m not alone.