Just prepared my lentil soup all on the go now in my slow cooker not sure when it woll be ready though I thinks thats the reason the cooker been sat in a box for years thought it was to slow …maybe tonight maybe tomorrow who knows soup is soup not a problem x
christine x

Hang on in there Fiona…it’s going down as slowly as it feels . You’re heading the right way. We should put a cook book together for charity once we’ve mastered some concoctions! X

Hi Blondie. Sorry to hear you’re so tired. I finished in Aug and am still v tired - was advised by occ health to match each period of activity with the same period of rest, even if the activity was only driving my son to school. It helps a bit but I still spend more time on the sofa than doing anything else. Good luck.

There is always a subtle pressure from your employers no matter what they say to you directly.I would speak to Occy Health as they can support you in NOT returning to work too.The first thing the woman from OH said to me was she that she would support me in saying no if I wasn’t ready,she actually seemed quite surprised that I was considering work so soon .I have been back in 2 short days and I am knackered mentally and physically.Don’t give yourself a hard time for feeling tired ,anxious or in any way not right ,this thing takes it out of you physically and mentally.It takes time.

Hi Monica. Don’t go back till you’re ready. Although my boss was supportive, there were references to other people who hadn’t come back “till the last moment,” which made me feel some pressure. Occ health suggested going back for only 2 2-hour sessions the first week. I felt dreadful on those days. I don’t think I’ll be back full time till after Christmas.

Ooh, spicy beef stew tonight, courtesy of the slow cooker! Made a basic mistake this morning, should have put some hot stock in before turning it on. Took ages to even get warm, as I’d had it in the fridge overnight. Took about 10 hours in the end for the meat to be tender. Might be eating by midnight at this rate! Starting to feel sore now after zap no 5, not sure how it will be after no 25!! Cookie, I know just what you mean. I ‘only’ had surgery and now rads but I did have 3 ops. People seem to feel that if you don’t have chemo you should be full of beans and grateful for your lot. Of course I am very grateful not to be having chemo (I decided against it as the extra benefit at only 2% against recurrence and my age, 62, made it a no for me.) however, I do feel very tired, running my business at the same time and I also have the Anastrazole hot flushes at night, not very conducive to a good night’s rest. Any suggestions for something cooling for the boob?

Stew eaten, very nice! Might try making a pie out of the leftovers with some shortcrust on top, very Mary Berry! Don’t know what’s come over me since starting the rads, I’ve become a domestic Goddess, lol. Perhaps the rads have travelled to my brain? OH is rather bemused but not complaining!

Weirdly enough I got all domesticated through my rads too! Cutting fresh flowers, baking etc. Wearing off now so must be on the mend! :wink: x

Lol that was me!! ?

Ha ha x

Great idea! I’m going to try and cool them in the fridge overnight. ?? Just got to figure out a way to do so without having to go in with them! Mind you, as they are H cups, they usually go before me anyway! Good job we can have a laugh eh girls.

Morning Ladies
Yes I know its 3.28am in the morning ive been woke since 2am having hot choc and a catch up on here I find its the best time for me to chill and catch up (as I never sit still during the day)…
Lorns I’m laughing about you getting all domestic during rads I think the long 16mile hill walk is how I coped it was good therapy for me I just blank everything out…Im back in the swing of things now just had a look at my rota and blimey I’ve just realised im up and out for 2 solid weeks my weekend on this weekend ! Im feeling ok back at work yes I do get tired dont get me wrong but I will just keep going.maybe im tired due to not much sleep but ive never been a right good sleeper my minds to active once im woke im woke thinking what needs doing today etc…Ive just tried to forget ive ever had the bleeding thing.But I must admit
just lately every now n then I get a rush of
Adrenaline and panic and any little pain cough twinge I start to think OMG ! Wonder whats really going on inside me is it coming back ? How will I know ? I just start to panic…If I stretch I feel like my ribcage under my opp boob is badly bruised and painfull maybe its damaged with the rads who knows…
By the way my lentil soup was lovely last night with warm crispy cobs …im just trying to eat healthy now try look afyer myself…does anyone else get them adrenaline rushes of panic thinking its coming back ? X
Christine x

Morning Christine , ive woken before the dog today which is a first! Kitten is snuggled up on my leg,pup is still snoozing on her bed…Oh and hubby is sparko too!!
I get the same with my ribs on treated side, its a gift from rads … arent we lucky! The adrenaline bursts are pretty normal too, i think its just our bodys way of reminding us of what we have been through! I try not to worry about the what ifs, life is good and im planning on it staying that way Xx

Oh thanks Jobey Glad its not only ne then ive been panicking. .sounds like you’re hands are full with your cat / dog / oh & hubby …just getting in the shower getting ready for work chat soon have a good day x
Christine x

Hi Sandra good luck with your mamagram finhers crossed for you im sure you will be ok its just the waiting im dreading mine in April and yes your right i think once we get thee all clear we can stop panicking. .we will feel a lot safer its just a long wait till we get checked . X
Christine x

Cottage pie filling all ready in the slow cooker this morning ?

Can’t believe I have to go to work again today, yesterday nearly finished me off .Could one of you bike me round a stew/soup/crumble for tea ?

IKnow how you feel Jill , I’m on week 3 back at work today I’m working 10 am till 6 pm yesterday was 8 .30 till 4.30 , so much for phase to return , but on the up side have a laugh with girls at work , christine your an early bird again I no what
you mean about panicking at the moment Im waiting for my smear results never bothered me before. But this time !! . Hope all you ladies have got your slow cooker on ready for your healthy teas , I still need to buy on this weekend . Mind you I buy things use it for a few weeks and stick it in the cupboard . Have a lovely day ladies at work , home , and rads . Xx

Morning lovely ladies. Wishing everyone all the beast for whatever is ahead of them today and sending big hugs. Day 6 of rads for me and today it’s Bob taking me to hospital. Such lovely people who volunteer their time for free. They seem to be mostly retired and do a day or so a week. They say they like meeting new people all the time and love what they do. One did tell me that a patient asked him to go via John Lewis on the way back from the hospital, which is taking the mickey! You always seem to get someone like this don’t you. I’m going to sponsor them, the Leicester and Rutland RVS, through my business, if I can, as they are truly amazing and anyone going through treatment who lives a distance away from the hospital and can’t drive can use them. Had to use a pillow under the seatbelt yesterday as I’m still sore and I suppose the rads are also starting to irritate the scar. I too am thinking about my next mammogram due at the end of January. I’ll only be finished treatment at the end of November because it’s all been going on since January this year so not much time to get in to the back to normal mode, whatever that is. Praying I won’t have gone thro 3 lumpectomies and 25 rads only to find that it’s back and I need a mx. Anyway, having a break from the slow cooker today (!) but the cottage pie sounds a good idea. Perhaps we should publish a recipe book, all sale proceeds to Breast Cancer Care?! Xx Francine

About to leave soon for my 11th session. I had such a painful boob/underarm yesterday. I ended up taking one of my post surgery painkillers before bed but woke up at 4.30 with pain. Boob is a bit red today, I know it’s ‘normal’ but it still horrible. Everyone in the waiting room yesterday were in good spirits. I like it when there’s a chatty mix. I’m also flushing like mad. Before my diagnosis I took Menopace which seemed to hold them at bay but I’m not sure if I can take them again. The advice from the breast nurse was a bit woolly so I’m a bit hesitant. Oh well better get my shoes on. Good luck everyone going today! Ps I’ve been putting my slow cooker to use too! I will look through some of the suggestions ?