PS …sorry about spelling mistakes just read through it it is 4.30am & sat with lamp on on bed on my mobile …but im sure you will work it out afyer all it wouldnt be me if all spelt right ; 0)
Christine x

Glad you found a nice bra “gitter” Christine!!The hour going back has thrown me I’m wide awake at 5am.The thought of work today is not appealing ,my brain still feels so rusty and I just don’t feel like I know what I’m doing anymore .There have been loads of changes since I’ve been away ,new staff and an office move as well which hasn’t helped .Hope things improve with time .

Morning, all - also discombobulated by clock change and have been up since 5. My check-up is in a year. Is anyone else having lung probs after rads? I’ve had a cough for four weeks and a chest infection for three weeks. Had to sign a form that I was aware my left lung might be damaged.

Hi Jill. Good luck with work today. On Friday I was on my own in the office for three hours (rare) and it gave me a chance to get my head round some of the changes, which helped. I bumped into a colleague who’d had BC. She said it took 6 months to recover from treatment after she was back at work.

Sorry you are finding work difficult Jill. We all go through so much that it must be difficult to completely change your focus. I am a secondary school teacher and went off sick as soon as I was diagnosed becuase I didn’t want to go from being judged an ‘outstanding’ teacher to an ‘inadequate’ one - the relentless observations, scrutinies and judgements would have been too much to cope with, along with 12 hour days and weekends! I’m not going back until I am confident that I can maintain my professional profile as it will feed into my performance management. The downside is, as you say Jill, when I go back I will struggle to get my brain into gear. I will be thinking about you today and sending you positive thoughts to give you strength (don’t know if these things work but worth a try). Let us know how your day went - log in at lunchtime if you need an escape. XXX 

Girls I think we get mammograms yearly so after months of treatment will be 6 months away? I have appointments with Chorley and Wigan that work out six months apart too. X

Well I survived another day at work but am now only fit to dribble and rock gently in a corner!!!Feel a little bit more in control after today but colleagues are used to me being on the ball and I’m just not there as yet!!Got told off for talking too loudly on my phone in a corridor by some random bad tempered woman felt like saying “don’t you know what I’ve been through” you horrible *****.This BC business has not left me feeling very resilient.Hoping it will come back in time.

Hi ladies hope you all having a good day , just back from hospital asked about 6 month check they said every October I will be seen for a breast examination , and every April thats 12 month since I had 1st mamagram I will have a mammogram for the next 5 years . All went well and got my smear results as well today that was normal so I’m a happy bunny today , just gor oncologist next Tuesday and I hope that’s it till next April . Xx

Jill glad you survived work , get working on them lottery numbers x

I am working on the lottery win Julie!!Sara ,very difficult to concentrate on a job like yours when you are under a lot of stress , mine is similar as I work for social services ,can’t really say sorry I’m having a bad day can you have your crisis tomorrow can you!!!

Julie ,does that mean that we will get checked twice a year once by surgeon and once via mammogram??The mammogram anniversary will be pretty awful I think?

Jill I don’t know as all hospitals are different I’m at airdale and there policy is every breast cancer or is seen every 6 months and you have your mamagram and see the the doctor again 12 months from your 1st mammogram x

Dreading the mammogram, can you imagine the wait again! And if a call back letter arrives ;( just been told about friends friend who had bc 9 years ago and now got it in bones…doesn’t give me much confidence hearing that. Same with my future daughter in laws mum. All clear then back 6 years later in her bones and brain bless her. I think we need full body scans when we’ve had it. Surely it’s justified? May see how much to go private. X

Popped in to see breast care nurse today - got antibiotics for a wound infection. Well that’s a relief! Glad this pain and bleeding isn’t normal. Glad you survived today Jill - I’m sure it will get easier each week. I definitely cannot imagine dealing with 30 rowdy teenagers until I am fully functioning  so I am going to take as long as I need to - lots of research says that stress impacts on breast cancer.

Yes Sara, don’t go near work for a while concentrate on looking after you.Stress def not a good thing for cancer .There are quite a few ladies who are at a similar stage to you in their treatment (myself ,Lorna and Jo all have a natter there too if you wanted to join us) on the "Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand "thread .They talk about other things than slow cookers as well!!Glad you got yourself checked, it didn’t sound quite right.

Well my next mammogram falls due in January, only 2 months after my rads finish, such is the length of time my treatment has been going on! I’m already dreading the thought of it but just concentrating on getting through the rads. Finding them very difficult emotionally for some reason and had a big meltdown. Nearly didn’t go and am considering stopping. Don’t have any more energy left to cope at the moment and my business is suffering badly, causing financial issues. I’m dropping off the forum for a bit but send my love to everyone xx Francine

Francine no wonder you are exhausted, its been a long haul but you are almost there. Please don’t isolate yourself or your emotions. We’re here for you for the highs and lows. Sending love Lorna x x x

Francine, rads are a very emotional experience I found and particularly after the first 6 or 7 sessions, I was getting quite tearful and feeling very tired and overwhelmed at times .I found those few minutes they leave you alone in the room very bleak and found it left you dwelling on why you were there .Don’t stop ,you can do it you have been through so much and come so far ,not long now and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel .Radiotherapy is a big ,big protective factor in this not coming back.Grit your teeth swear a lot and keep going,come on Francine you can do this boring and soul destroying as it is,it’s an investment in your future .

Sorry you’re suffering financially and emotionally on top of having BC, Francine. I was told rads added 58% to survival. Good luck with everything. X

Hang on in there Francine ,sorry to here you having a bad time ,take care Julie x