Im at worj now and tired already but as I keep going my batteries recharge… my mum says u will meet yourself coming backwards one day lady ! X
christine x

You need to find ways to chill Christine.How about riding an exercise bike while watching a film!!!

The Lymphoedema in your boob sounds painful, Christine. I don’t know how you keep going. Before this I slept 6 hours a night at most, now I sleep a solid 7. Have you thought about putting yourself forward for a Duracell ad?

Mike is film mad but ive no hope of watching one all the way through without falling asleep, hes a real night hawk yet hates mornings! We do meet somewhere in the middle lol!
Im sat eating lunch at my desk thinking of all i could be doing at home…Work is such a nuisence ?

Your so much like me Jo x
christine x

Might think about the tv add Marchella …laughing here its not the first time some ine has said that …im in a meas at the miment I climbed I to to loft last week and put my foot through the beams into my newly decorated bedroom Arrrghh ! Ive got brother inlaw here cutting it all out and plaster boarding it… in a right mess he has alao hust put me some new skirting board rou d my living room shame I wasnt fit for all this work when I was off work I would have lo ed to have decorated all down stairs before went back to work I love decorating but detest glossing …inbetween all this my daughter has mad a chocolate cake and I told her to wash up the mess she half done it and gone to her room playing on Her I.pod …x
christine x

We certainly sound it Christine! Home now and time to start again ?

In bed, feeling sick,presumably from antibiotics or infection or both. If it’s not one thing, it’s another! 

There is always something Sara!!Hope you feel better tomorrow .Dorice my boob swelled after rads ,not sure how you tell the difference between that and lymphodaema ,Christine may be able to help with that .

Sorry to hear that, Sara. Hope you feel better soon.

Lorna are you back at work full time next week?

Yes Jill ;( got to bite the bullet at some point I guess! I only work 4 days though and not back until Tuesday so short week thank goodness. Where are you up to? X

1.5 days next week then 2 days following week then 3 days which is my normal working hours the week after .At least you have a short week next week like you say.

Good luck with work, Lorna. I’m due to see occ health again next week to work out when I’ll go back to full time. Doing 3 X 4 hours next week.

Im here lol lol messing with my slow cooker ; 0) x
christine x

Me Sleep NEVER !
Im doing some chicken Fajita wraps no fat at all in these …chuck some red yellow green peppers sliced in bottom of slow
cooker/ place chicken fillets season with
Fajita spices turn chicken season again with the spice chopped garlic and crushed cloves over top /squeeze lime over top.tin of chopped tomatos over top more red green yellow peppers more lime juice lid on cook full for 3hrs then pull chicken out chop into cubes put back in cook for 15 mins… I jave then with wrap with lettuce in and natural yoguart sprinkled with low fat cheese yummy .x
oh n dont forget the nuce glass of friday night wine ; 0) hows you Jo ?
Christine x

Send me some!!!Claire asking about lunch out before Xmas if anyone is up for it , I will meet her whatever , she is struggling back at work.Lorna and Christine owe you a drink!

Enjoy your nuce glass of wine …

U sure do Jill .ye I prob be up for a meet again Before christmas see how we are all doing x
Christine x

Nice one Jo enjoy your well earned glass or two of wine I am :0)
christine x