Ha to the redundant gadgets. I think the slow cooker is a keeper. Especially in winter. 9 months is a slog for sure taking such endurance. 6 months was bad enough… I will never forget this year, it has taken so much out of me. Can’t believe the health changes but just got to suck it up and take it a day at a time. Living in the moment has never been more relevant to me x

It’s certainly been one hell of a year! Who would have thought this time last year what we would all be facing… Thank god we don’t know, I for one will be very glad to see the new year In! 

I love my slow cooker, it’s never put away in the winter months,I cook everything in it including lasagne, cottage pie, jacket potatoes and even cake! It’s fab ?

Wow so much? Can’t imagine cooking half of that in it…need to investigate! Yes here’s to the new year and new beginnings x

Yes me too! Will look it up thanks x

Wow think I will be getting my slow cooker back out of the box think ive only used it once and will deffo be looking up the face book app didnt think you could cook and bake all those things with it. I will definitely be glad to see this year out been a bad one but not looking forward to April my twelve month mamagram check…Oh what I’d do for a holiday right now to end this dreaded year I would kill for some sun…but unfortunately being on sick pay for nearly 7months dosnt help especially with christmas around the corner…look at me at this silly time on herr 3.30am…still wide awake most of the night I blame my hubby alarm going off at 2am this morning and dosnt get organised the night before opens every drawer and wardrobe making a racket then brings me hot choc up I get on her having a catch up then im wide awake…
Good luck to any ladies starting Rads this weeks its like a halfway mark then the appointment s do slow down you think its never ending but light is at thee end of the tunnel feels hard to imagine while everything is going on I can remember thinking im never gonna feel like myself ever again …take care ladies x
Christine x

Slept like a log too…sorry Christine :wink: yes we all need a holiday but as you say, there is always something to pay for. I’m coming to yours for tea Jo! :wink: x .

Love my slow cooker but don’t really do anything very interesting in it will have to look those recipes up ,I like that you can walk in through the door and smell cooking but it doesn’t feel like you have made it yourself.Arent we exciting talking about slow cookers!!!Went to see comedian Jenny Eclair last night “grumpy middle aged woman tour” was very funny.Bought the ticket few days before I was diagnosed ,at the time couldn’t imagine ever feeling normal or being able to laugh at trivial things again.

Oh its riveting stuff Jill!! My latest love is a George Foreman with removable plates that go in the dishwasher…heaven!! Xx

What am I missing out on I needto go and purchase a slow cooker !

We could research cancer busting recipes for the slow cooker…

Hi all, not been on here for a while - been really busy with work. I love my slow cooker too - maybe we should write a book between us! I’ve lost my voice at the moment - had sore throat since last weekend, trying to fight it off with vitamins! I guess it’s harder to shake things off after the battering our immune systems have taken. I changed my appointment for my check up next year as it happened to be on my 25th wedding anniversary - couldn’t face going that day just in case. Hubby is taking me away somewhere for a few days that week now - he is surprising me which is a first lol! Hope you are all keeping well. I’m still not sleeping that well but other than hot flushes I seem to be ok on Letrozole at the moment. I’m getting back on track with my fitness and am doing a 10k mucky race this Sunday - I’m mad I know! It involves clambering over lots of horse jumps and wading through rivers, there is a group of about twenty of us taking part so should be a laugh. I still have a bit of weight to shift and am trying hard to eat healthily but it’s tough, think the tablets don’t help. 


Better get on with some more housework - day off today. Just tackled my daughter’s bedroom - that’s an assault course in its self! I will probably get moaned at when she gets home as I have tidied her dressing table which is so full of stuff that you can’t see the surface - how she finds anything I will never know. 


Bye for now have a good day everyone.

All my cassarole veg at the rwady for my slow cooker ive joined the slow cooker app on face book sone interesting recipes yes let try think some good recipes up for keeping cancer away…first time ive sat dow. Today having a well deserved lyqurice tea before I start again ; 0 (
Christine x

Like the idea of sharing cancer beating, healthy & wholesome recipes. Shall we start a thread or keep it her? It will soon be November! X

Keep it here Lorna yes we will all be jealthy heroes ; 0)
Not giving odd glass if wine up though !
Christine x

Me neither Christine…that’s a tad too far! X

Definitely Jo :wink: x

Just read an article on the Mail on line saying rhubarb could help fight cancer . It says that A coloured chemical in rhubarb has powerful antil cancer properties . So when we have all finished eating the healthy slow cooked tea we can have rhubarb crumble / pie for pudding x

Hugs to all that are feeling low. I’m feeling bit brighter (even if I did tear up a bit when my friend/work colleague turned up this morning for a coffee! I’m over half way through now. Had a 6.35 appt tonight - not much fun squashing in with the London rush hour trains but hey ho! I’ve got a morning appointment tomorrow so I may do a bit of window shopping afterwards with a little bit of buying, purely to cheer myself up, obviously ?. I think it’s true about feeling vulnerable being laid out on the table each day. Mine is on my left side so I have to do the breathing thing & I worry that I’m not doing it correctly. They are fab at St Thomas’s though & we’ve had a few laughs.

Zap no 4 out of the way, 21 to go. They are really kind at the unit and could see I was a bit down today. Sat me down and gave me a cup of tea and a choccie biscuit. Explained to me what the imaging scans were all about which puzzled me before. I am so grateful for my volunteer driver taking me to and from the hospital every day. So far had 4 different men! OH beginning to get a tad suspicious when I’m late back, lol. We’ll all be good friends by the 25th session! My first attempt with the slow cooker was not too bad, chicken stew, but too much liquid. I’ve realised that you don’t need to put much stock in. Tonight I’ve prepared spicy beef stew so will see how that works out. Think I’ll have a stab at lentil soup soon. So much excitement in my life, ha ha.

Morning fluffs
Gow much water shouls you put un with a cassarole? Maybe a third of the slow cooker ?.. and lentil soup I love lentil soup gonna make some today now you got me going now and its is good for you and filling too. X
christine x