November 2023 chemo starters

Sorry about the brick wall. Hopefully you’ll feel better over the next few days. Really sorry about the red wine! Maybe try white? :grinning:.

Will look up the recipes. I’m eating plainish food for the few days following chemo as I can’t face anything spicy but second week is ok. Can’t drink tea or coffee anymore as it tastes awful. I’ve been drinking Twinings lemon and ginger tea with a half teaspoon of honey. It’s ok-ish.

Strange you should say you like white bread now. Me too. Wholemeal just doesn’t taste good. I can manage a 50/50 though. x

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It was ok thanks no problems other than losing my hair and a skin rash and the usual tummy issues I seem to get
I am having 12 weekly paclitaxel along with 3 weekly carboplatin and 3 weekly pembrolizumab then I move on to 4 cycles of 3 weekly EC along with the pembrolizumab then surgery then a further 8 cycles of 3 weekly pembrolizumab
My taste has been awful too, coffee and tea are rotten. I have tried blackberry tea which was ok. I am eating fairly plain food in the first few days then tried quite spicy stuff but my tummy didn’t like that too much
I have managed a G&T once or twice but it definitely doesn’t taste as nice :frowning:


So far im lucky in that I’ve not felt or been sick at all although only 2 of 8 cycles down. Constipation on the other hand though - by the 2nd day of steroids I thought I was giving birth through my ass. Took the laxatives then 10 mins later I was peeing through my ass :joy: Hair loss really got me yesterday too - it’s coming out in clumps and I’ve got bald patches and doing comb overs all the time when I’ve not got a hat on. Was going to shave my head but my scalp is painful at the moment so will shave when I’m less sore. Food wise, I used to love cheese but it doesn’t taste the same and can’t eat most of the cheeses I like anyway. Runny poached eggs and rare surf and turf are out. Wine doesn’t taste nice but I love mash and gravy or cottage pie or beef casserole or something like that at the moment. Love to you all xx


I am struggling to find the right balance between immodium and lactulose so I know exactly how you feel.
My head has been sore since my hair started coming out too, hope yours settles down soon


I’m looking like a friar now and my scalp is way less sensitive so I think I’ll get the hubby to shave my hair off tonight. Hope you’re feeling a bit more comfortable and regular in yourself - I’m improving slowly x


That’s good your head is less sensitive, hope the new hair do goes ok :blush: I am getting used to mine each day
Glad you are improving, hope it keeps going that way


Jolly bongo owner :heart: bit of senokot day 4 after infusion will help stop you giving birth out your ass :joy: you gave me memories of our oct17 gang frantically swapping bum buttering stories of our botty blocks :flushed::joy::joy: also shaving to a grade 1 or 2 will help with the soreness and also don’t know if you’ve had a look beauty despite cancer do good scalp care kit :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


You’ve made my morning Shi! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::joy: I actually got a med pack from the chemo unit with mouthwash, laxative drinks (which aren’t as bad as I thought), as well as the anti-sickness pills, steroids and auto injector. I’m slowly learning to take the laxatives and mouthwash as symptoms are getting worse at various times now. I had a look at the scalp care kit. I’m not someone who spends lots of money or time on my appearance so the prices are a bit expensive for my liking, however I’ve bought a minatures pack which I will give a try. I have heard very good things about Jennifer Young products.


Bit the bullet and let my hubby give me a 9mm head shave last night. Not the neatest, but I feel much better even though I look a cross between friar tuck and a fluffy GI Jane. My hubby calls me his little hedgehog :hedgehog: :joy: Might go a tiny bit shorter but we’ll see!


Go for it if you feel it will help. I went to a no 3 and it did help with my scalp. Only downside was it is all grey at that length :frowning: although I have been told that I am just like Jamie Lee Curtis :joy::joy:


Hi. How are you doing now? Hope you’re feeling a bit better. I’ve had a bad couple of days since 3rd EC last Tues. Feel so tired! Think anaemia has got worse. I was told that it probably would. Going to ring chemo team tomorrow to ask if I can have a blood test this week so that I can have a blood transfusion if necessary to keep on track for next chemo on 19th. Horrible taste in mouth is worse and I can’t find anything that tastes ok. x


Hi. I’ve had rough week. The nausea probably the worst to deal with. And pain in my back. I had 2 paracetamol only after my surgery but having to take codeine now! I feel guilty each time I call the chemo team as it’s called the emergency number! Emergency isn’t nausea to me but they were happy to help. Much better with ondansetron but I have also arrived at the constipation milestone :roll_eyes:!
Sorry to hear you’ve had a rough time. Hope you get on top of the anaemia soon. Are you using spatone in the mean time? Bit gentler on the stomach but can also make you constipated.
Happy to report Prosecco is going down nicely.
“In victory you deserve Champagne in defeat you need it” This is the new plumb line for life :clinking_glasses:


Jamie Lee Curtis is a good look! I used to be in the army once upon a time so my friends tell me I’ll rock the Demi Moore GI Jane look lol!


So sorry you’re having a rough time. You definitely shouldn’t feel guilty if you need to call chemo team. They’re there to help - whatever. I haven’t tried any iron supplements as I was told that they wouldn’t work in time for next chemo. Just give me the blood! Glad Prosecco goes down well. That’s something! x


I had to google Jamie Lee Curtis but I’m impressed! That’s a strong look. :muscle:t2:


Oh not good that you’re both having a rough time. I know it takes a good week for me to start feeling human and 2nd cycle took slightly longer than 1st to recover. Do you all come home with a treatment record with your blood test results recorded in it? Would be interested in knowing what others have if so. I’m ok about sharing mine which are as follows for week 2: white cells 7.2, haemoglobin 124, platelets 244, neutrophils 4.5. Platelets and haemoglobin were both down on week 1 and I have more blood tests on Tues for cycle 3 on Wed x


It’s now disappearing rapidly so didn’t last too long but gives me a preview if it grows back in like that lol

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My bloods which were after week 3 were
White. 4.33. HB. 102. Platelets. 213. Neuts. 2.47.
After week 4. White. 3.19. HB. 113. Platelets 315. Neuts. 1.49

I expect they will go up this week as I do the filgrastim injections this week ( because I am on weekly paclitaxel I only do these every 3 weeks when I get the carboplatin and immunotherapy too)

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WBC 9.1, Plts 250, Neuts 6.0, Hb 89. The last one is the problem. They won’t do chemo if Hb under 80 and mine has been going down each time from 120 to 103 for first two cycles. They think it will almost def drop below 80 next time. x

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Gosh. Weekly? How many cycles? Mine are every 2 weeks - 4EC then 4 paclitaxel after that. Looks like paclitaxel makes platelets and hb go up whereas EC causes them to go down!

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