It’s taking in water Marcella!!!

Ah, yes, a lottery win would be great… Have been calculating my pension in case I’m too knackered to keep going and have to take early retirement but didn’t start paying in till I was over 40 so not much in there.

Eek, where’s the water coming from? My sweat?!

Looked at my pension too, unless I want to live in complete poverty I’ve got a few years to go yet!!

Barbados Im very jealous!! Don’t blame you for looking for job with less stress.Cant imagine doing what I do til I’m 67, need an escape plan.35 years contributions that’s a lot if you studied or had time off with children think I may struggle if I retire early ,can you make voluntary contributions ?

Hi Jennifer. Good to go for something less stressful. I agree that highering the retirement age to 66 or more was really unfair for women who were expecting to retire earlier - I think it was 60 when I was younger. I expected to be fit and healthy into my 80s like my parents so I have a mortgage till I’m over 70! Think I will have to sell up and live in a camper van when my youngest leaves home!

Always fancied a camper van but not sure I would want to live in one.Just been talking to Claire whose work colleagues have been less than supportive on her return, one fella very helpfully told her that someone he knew worked through chemo and even went to the gym, thus implying she was a bit of a shirker , cheeky git.

Oh no, poor Claire! That’s awful. What is wrong with people?! Total failure of imagination.

Someone told me about a woman who said she’d gone to Zumba a few days after a mastectomy. Total madness.

In that respect at least I am spared the less than helpful comments as no- one knows why I’ve been off apart from a couple of people I trust not to say anything too crass!!If any of those helpful people were to look at the comments on here ,don’t think they will find many people going to Zumba shortly after mastectomy or going to the gym during chemo, most people are joyful just to get out of the house for Sunday lunch without drains /feeling ill/ worrying about wigs/prosthesis etc etc

Outrageous! Pratt…poor Clare having to listen to that! I don’t believe a word of it x

Horrid No I dont believe a word of it…some sad people about x

christine x

Claire these people who come out with comments like that proposer piss me off , they don’t have a clue what youhave been through . Wow Jennifred Barbados nice to have something to look forward to x

Well just sat in doctors waiting for the dreaded smear test . Makes a change from getting boobs out . ?

Got to book mine too but feel like I need a bit of a breather from getting my bits out first!!!

Dint envy you Jill hate having mine done so degrading. . But needs must glad I hadmy mamagram when I did god knows what might have happend if I ignored it take care have a nice weekend xx
christine x

Ooooops ment for Julie …but you to Jill good luck with booking yours too x
christine x

Good luck with smear, Julie. Shuddering when I think about it. I have got a stinking cold - so fed up with being ill. Claire: one of my colleagues has worked all through cancer treatment while I’ve been off, which has been mentioned to me a couple of times!

Thanks all re smear just have to wait now for results never bothered me before but feel anxious till I get results . Marcella must be awful when people say oh such a body worked through cancer , especially when they don’t know what you have been through and no 2 cancer cases are the same . Xx

Ps have a good week end all of you x