October 2023 chemo starters

@copperycat well done on finishing chemo. I hope the side effects are already easing.

So radiotherapy about four weeks after? My oncologist said it would be three or four weeks, but wouldn’t say any more definitely than that. My last chemo session will be next Thursday. He might tell me more about the plan when I speak to him on Tuesday.


Thank you , yes SE’s starting to ease a bit. Mainly sore tongue and rubbish appetite. Looking forward to a time when I can enjoy my food again!

Oncologist told me 3 weeks for radio but the date came as 4 weeks . Glad of a breather before starting tbh. Importance of breathing made clear as it’s to avoid damage to my heart. Better get practicing !

There is a January starters radio thread if you’re interested. I’ve joined and there seems to be a lot of people stating radio then.

Hope you’ve had a good break . Hoping for a better 2024 xx


Does everyone else get copies of the letters sent from your consultant to your GP? I had two letters in the post. One was from my oncologist to my GP including an update on my CT scan mentioning it had been referred to the lung team. Then there was a copy from a doctor in the lung department talking about what the CT scan showed. It turns out that “indeterminate” doesn’t mean “we don’t know what it is” it means “it looks to be a carcinoma but we don’t exactly know what type”. Apparently most likely not from my breast cancer diagnosis, but something entirely different.

So I now have to manage my feelings from now until the next scan in August. I have had a cold, which has left me with a cough, so this reminds me literally every time I cough. I also note that the consultant said I am a non-smoker. However I did smoke for a few years, albeit 30 years ago. I am going to ask him if that means my risk is the same as if I never smoked.


Spoke to the consultant. He accepts that perhaps I hadn’t understood that there was any suspicion of cancer. He said that this is just something they are considering, it is not definite, so I just have to keep telling myself this.

He didn’t have a definite date for Radiotherapy starting, but it will be February or even March before I start.


Scientistmafier :heart: get onto your team and get some better answers than that ask them to explain if you want to rather than waiting till August with it rolling round your head :heart: up to you but a bit more info for you from team so it’s explained more clearly might be useful :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

They could arrange CT to be more certain…deffo call them and pest them to more test and/or answers before August. They can’t leave you in limbo till them…all the best . I have op before RT and was told 6/8 weeks recovery. Finishing chemo 5th march, EC first yesterday xxx


So I finally went ahead and had a PICC line out in today! Ouch it’s a bit sore this evening so hoping it’s not so tender tomorrow. Had my first docetaxyl today, only 2 more to go and then good by chemo and onto the next step!
Hoping the side effects aren’t so bad with this one but I’m not holding out much hope :rofl::crazy_face::face_with_spiral_eyes:


Day 3 of those bone marrow injections after docetaxyl and omg….wiped out! The aches and pains :scream:
Has anyone else been given these yet and how did you cope with them? I’ve got 4 left to do


Do you mean Filgrastim injections? I have to do them for 5 days from day 3 after EC. I’ll be having 3 x Docetaxil after my 3rd EC next week. I guess I’ll be doing the same x

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Hi, yes those are the ones! I think that perhaps it’s the chemo causing the aches I’m not sure but either way not enjoying it! Hope your doing ok x

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:heart:Tabby-Lou a lot of us found Epsom salt baths helped ease the bone pain, might be worth a try :crossed_fingers::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Thank you for the advice, I’m try that! I’ve had a bit of a low day today for sure, need to pick myself back up again, only 2 left!!! Come on i can do this :grimacing:

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:muscle:you can do this Tabby-Lou :heart: I found had to dig deep between chemo 4 - 6. Get yourself a treat planned for when you finish chemo :heart: I had a bottle of Channel :+1: so I kept focused on that and ringing the bell :+1: you got this you know you can do it :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Yeeash that round saw me in hospital with neutropenia sepsis! Thankfully after a few rounds of antibiotics I was back to normal quite quickly but that was a shock to the system for sure! Has anyone else experienced that more than once on docetaxyl or does it just seem to be a one off reaction for most people?


Oh no , how awful! That must have been very scary for you. I ended up in hospital after my second dose of Docetaxal, but thankfully only needed one round of antibiotics. But I was really poorly beforehand , and went down hill very quickly ( within 90 minutes). That was the only time that happened thankfully.

Hope you’re on the mend now and that you don’t need to go through that again :hugs:


It was a shock for sure, especially at 3am! I was feeling a bit ropey and tired for a few days but just put it down to the chemo. Next round I will keep an eye on my temperature a bit more! Glad to hear it only happened once for you :heart: I’m hopeful that will be the case, they have decided they don’t want to reduce the dose and are keeping it at maximum so I’m being very careful about where I go and what I do now x


Must have been a bit scary Tabby-Lou. Glad you have recovered from the episode.


:heart:Tabby-Lou :two_women_holding_hands::heart:each infusion can be different :heart:glad you are ok :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Tomorrow will be my first Herceptin injection at home via a company called Sciensus. Not quite sure how it will all work. The nurse called me today to say she will be there about 12.30.

She asked if I had recently had an echocardiogram (as in within the last three weeks). I have done, but I hope they are not expecting this all the time. I will ask her about it tomorrow.

The aches and pain of the gcsf injection are the worst for me, almost worst than chemo. Loratidine helps and paracetamol as well as keeping warm by any means, heated blanket or hot bath, hot water bottle. Plenty of rest. Check in w your chemo nurse when /if it’s real bad!

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