Arrrgh ! After sitting outside Jasminea Drama class in Warrington for two hours this morning felt so tired sitting there thinking what I could have been doing but to far to drive back home and back…I am now sat in a wacky wearhouse full of screaming kids ? banging head drank far to much coffee today to stay awake…
And to top it all Jasmine is havung two friends to sleep over tonight which means we will be sent to bed early while they take over all the down stairs and chat all night long Zzzzzzz …shoot me now …Hope yiur all having a lovey weekend Xx
Christine x

Oh the dreaded sleep over Christine, i remember it well!! Would spend half the night up and down telling them to go to sleep! Take a bottle of wine up with you ??

I feel for you, Christine. The last big sleepover my son had (13th birthday), one of the boys kept waking me up because the others had drawn on his head while he was asleep. It drove me mad! Needless to say, there hasn’t been another one since.

Well ive warned her any messing and all night talking and she has NO MORE SLEEP OVERS ! Chilling now with a glass of wine now x
Christine x

Sleepovers, lol. I remember the one for my daughters 13th. They decided to camp out in the garden (it was summer by the way) and ran screaming in to the house at 3am because a bat had flown in to the tent ! She’s now 32 and still hates bats. I’m also sick of hearing about these people that spring clean the house, run a marathon etc three hours after having a mx! Everybody reacts to surgery in a different way and to anaesthetic. Unfortunately there are stupid people in all walks of life and plenty of those who engage mouth before brain, if they have one at all. Passing on my smear test until my rads are out of the way, can’t face it at the moment. On a lighter note, I had an invite to the mobile mammogram screening unit today. Will have to tell them that that horse has already bolted, so no point locking the stable door!!

I’m just over half way through my rads, I’ve felt a bit tired st times. I have to go to St Thomas’s in London, so a 25 minute train journey. My boys are providing the taxi service to and from the station. I’ve been signed off for a month so if I do get really tired I won’t have to rush back. I had a big blub the other day. One of the radiographers checked I was ok after the treatment I just started crying. He said he knew I wasn’t 'myself ’ when I first went in. I think I’ve been so positive all the way through but this has just got on top of me. Hoping I don’t stay feeling like this for too long.

We’ve been sent to bed and the girls are giggling away down stsirs no sleep for me tonight zzzzzzzzzzzx
christine x

Hi Cookie. You’re bound to have some low points during rads. It’s a slog travelling there every day, never mind the treatment. Try to do something nice for yourself every day.

Aw cookie
looks like its caught up with you ive neem so positive all along not told anyone only my sis and hubby…but obe day I must have hot reality I just sat and sobbed and had no explanation for it I must have just felt so sorry for myself …just has I thought all my appointment s was over and back to work ive now got breast lymphodemia and need twice a week massage but fitti g it ib after work not sure I feel worse about this than the cancer …its never ending and I dont think thos ever goes away x
Christine x

Thank you, it’s so hard sometimes as I don’t think other people really want to know how you’re feeling if you’re not feeling great. I’ve had all the ‘be brave’, you’re lucky it was caught early ( I know I am but if I was that lucky I wouldn’t have got it in the first place - grrr!) my hubby came with me on Friday’s session as it was at 6 and we went out for dinner after which was lovely. I get paid next week so I’m planning on buying myself something. There are some very nice shops at Waterloo Station ?
Sorry tweeks about your lymphodemia, you could do without that!! And I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight!!

Yep, done the blubbing during rads appointments .It brings it home to you how serious this thing is and also makes you feel very vulnerable and you are also very tired .

Surpassing yourself tonight with the spelling 'Christine. !!

Well just letting you know its really me jill ive been good for a while …ive just read my message and was laughing…this ruddy keyboard…the sleep over went ok they are all awake and chatting ive sneaked down took me n hubby a cup of coffee up to chill a bit…then I go face the mess …x
Christine x

Morning all. Sending hugs to Cookie and Christine and anyone else feeling low. I’ve only had 3 sessions of rads so far but am having a problem thinking about another 22 to go. Friends and family are all saying things like you’re on the home straight and this is nothing compared to what you’ve already been through but I don’t seem to feel that way. It’s as if my ‘coping’ level has been exhausted over the last 9 months and I don’t have any left. Someone has pulled the plug just when I’m nearing the finishing line, so to speak. I need a virtual hug clearly or lots of them!

Francine,I found the thought of the sheer number of sessions ahead and the way it had to dominate every day quite overwhelming at first ,but after the first few sessions when I could really see the numbers counting down I felt better ,I know some people had a “half way done” celebration so as to have something to look forward to in the middle.

Afternoon all good luck to you ladies who are having rads , bet your glad the sleep overs all done I used to sigh with relief when my girls had them as soon as there friends went home , youknow what girls are like giggling all night . Got my oncologist appointment through for4 th November 6 weeks after rads finished and my 6 th month check at clinic is on the .26 th October . Yesterday went to hospital theatre open day got to go into anesthetic room then the theatre lots going on for kids so we took my grandson , my breast cancer surgeon and breast nurse was there they had s stall ( can’t get away from it ) asked how I was told them I will be seeing them in clinic at end of month and made a quick exit . Julie x

Francine it must feel like for ever on the rad journey. It is the most poignant time I think. You just lie there and as Jill said, feel so damn vulnerable! Have a good cry or even consider anti depressants, they have helped me when I felt I was sinking. Love and hugs. X Christine sorry you have lymphoma…didn’t know you could get it in boob itself…does it swell then? Hugs to all. X just recovering from a glamping weekend…Bloody freezing! Just thawing out! X

Sending you a maahhhoooossssive (((((HUG))))))) Francine ? I say the only people who can tell you to keep positive etc are those of us who have been through it, no one else can possibly know how much it takes from us to keep focused and not lose our bloody minds!!

I actually found rads quite comforting and was eager to start doing something active towards beating this beast after my op, i actually found it strange to stop if I’m honest and I had palpitations for the first few weeks and had to resort back to taking Diazipam, they stopped when we went on holiday 3 weeks later, for the first time in 5 months I was amongst people who had no idea and it was wonderful! We were just a “normal” couple on holiday , we didn’t talk about it either and just had a lot of fun , I highly recommend it !! Xx 

Holidays are the best remedy I think…in an ideal world we would all have them x

Thank you Lorna and Jo. I think it’s just been such a long stretch, 9 months since diagnosis, that it takes all your energy to keep going. Keeping my business running at the same time has been a blessing and a curse really, something to focus on every day but the extra demands it puts on you is hard when you’re recovering from surgery or feeling tired. I had a bit of a wobble this morning but spent the day doing some cooking, which I find quite relaxing. Tried the slow cooker out for the first time! Hope it doesn’t end up as just another gadget sitting on the worktop! X