@stevie86 no im a mess … like a quivering blob of jelly in a corner … I really need to get my big girl pants on … I’m glad you are feeling ok x
For me … re the hair I’m going to just shave it off … I don’t fancy picking lumps of hair out of my dinner
I think most people brave the shave when they start to see furious shedding x
What chemo are you having again ? I’m worried the abraxane is going to nail me to the floor … not looking forward to it …
I’m having x4 infusions of EC with two others (I forget the names, they are long) they are for HER2 positive…… and then x4 of same two but instead of EC it’s Docetoxal…… so a long haul but il get there. my next one is next Friday!! It’s one every 3 weeks.
I was surprisingly calm before mine, didn’t sleep night before but calm and collected and ready for it!! hahah! I was actually looking forward to getting things started!!
I was sooooo scared of reactions, that was my main fear, but nothing happened…… just a bit flushed.
Yep. What time is yours? They have just phoned to change the time - they wanted me there for 9am but I can’t do that, so it’s now 11.30am. They apparently have so many ladies on the same treatment tomorrow they are struggling to fit them in. That’s quite depressing…xxx
ps, just remember space invaders!
@stevie86 I’m her2 as well so it will be the injections x
You are doing really well then on EC
Fingers crossed it continues to be kind to you x
@flojo oh yes I forgot space invaders ! Mine is 1-15 tomorrow and also my first herceptin jab … it is depressing knowing they are that busy … since I told people I had breast cancer I’ve been shocked by the amount of people who said “oh yes I had it too “ and one of my friends went to get a lump checked after I announced my Bc And she also has it and has just started chemo
The good side is all these ladies are still here to share their story xx
I will be sending you positive vibes at 1.15pm! Quite a few of my friends have had it including one who has just passed her 10 year anniversary of triple negative and one who is 15 years without a recurrence. xxx
There is some evidence from Paxman that continuing with a cold cap even if you’ve lost quite a bit of hair can help with faster and stronger regrowth. I think it does depend on your regime. Paxman have more information on their website ( use link above). You can use gauze or a surgical cap to protect your scalp. I thought I would share this as you mentioned you may shave it all off if you loose too much and wanted you to have all the facts.
Also Cancer Hair Care charity have lots of good information about the best shampoos, conditioners, oils and serums that have been tried and tested. Jasmin used to work with Trevor Sorbie and they offer 1:1 support by phone or online.
I cold capped for 12 weekly Paclitaxel and kept most of my hair. I did have my bob cut to a short pixie as the oncology team were convinced it wouldn’t work. I have quite thick hair and shed a bit and had two small bald patches above my ears, probably from wearing my glasses under the cap. Which I found out later watching a Paxman video that they should always be worn over the top and that the nurses know this and didn’t say! You need to be your own advocate for cold capping as it’s time consuming and even though the time is factored in, I got the feel that some of the nurses thought it was a hassle. But it definitely isn’t, losing your hair as a women is part of our identity and losing it can be such a shock, even with the fantastic wigs and head wear that are out there.
Here’s a positive story of cold capping that I bookmarked to share
Hope this helps.
Thank you. It does!
@flojo that’s fab news for your friend xx
I should be in bed but I’m literally shaking like a leaf
We’re right with you. I hope you get some sleep xx
I hope you get some sleep Xxxxxx wishing you all the love and luck tomorrow…… you’ll be fine!!! let us know when you feel up to it how you got on Xxxxxx
Amazingly I managed to sleep . Which surprised me !
Im a bit snotty this morning and temp is slightly raised so I’m a bit worried they’ll delay it … I cant get through to oncology as they arent answering the phone so I’ll just turn up and see what they say
Good luck! xx
Glad you slept!! I actually slept last night for the whole night, first time since my first infusion!! Whooohoo!!
Wishing you all the love for today!! Hope you aren’t feeling too poorly with your temp etc…. maybe it was the stress?!
@stevie86 ooh I bet that felt amazing ! I’m not sleeping g well at the moment anyway due to the hrt withdrawal … temp is now fine … I think it’s probably stress but my heart is racing !
On the way now …
Lots of love!! Xxxxx
How did you get on @arty1? And how are you feeling? Hope it was ok and you don’t have too many (or any) side effects.
I have had round 2 - it was so busy so they were an hour late starting, but it’s done now and I’m back home. Hoping for a peaceful few days. xx
I’m home … my word what a long day
It was 2.30 before I had my herceptin and after the nurse say she’d never seen a reaction to herceptin … guess who had a reaction ?! ten mins in I felt like I’d just downed a giant jug of the strongest rum.! Nurse spotted me looking panicked and Dr was called and meds in before I could blink … all good to go for the nab- paclitaxel at 3.30 , they give it over 90 mins first time and 45 for subsequent . As I was off my face on piriton the chemo was uneventful !
Home now … feeling a bit “weird” and had a dizzy/faint turn in the kitchen so I’m just relaxing on the sofa … my rib cage feels a big painful and I’ve got terrible wind!
How did it go for you today @flojo ? How are you feeling now ?
I’m glad you got it done and that you are home. One done - tick…The reaction sounds scary though - you need to take it easy.
They were so busy at the hospital and the treatment was an hour late arriving so it’s been a long day. I had a good chat to a couple of other ladies, which was nice. The nurse herself had BC six years ago and doing just fine.
I’m tired now so going to crash before too long but trying to drink lots of fluids!!! Take it easy and really glad you are ok - other than the dizzy spell and wind!! xx