November diagnosis

dont know whether to be reassured or worried…almost everyone here has had their surgery already and i only have my pre-op appointment on the 6th Jan! (diagnosed initially 24 Nov - confirmed from biopsy 9 Dec)
I did tell the hospital i was away for xmas 19 dec to 2 Jan and the doctor said oh Ok go away and enjoy Christmas,i expect he could have got me an earlier appointment. they dont class things
in the same way here in france (tho i’m in england as i write this) i know i have a less aggressive 8mm invasive ductal cancer so presume it could wait for surgery bwhich i am expecting to be mid January.

Hi Shadders, Snap - had my hair cut on Saturday, love the new look - last night it started to fall out - what a bummer.
Love to everyone,
Chrissie x

I haven’t posted since page 1, but keep a bit an eye on this.

Mgsm, my sister in laws sister works in a breast cancer unit in Holland and she said two weeks now or then don’t make any difference. I personally don’t like delaying things, but if you’re comfortable with it, I’m sure it’s OK. Your surgeon would have told you if it was all that urgent. Hope all goes well for you in January.

Love from Christine xx

I got my diagnosis on November 2nd, came out of the blue, I only had what I thought was a small area of thickness and was told mammogram was fine, but ended up having Stage 2 grade 2 cancer. My first wide excision was not complete and I went on to have a mastectomy, with reconstruction not allowed at this time.It all came as a massive shock. I started cheno on 21st Dec with x3 FEC and x3 Tac.
It is really difficult putting on a face for everyone that you are OK, but I do think I am also lucky it has been found while hopefully curable. I think you have to see each step as one closer to the finish, and getting rid of the enemy cancer.
I am not as young as some of you on here, but still only 49yrs, which I’m told is still young for this disease. You certainly realise reading all these entries how many of us there are, which although awful, I also feel there is a lot of support for us all.

Next chemo 11th Jan, good luck to all those starting, it is one nearer to the end.

Fiona xx

hi fiona welcome to our november thread.

i hope you are feeling ok so far with the chemo treatment.

lots of hugs TTM xxx

Thanks TTM,

It gave me a real thrill to feel part of the group.

First chemo went OK after the first night vomiting!! Slightly dreading next one, but that only lasted one night. Then just a few days of " morning sickness" feeling.

Anyone any tips for that first night other than changing drugs?

Have to admit I’m dreading losing my hair, actually find it harder than losing my breast which is ridiculous. I suppose the latter is easier to hide!

Fiona xx

hi fiona,

consider yourself part of the november dx group! xxx

i dont know a great deal about the chemo as yet, but i do recall a thread on here which i read ( i may have saved it i think) where ladies were discussing their experiences. one lady put a great list of tips together on it and possible side affects and things to help with them. i will try and find it for you.

i think you may be able ask for medication with the sickness thing though i am sure. have they given you anything for it or mentioned it to you?

it must be difficult losing your hair and its not ridiculous feeling like you do.

have you been ok with mx since the op, how have you been feeling.

big hugs TTM xxx

fiona - i have found thread but dont know how to attach it.

so i have bumped it for you, so if you look on latest posts it should be on first page somewhere hopefully still at top of page. (hope this makes sense)

the thread is called ’ top tips for getting through chemo".

hope this helps.

TTM xxx

Thanks TTM,

A few minor problems since mastectomy, but it has not been as hard as I thought it would be, and friends have been great.

M&S do a nice range of bras with matching undies, including thongs!

I haven’t got my silicone prosthesis yet, have to be at least 6 weeks post op I believe, but the cotton wool type softie is Ok, perhaps just a little fuller than I was, and does tend to ride up in my bra!

I’m a very cup half full person and do try to see the funny side of life and there have been some definite laughs along the way. So if ever down contact me and I’ll try my best.

Take care

Fiona xx

PS Thanks for advice re tips for chemo

Oh Chrissie that’s Sod’s Law isn’t it? Just come back from hairdressers again, get me! in hairdressers all the time now! [well not going to need them for a while so thought I’d get the most out of my hair while I still can!] My son says that I look like a woman who wears a leather jacket and smokes all the time. Not quite sure what he’s alluding to?!?! Anyway i think it looks good and I feel glam for the party tonight. Won’t feel glam for a while either! After tonight I feel as if I need a detox before the dreaded C starts. Anyone else been for or thinking about it. Don’t know how advisable it is.
Happy and Healthy New Year!!!

Dear Shadders,

Enjoy tonight! I am now 11 days since first chemo ( FEC) and all alcohol, even the thought of it has been a definite no no since. I have had one glass of wine, but my palate has totally changed and I think most people are the same. Even non alcoholic drinks are difficult, coffee, squash and even water don’t taste right!

But chemo is another step to the end of all this so don’t dread it!

Have a great evening,I’m dreading the hair loss too!

Fiona xx

hi shadders,

enjoy your party tonight with your funky hair do. :wink:

hope all you other ladies are doing ok?

not doing anything tonight, having a quiet one, might have a ride to a pub somewhere just for one drink or something. gona have a ride to coast tomorra only a 1hr 30 mins away, get some sea air.

lots of hugs to you all TTM xxx

Hi all’
Fiona thanks for your comments, how are you feeling now? Are your tastes still the same. Does this mean you couldn’t enjoy Chrimbo dinner? Apologies if you have already posted about that I’ve kind of lost track of who said what as am a bear of very little brain!

Anyway managed to have a great time despite not drinking in the end due to antibiotics. Everyone kept hugging me and saying I was beautiful and that they loved me which was hilarious as they were all completely p*****.

TTM a ride out to the coast sounds fantastic. We attempted the same on Thurs but didn’t get there till 3ish [long story] and it was a dreary drizzly day so not the bracing sea air I was craving. Hope you had a better time today.

Love to you all Jacqui x

Hi Jacqui,

Not bad now, nausea lasted for about 3 days, but cannot say I could face a coffee even now on day 13. Definite change of taste buds! Alcohol still not particularly enjoyable either.

Hair loss also started today, very different story from yesterday on brushing my hair this morning. I have wig, hats and scarves waiting, but cannot say I relish having to start using them.

When do you start chemo? I think we all partly dread it for fear of side effects , but also want it to start as it means the end is nearer.

A drive to the coast is good, I’m lucky, I don’t live far from it.

Fiona xx

Hi all, firstly Fiona, sorry you had to join the club but you (and anyone else lurking) are most welcome in the gang! It’s a comfort to know you’re not in a boat on your own!

Pants to hear that the hair loss has kicked in, if there is such a thing as a hair dance like a rain dance I shall be jiggin’ it for you guys to get a full bonce back ASAP post chemo!

I’m STILL waiting to hear if I am joining you on the chemo journey or not but at least as Fiona said you guys have started the journey so the finish line is closer. Felt a bit like that with Christmas this year…soooooo glad it’s 2nd Jan to we can all get back to dealing with this little ‘detour’ in life! Maybe I finally get some confirmation this week…

Hope all the ladies here are doing OK, it has been a bit quiet due to the hols and commitments. Hugs to you all…zax

Thanks Zax,

It is nice to know there are others out there for support.

Sometimes it can feel a lonely course and you don’t like to burden your family and friends by chatting about it, seeminly all the time!!

Let’s hope you don’t need rhe chemo, but if you do, I step nearer to beating it all.

Fiona xx

Fiona I am very jealous that you live near the coast. Maybe one day I will!
When do you have your 2nd treatment?
LOVE jACQUI X Whoops had caps lock on!!!

Hi Jacqui, Zax and Other Nov diag!

I have my second on Jan 11th all being well. I’m on day 14 at the present since the first one and apart from the hair falling out, and a sore arm, I feel pretty good.

Much less tired than last week and have been out and about today.
My hairdresser is cutting a fringe in my wig tomorrow so all ready for total hair loss!

Still once number 2 over, a third of the way there- Yippee!

Fiona x

Hi All, Got my wig today. A very nice man in Southend tried zillions on me and I plumped for the first one he’d picked out in the end. He was really kind and specializes in wigs even though he is a hairdresser. My lovely mum came with me and paid for it for my birthday!

Feeling very nervous about my chemotherapy staring on Monday. Going to Southend I think on Sunday for a long walk along the front finishing with cinnamon doughnut in the fifties style cafe there. Yum. Mum going to come for lunch with me on Monday before chemo so going to have something yummy. Might make a delicious soup.

Zax it’s so frustrating waiting to hear when you’ll start. I think it might be the worst thing. Have you chased them up about it? Was reading on another thread that they’d forgotten one poor girl. Might be worth phoning them if you haven’t already.

Fiona it’s good to hear that your SEs weren’t too bad and that you’ver been out and about this week. How tired were you after the first? Good luck for the 11th. It’s good to know that you are nearly a third of the way there!

Love Jacqui xx