Happy new year too! I don’t know the answer to your regime, Rosie. It seems we all have a slightly different regime and order of treatment. My cancer was lobular which doesn’t necessarily respond so well to chemo and I’m 60 so maybe that adds to the mix. I hope you are ok after your last EC.
I’ve already had surgery and have finished three EC. I’m due to start my first of three Docetaxel on Friday - bloods are fine. I’m not looking forward to it at all. Then onto radiotherapy, bone injections, hormones, etc. So I walk out of the hospital in June, all being well…
The nurse who did my bloods yesterday said that EC was stronger than Docetaxel but the oncologist today was emphasising the need to make sure I don’t catch any bugs as my immune system will be more compromised on Doc than EC. All sounded quite scary! Not looking forward to the next few weeks at all. I guess they all have their own complications and side effects.
I hope everyone else is doing ok. It is a bit of an odd time. Weather doesn’t help - need some sunshine!
Happy new year & best of luck Friday as you start Docetaxel. As you know I had my 1st Doc last Friday! I still feel a bit wiped from it to be honest. I’ve found myself more achy on the Doc & the side effects I would say are different as opposed to worse! I could only have the chemo given at 75% aswell because my liver was a bit out so that could change how I’m feeling. I haven’t slept much since Friday, firstly because of the steroids, then my daughter was coughing a couple of nights then last night due to fireworks & the horrible wind & rain!! Hopefully I will sleep tonight & feel more human tomorrow . You’ll have to let me know how you find it x
@rfg i had my 4 th ec yesterday xxx and I’m now moving onto 4 pactlitaxel where as I notice most people are having docxetal ?? Then I’m also having node clear out and radiotherapy xx I was wondering also the 3 - 3 xxx
I was told no 2 treatments are the same and this seems so true reading all you ladies posts. Are any of you ladies estrogen positive and her2 like me. Ive had a lumpectomy and currently doing 12 weekly paclitaxel and 3 weekly herceptin for 1 year. Will be having 5 x radiotherapy sessions afterwards when i also start hormone tablets for 10 years. Ive also had a injection of something to help prevent it spreading to my bones and i think thats followed by a tablet for next 3 years.
Ps. Happy new year all x
Oh right. Probably progestogen makes all the difference. I have no lymph node involvement. My tumour was a good size at 24mm so feel grateful for that it wasnt in lymph . If it wasnt for the her2 positive id have got away with surgery and radiotherapy i believe. Im fed up because i had a scheduled telephone appointment NYE for 930 am. Didnt receive a call and nothing been arranged on my pathways. Im in for bloods tomorrow so questions will be asked. I have my chemotherapy in my town Barnsley where i had surgery but im under weston park Sheffield doctors so not sure whats going to happen about oncologist appointment
@flojo not much sleep here either last night which is unusual for a Tuesday. I usually sleep ok after the sleepless weekend. All i can think of is my 16 year old was out all night at his girlfriends nye party and you cant help worrying for kids
Hello everyone on this bleak Sunday. I hope you are doing ok. It’s very quiet here but feels like a time to be hunkering down.
I had my first round of Docetaxel on Friday morning. I cold capped even though I don’t have much hair left. It was really painful and I felt a bit sick towards the end - I think that was the cold cap though as once I got out, I was fine again.
So far, it’s not been too bad. I’m tired but I don’t think the side effects are as bad as on EC to date. That said, I’m starting the dreaded injections tonight so all that could change. Mostly feeling tired and a bit chilly. I am also feeling quite anxious about the future - not sure if that is the steroids, which I finished yesterday. But just taking it quietly. I’ve managed to get out for a walk on Friday and yesterday so the fresh air helps. X
I’ve 2 rounds of docetaxal— the side effects weren’t too bad for me apart from the aching muscles from the shots which are rough!! For me, max ibuprofen plus lots of walking and stretching, hot bath/shower and a hot water bottle when it’s really bad.
The first round I was suffering and called the helpline and they say most people on the shots end up calling the helpline! So don’t wait to reach out for help if needed. Good luck!
Other than the stupid shots I’ve been pretty good on TC, so hope you find it better overall than EC.
Thanks. I asked the oncologist the other day about pain relief and he said go for it. He also said the antihistamines can help if you have flu like symptoms from the jabs. Not looking forward to them though! x
The oncologist has endorsed me doing my final EC on Wednesday without the post chemo steroids since they make me so miserable. Intruiged to see how it will be without them! Pleased to report that my hair kindly stayed on for Christmas and my hols, though it has thinned dramatically and I’ve got a bit of a comb over happening!
I have been quiet on here over the festive period as I just wanted to spend less time thinking about all of this (I know it’s easier said than done) but to be honest, since round 3 I’ve found it easier to live a little bit more normal, maybe I’ve just got use to this new ‘normal’, or I’m just use to the side effects etc?? either way, I feel I spend less time on here or googling things, and more time doing the things I enjoy doing. How’s everyone else getting on the further you’re into treatment?? I have my 4th round on Friday, so that’s half way for me!!!
Got to be honest though, I haven’t suffered too badly, so that probably plays a big part. Everything is manageable, pretty much feel completely normal 90% of the time.
Happy New Year (hoping it’s a positive and good one for all of us) let’s manifest it!!! I really hope you all got to enjoy Christmas too!! I’m missing it already……. I just love all the sparkle, fairy lights and Christmas tv/movies. So sad it’s over.
So how’s everyone getting on?! how far are you all in your treatment and are you all still being active and getting out for fresh air and walks etc?! And what are you all doing to combat boredom on these chilly January days??
Good luck for Friday! Is it the same treatment? I switched to Docetaxel last week for round 4 and I am not loving it! Much more bone pain and currently a red face and itchy eye. Not massive appetite. I feel better today than yesterday though although still feel a bit like I have taken a good kicking! I am getting a bit paranoid about my temperature and I am not sure that helps either. I think I have hit a bit of a wall on this one! X
yes still on docetaxel for last treatment then I switch to EV beginning of Feb but not looking forward to that as it’s just a whole new drug and I’m scared again for reactions etc, but il come to it when it gets here……. I try not to think of it and just focus on today. Have you already been on EC then?? how did you find it??
Sorry to hear for first round of Taxel wasn’t great, I bet you will improve soon, especially for week 2…… my mouth and teeth always felt a bit weird the first week, like my tongue was burnt but it just goes one day and doesn’t return until the next cycle. Oh I get super red face but I think that’s from the steroids and only lasts a couple of days. I do check my temperature every morning and night but haven’t given it much thought because if I do I’d be panicking too!!
I’ve heard a few people saying they hit a wall…… it’s totally understandable!! It’s like enough already, we just want this over with now. You probably get pretty fed up of feeling the way you do, especially when everyone else is going about their life as normal……… but what is normal anyways, we are all going through something……. and this soon will pass for you!! Do you feel like time is going super fast?? I do!! like Christmas came and went in a flash!! I just hope the next couple of months do too…… everyday goes quick in my opinion.
I’ll be halfway through tomorrow, switching to Docetaxel thereafter. In terms of keeping busy I’m still working, but only 2-3 days a week. I walk the kids to school each morning and do a couple of gym classes each week (in a mask with my own mat). I have been out on my bike, but found that hard, and I managed a day’s skiing on holiday last week (which I didn’t mention to the oncologist!). x
Thanks for your reply - that pretty much hits the nail on the head! I do think the time is passing quickly and I’m grateful for that! When I had my first chemo, the person next to me was having her last and she told me the time would fly so I’ve clung onto that!
I completely get the change in treatment and not knowing what to expect. I keep telling myself that is how I felt when I started.
I had EC first and found the first one floored me a bit - not in terms of sickness as they gave me masses of pills - but tiredness. Some of that was probably just I didn’t know what was normal, though.
On each of the rounds, I have been a bit tired for a couple of days, then Wednesday I slump - assume the steroids - and pick up massively on the Thursday. The last round, I felt fairly normal apart from a bit weary for a couple of days and worked a full week from home. So hopefully you will be fine too!
I had a hideous salty taste from EC so a cup of tea tasted like someone had poured a pot of salt into it.
So far on Docetaxel, yesterday I was really tired, today not so, but it’s the pain in my back that’s a killer. I took some Ibuprofen at bedtime to get a decent sleep and that helped a bit…having checked my temperature about 30 times first! I usually walk a couple of miles a day with the dogs and I’ve not been up to that - shorter walks still. I hope it clears up soon - get what you mean about the teeth and mouth - weird!
@flower5 halfway through is a cause to celebrate! I love the fact you managed a day’s skiing!
I’m feeling the same as you! I’m a week ahead of you & my bone pain & muscle aches on this 1 is awful. I constantly feel like I’m not on this planet like a bit dizzy all the time too. Was hoping this 1 would be kinder than the EC but I’m not so sure! Having my 2nd round next Thursday 16th Jan. Hope you start to pick up a big & feel a bit better!! X