Mf - how inconsiderate of that person!! I’ve got a vegan family member who yesterday put something about how non-vegans get cancer - cheers love!! I think we all have enough to deal with without people spouting rubbish at us.
I’ve been using doublebase gel as suggested by the hospital. Boob is quite red and sore now. Had to take off new bra as that was rubbing. I’ve got some crop top type ones coming today, hope they work.

I would have been tempted to put something "interesting " in that colleagues drink Marcella,now that’s karma!!

Sara, you are very brave considering bouncing with sore boob!!!

MF that’s just outrageous - whether or not you were there, it is just a nasty comment to make about anyone. One thing that I have found is that I now notice how much people talk about breasts - can’t get away from it! 

Thanks for support, all. Hope you’re having a good weekend.

Morning ladies…Ooo Sara your brave jumping on a trampoline it makes me want to wee if I jump on a trampoline. .plus the thought of the boob bouncing
around.ive got lymphodemia in my boob
maybe it would be good but I just couldnt
ouch !
Marchella I would have live to have seen that persons face when you said that what was the reaction of them ? Bloody good job she wasn’t on our table in Preston can you have imagined what could have happend…take care Xx
Christine x
Marchella good job

Blood on my pj top and sheets this morning but can’t even tell which scar has bled! Serves me right for deciding to sleep without my post op bra on last night! Gave me a heck of a shock when I first saw it - scared to look in case my stuffing had burst out! Oh the glamour of it all! 

Yikes, Sara - scary. Hope all is ok.

Do you still have dressings on Sara?

No Jill, I took it off after a couple of days and the steri-strips came off a couple of days later. It’s quite sore and a little bit pink and a tiny bit warm - if it’s no better tomorrow, I’ll phone the ward and see if I need to pop in to get it checked. I’ll pop a dressing in my bra today and see what happens. Can’t even tell where the blood has come from - I initially checked my nostrils lol.

Think may be best to get it checked in case you have an infection.I had similar to you, was very sore under arm pit but boob was fine after strips came off.You may have caught it with your nail or something I guess re bleeding.

I’ve left a message for my breast care nurse to call me - see what she suggests. Such a faff trying to see GP - I’d have to go and sit and wait in drop-in. Missed today’s drop-in anyway.

Are you a long way from where the nurses are based , when I had fluid build up they told me to go down and they had a look at it.

Hi ladies
Got mesured up for new sports comfy bras today @ M&S …what a lovely lady was chatting for 45mins as I like to chat .she said ahe sees ladies like us on a weekly basis I told her all about our forum and our meet up she said that was great I said I would give her a mentiin on. Here tonight she is the bra fitter at Blackburn M&S… she said she feels like she has known me years said ti keep popping in and see her keep her posted what a lovely lady …was that comfy I said can I keep one on to go home in hated going up sizes though x
Chrristine x

Glad you had s good experience, Christine. Nice that there are decent, supportive people out there.

Was it you who had bad time at your M&S couldnt remember but was telling her x
christine z

Yes, that was me. I actually went back the other day when it was quiet and a young woman measured me. It was ok, thankfully,

Thanks for the tip about M&S blackburn chrisine , it’s gone a lot better for shopping since they did the shopping center up , hope everyone well and your boob is not to sore Sara.
I’m off to the hospital got my 6 month check tomorrow least it’s an afternoon off work . Will let you know how I get on Julie xx

Good luck with your check-up, Julie. x

Good luck with your che k up Julie your lucky getting a 6month one I have to wait twelve months …yes try blackburn she was lovely I didnt get her name off her badge but I think she is the only bra gitter she said usually make appointment but it was quiet so she did me…she came from Barrow. .but didnt luve there any more…mention me to her if you go my daughter sat 45 mins waiting for me outside charging rooms was moaning her bum was killing her …ha ! Plus they were givibg loyalty cards out and I got £6.50 of my pack of two bras and 10% off food for 9.days and collect point every time I shopat M&S …tell her your one of them off our meet up she knows all about us said it was great to do that …im so happy with my comfy bras have to stay away from wires now…take care let us know how you get on Julie with your check up x
Christine x