Dorice,side effects increase for 2 weeks at least after you finish as radiation continues to build up in your body.My boob got a lot worse and I ended up with an infection where skin had broken down.Onc said radiation destroys cells in your breast and then body uses resources to repair which means you get very tired,emotional and it takes time to recover.Also just finishing treatment has an emotional impact too we have all found.Dont beat yourself up ,this is hard.

Francine, I just had a look back and 5 days ago your posts were really positive. I hope this is just a blip and that you will have better days again soon. I expect to start Rads soon and your experiences have helped me know what to expect. Let’s do this together. XXX

Hi Sara, when do you start ?

Sorry just realised you haven’t got timescales yet have you Sara, next week is it ?

Next week for results I mean,brain has packed in today after day at work !!!

Better late than never eh?You are very welcome to join us on the next stage of the journey,trying to survive in the post treatment world !!

Welcome Doris, hope you’re doing ok. It’s a bumpy road for sure but it does get easier ( a cliche I know) I found this site a few months into treatment. Was on an American one first but it was a bit slow for me. I like to see an active site with lots of posts and lots of experiences. Love Lorna x x

Yes Jill, Monday. Hoping for just rads and Tamoxifen. Just need to get this infection cleared up before they start to cook me. Hello Doris - sorry you’re struggling. X


Dorice - sorry wrong spelling. 

Morning Dorice and welcome to the forum dont worry about the spelling as mine is always gobledegouch but I think evert one is used to it now its this darn key pad on my phone …blame it on the tablets if need to…you will enjoy being on here we are all in the same boat we laugh we cry we let off steam and have fun at the same time its been thest thing ever for me take care x
Christine x

Hi Dorice. Sorry you have to be on here. It’s been great support - really helps to exchange experiences. Also good for those who are up before dawn - morning, Christine!

Morning Marchella hope spelt your name right…how are you doing at work im back in full swing of things now felt like I’d never been away after a few days .but at first it did feel strange trying to concentrate…hope your ok x
Christine x

Hi Christine. Glad things are going well for you. Work is a challenge. I’m in 3 afternoons a week on my phased return but yesterday I didn’t get home till 7.30 because of various goings on so I was absolutely shattered and all my lymph nodes have swollen up again. I keep thinking I’m doing ok but then do too much and go back to square one. I could never have imagined going from being really lively and busy to dragging myself round like an injured dog.

My boob keeps sweeling up ive got lymphodemia in my boob and have to go for special massage twice a week in november …nit looking forward to it itf takes ivr an hour I told them ive just gone back to work it will have to after work …ive been on sick pay for 7months christmas is around the corner I cant afford not to work …x
Christine x

Morning all, have to go work again and try to seem “with it” ,concentration comes at a price- exhaustion !!

I know Jill ten hrs I did yesterday was yawning by lunch time then I got a 2nd wind …not as bad today though hope your ok x
christine x

It is hard work Joe but I find if I sit down im nodding off I hate tv and could quite easily live without one…I just keep busy all the time and keep going god knows how but I do …and yes im luck to get 3/4 hrs sleep a nt…im to active and when I wake up early hrs my mind starts thinking what needs doing today etc…x
Christine x

Are there any days when your husband doesn’t get up in the middle of the night Christine?That can’t help on the sleep front.You need more rest and to look after yourself, particularly with lymphodaema,easier said than done I know.I am trying to figure out how I will keep up healthy eating,living etc when I am working my full hours in stressful job again.

Some of the stuff in the press this month re breast cancer has been really daft,inaccurate or sensationalised .Read an article about Tricia Goddard who is coming to end of 5 years of Tamoxifen(watch out Tricia they will probably tell you to take it for another 5!!!) and it said to look at her you wouldn’t think she is still receiving treatment for cancer like she should still have no hair and look all pale and pathetic!!!

Just weekends Jill but we are both wide awake early hrs having a coffee/hotchoc…our sleeping patyerns are out the qindow with his work…I really sont k ow how I keep going .and yes Jo I’m the same get loads done before go work.and if I sit down its the same my hubby says the same to me…I do try to sit watxh a film with him he is a real twlly addict…gets mad when I dont sit down watch a film I have teied vut if im not interested ive nodded off befoee it starts he had full surround sound system to and always action films shooting bombing etc I can sit and watch a funny old true to life brittish film like rita sue n bob.kez etc but really not into tv im to busy…if my hubby misses first five mins of emerdale he has to turn off n watch xatxh up at 8 .how sadis that…plus football on tv all the time x
Christine x