October 2024 chemo starters

I also haven’t purchased travel insurance yet but mine will be expensive I imagine as I also have to add athletes insurance for my daughter! I’m still looking into it at the minute x

Evening ladies,
Not checked in here for a while but wanted to see how you’re all doing?
I finished my chemo last week - 8 rounds done! Felt very surreal walking out of the unit.
Radiotherapy next, should find out details during my oncology phone appt on Sunday.

Re travel insurance - look at Tescos. They insure you even while going through treatment and at a very reasonable price! Xx


Ahh I’m so pleased that you have now finished the chemotherapy part of your treatment, what a relief! I hope you have done something nice to treat yourself to celebrate getting through chemo because it’s definitely not easy.
Thankyou for the advice on travel insurance I will definitely take a look.
Keep us posted about when your radiotherapy starts. I will also be having radiotherapy after my chemo finishes on the 6th Feb but wasn’t sure how long they normally leave before you start the radiotherapy.
Take care x

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Someone else told me that about Tesco and I just tried to get a quote but they said no :woman_shrugging:t2: Maybe it’s because I was looking for an annual policy, or maybe it’s because I had lymph node spread, I’m not sure. It wasn’t even that it was too expensive, they literally wouldn’t give me a quote.

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@tracey80 @pink66 @shelbylou81 so I’ve now managed to get a really reasonable quote. When I tried for the annual policy they said no. So I tried for a single trip which then gave me the option to upgrade to an annual policy! I need to read a bit more into the small print but it’s looking good so far. One good thing with the tesco policy is they only ask about the last 12 months medical conditions. Some of the companies ask for 2 years or more. Thanks for the tip @tracey80 :grinning:


Im very pleased it’s finished to be honest. Will give myself a week or so for the side effects to subside and going to plan lots of nice things.
I was told by my oncologist that radiotherapy should start about a month after chemo finishes but that may be different according to different trusts!
Not long to go for you now either!!

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Glad you managed to get a reasonable quote… I had lymph node spread too and used them when I went away just before my node clearance last summer.
Have got a quote to go away between chemo and radio (single trip) and it’s so reasonable. Hope you have luck getting a good quote xx

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@tracey80 @pod123 @shelbylou81

Thanks so much for sharing your holiday insurance research.
Had my consultant call today and was thrilled to find out that in 6 weeks, when I have my next appointment, I will have finished both chemo and radiotherapy! :blush:
As a teacher, I’m tied to school hols but we’re going to try and get away over Easter.


Popping in to say hi again. I’ve been quietly lurking. Although I started chemo in October I wont be finished until March, or possibly longer if I have any more delays. Lovely to see people moving on through treatments.

I’ve already had my surgery - ended up going in 3 times due to margins, finishing with a mastectomy and implant. I’ve completed 12 weekly paclitaxel and am down for four EC 2 weeks apart if my bloods play ball. I was sick a couple of times on pacli so they’ve lowered the EC dose and given me strong anti-emetics. Had the first one last Weds. Ok so far and keeping up on sickness drugs rather than waiting to feel nauseous and taking, which was the error I made on pacli. The filgrastim are quite the thing, eh? Heated blankets and hot water bottles are my aids.

Hoping to leave the sofa today - wondering how long I’m going to feel wiped out for (currently day 5 after EC #1 and finished steroids yesterday.

All the best to all of you October chemo starters. :bouquet:


Hello! Well done for all you’ve been through already, I hope today you’re feeling better than yesterday :slight_smile:
I had my last EC 10 days ago, just waiting for radiotherapy now on 2 weeks.
Actually came on to have a cry/winge/moan about how much weight I have gained and I don’t understand how. 6kg in one month? I am not eating more, moving less but still trying to do strength classes and daily walks. Can anyone reassure me this will go at some point I don’t recognise myself!! Is this normal after EC? X


Glad to hear you’re through chemo @phebe I could have written your post about weight gain - it seems crazy how much has gone on.

I think the drugs trigger some of it with fluid retention and a digestive bung up. I’m definitely not moving as much so using feeer calories although I’m eating sensibly and healthily. I’d understand it if I was sat cramming chocolates into my mouth (and that would be totally understandable in the circumstances).

I’m just hoping that as I get through these last three treatments and regain my strength for moving I’ll be able to walk more in pleasant daylight. This too will pass.


Hi. @phebe
I have had 3 rounds of EC & 2 out of 3 Docetaxel. I can’t believe how much weight I have gained whilst having treatment. I can’t even stand to look at myself. I have put around 2&1/2 stone on! I’m usually very active & have a full time physical job but I’ve been off since surgery in the middle of August. I’m obviously not active due to not feeling up to it after most treatments, I try my best to still eat quite healthy but I am partial to a bit of chocolate! I’m really hoping once my chemo is over I can shift the weight quickly :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: xx


Hey just checking in with you! How did your final chemo treatment go on Monday? Did you finally ring that bell? Hope you are ok x


Good morning Shelbylou-yes I did indeed ring that bell on Monday! It felt fantastic and pretty emotional too! The staff are just amazing! Good that you’re not long behind me now.
Feeling ok so far-just a bit sleep deprived from steroids as usual but expecting the post-chemo crash to hit in next day now!
Pleased to have my 1st appointment with clinical onc next Tuesday to find out radiology plan.
Hope you’re enjoying your good days now.
Take care xx


Aww love this :sparkling_heart: Hopefully that will be me next Thursday ringing that same bell :bell: :pray::grinning: let me know when they are planning to do your radiotherapy, that will be next on the cards for me! I will also get referred back to the medical team x


Keeping everything crossed for you next Thursday! It’s a really emotional milestone to reach!
Will keep you posted on my radiology. I see the breast surgeon and med oncologist again in March.
Are you Nottingham based? We could maybe meet for a coffee sometime if you fancy it when we’re through all this?
Maria x


Ahh I can imagine that I will be feeling emotional when I finally ring that bell. I’m actually derby based but I chose to have my treatment & care at Nottingham instead of Derby. I wasn’t happy with the surgery options at Derby so quickly chose to transfer to Nottingham. I’m glad that I did because the care has been brilliant that I have received. Hope you have also had a good experience with your surgery & care at Notts x


Yes I’ve been really delighted with all of the amazing care I’ve received so far. The staff are incredibly kind and supportive. I feel so lucky to be being treated at the Breast Institute as it is a highly regarded centre of excellence.
I only live a few miles from the hospital but it must be tricky for you travelling from Derby and the car parking nightmares at the City!!


Hi @shelbylou81, hope you got through the side effects of cycle 5 ok and you’re ready for the last one on Thurs! I’m not counting my chickens just yet as my liver tends to misbehave and I expect I might be deferred another week. But I’ll find out on Wed when I get my blood results. I’m seeing the oncologist on Wed so I guess she’ll talk about what’s next. I’ve already got my appointment letter for radiotherapy planning so I’m hoping that means there won’t be too much of a wait for it after chemo finishes.


I’m really hoping my last chemo goes ahead on Thursday, I’ve got a cough at the min & my liver might play up too. I already had my last 2 treatments at 75% because of my ALT levels :weary:. Really hope your levels are all ok! I haven’t had my appointment yet for radiotherapy so hoping that is soon. I have my blood test tomorrow so all will depend on that :pray:. We are so close to finishing this part of our treatment but like you say 1 small thing can change everything x