True Christine, if you want it bad enough ( and she does!) You have to miss corrie now and again! Not sure what it is, she’s very vague but national youth theatre involvement, Shakespeare posse? Know more when she gets out…what time that will be I’ve no idea. I look like I’m casing the joint! Keep expecting police to pull up. Lol x

Good news for you Lorna,Corrie is not on tonight due to football!!’

Oh really! Well that’s cheered me up! X

Put your seat back in car and have a kip Lorna …hope she gets it x
christine x

Not really into drugs BUt ! Ive been reading all about how cannabis oil cures cancer worth a look .
Christine x

Unfortunately it’s not available on the NHS !!!

I’ve read lots on the oil too but don’t want to be stoned on top of everything else! Oh go on then :wink: x

Probably have nicer side effects than the Tamoxifen!!

Evening, all. Got my prosthesis today just before going into work for the first time. Nice to have even boobs for the occasion. It wasn’t too bad being back at work though a bit of cannabis oil might have improved it!

Glad you enjoyed your furst day back today …hope went ok for you.ive just said to my hubby you need get me some cannabis oil he said its to deer ! Oh well can carry on reading about it x
christine x

Well done Marcella, you survived !!!You may have to forget the cannabis oil Christine don’t think they have it at Holland and Barrett!!

I know dont think they will sell it there im on a mission now …x
christune x

You gone fishing Christine…

Glad all went well Marcella . Good luck with your quest for canabis oil Christine x

Hi all, hope everyone is surviving in the world of work !!!

Second day (3 hours) of work went ok but I am totally knackered. Prosthetic seems to shift a bit so nipple is facing down! Might need some glue.

I would be paranoid the blooming thing would pop out at a crucial moment !Do they do boob glue??

I feel like iv never been away from work now , need a lottery win ?

There are instructions in the box for attaching adhesive strips but I didn’t get any. Can prob buy them online. It seemed quite light and thin when they gave me it but now it’s swollen and heavy.

Yeh ,I don’t want to go again next week …