Just had my appt for results - Monday 2nd. 

Welcome Sara…anyone with a slow cooker is welcome. BC is optional! :wink: x

Sara I think the task of staying positive is one of the biggest battles! If you dare feel down you feel guilty too because you’re not climbing mountain’s and raising millions for research…give me an ounce of what them guys have and I would be more than grateful. The positivity comes in waves as do the downers…go with it. No pressure from us lot, we know the reality! X

One thing that’s not helping is that the anaesthetist has left my throat in a terrible mess. I have a huge ulcer where he broke the skin and the back of my throat is black which I assume is bruising. GP tomorrow, I think. I’ve given it a week and it’s not cleared so I think I need antibiotics, as it’s moving into my ear. 

Yes ,get looked it at ,your immune system takes a bit of a battering with all the stress and anxiety then an anaesthetic too.

Sounds painful…what a brute! Sounds like he was rough with you unless they had problems when you were under, did they say? X

They didn’t say but he was this gentle little elderly man when I was awake - obviously a complete thug on the quiet! My oxygen levels were very low for the rest of the day so makes me wonder if he had a bit of a panic and just rammed the breathing tube in quick. 

Yes seems excessive …Hope you get sorted. Lorna x

Will look out for it Jo, hope the dog doesn’t get to it first !!!

Ok I admit it, I had a cheese and onion crisp sandwich today after my rads and it was wonderful. Crappy white bread too, I’m soooo naughty. ?? I did have an apple with it so that’s OK then. Healthy eating at it’s best girls. The radiographer said that lots of people tell her that they eat a lot more having rads. She thinks it may be the bodies reaction to trying to repair itself. Personally I think it’s just me being piggy. Sending Jill a liver and bacon casserole, hope you like liver by the way. It’s very good for you so eat it all up! Friend of mine loves tripe and milk, ugh, and tried to come and cook some for me. I said I was allergic to it, white lies are OK if you have BC of course.

I love a crisp sarnie but cheese and onion make me heave!!! ??? can you make it plain of S&V next time please Francine!! Xx

Will do Jo. Anyone remember Golden Wonder crisps? What happened to them?

Golden Wonder were the best crisps particularly cheese and onion,I think you can still get them some places.Cant beat a crisp sandwich got to be white bread though or it doesn’t work.Yes,liver and bacon casserole casserole very acceptable Francine. The postman will be very pleased trying to deliver all these stews through a 6 inch letter box , saying that he usually manages to get just about anything through no matter how large or fragile bless him…

I’m glad I’m not the only one eating for England! The lovely ladies today told me I need a bigger bra or a camisole top - probably combination of boob swelling with the rads & me overeating & not doing as much as normal. I’ve got a little sore but under my boob so will go out and see what I can find.
I get fed up with people saying stay strong & positive - I just smile politely and think rude thoughts in my head. If I want to cry and feel sorry for myself I will!! I’ve only got two more sessions to go and I’ve been signed off work until 9th November so I’m keeping my fingers crossed I feel OK to enjoy a bit of time off.

2 more Cookie,not long now .Hope you manage to enjoy your time off.

My scars are getting really sore - anybody any suggestions of what I could put on them?

I found aloe Vera gel best, Sara.

Managed to get through second week of phased return to work - absolutely knackering. Would be ok if I had nothing else to do! Forced myself to go to staff meal - lovely to be out and feeling/looking relatively normal (thanks to new shell prosthesis) but then someone said that a colleague’s cancer was due to bad karma. I should have bitten my tongue but, thanks to a couple of glasses of wine, asked what she thought I’d done wrong in that case. Not the ideal mood lifter.

Gosh mf bad karma, I’d have hit that person! Nearly as good as the person who told me that God had given me cancer because I could bear it when others couldn’t. Gee thanks! Jill, liver and bacon casserole on the way, you might want to put something down behind the letterbox as the gravy is quite runny. My postman specialises in stuffing very large things through our quite small letterbox, think he must have a degree in it. I’m off to get some Aloe Vera gel tomorrow too. Going to keep it in the fridge. My poor nipple seems to be bearing the brunt at the moment and my scar is a bit sore too. Trying not to think how it may all be by session 25, but feeling upbeat at the moment. Hooray, beats the snivelling at random times and inconvenient places. X

I’ve just ordered a mini trampoline from Amazon! Supposed to be good for lymphatic drainage. Might have to hold my sore boob whilst I bounce though.