Was supposed to start Anastrazole today but chickened out - actually felt sick worrying I’d be as ill as I was on Letrozole.

I’m up for meet before xmas . We can go on the train again Christine x

Yes we will Jill now I know which side of the platform to get on ha! Was lovely meeting you all last time havibg a chat and a carch up Jill get a meet up sorted x
christine x

How about either last weekend in November or first weekend in December after that I guess people with have Xmas stuff going on and will be busy.

Hi Jill sorry can’t do last week of November as daughters birthday and promised I’d look after grandson so she can go out with friends ( this means dropping him off 1st thing Saturday and picking him up Sunday !! ) but fine 1 St week of December . Hope everyone’s ok looking forward to a catch up Julie x

Ps thankyou Jill for taking time to sort this x

Ok ,first weekend in December fine with me if that suits best,I have very little on in December at the moment so Im flexible.

Hi All. Haven’t been able to post for some reason - tried several times. I started feeling much better so started Anastrazole. Was dreading it after the awful time I had on Letrozole but have to give it a go due to aggressive nature of tumour. Already got painful joints, swollen glands (again) and pain in bones. My target at work today was 4-5 hours but had to leave after 4. Already in PJs.

Oh Dorice - I’m so sorry you’re in pain. I haven’t started my rads yet so I can’t say anything in the least bit useful. I hope you manage to get some sleep, with the aid of some painkillers. X

Hi Dorice. The rads keep on working for at least a couple of weeks after treatment ends. I got blistering under my boob about a week after the last rads. I had to stop wearing a bra till it cleared up. Other advice I’ve read is to air your boob out, eg lie naked on the bed to let the air circulate. My scar was purple - I think that happens if your skin is brown or olive.

Have you had your results appointment yet Sara?

Dorice my skin was a bit if a mess when I finished rads,I had steroid cream for the itchy rash and hydrogel and dressings for the areas where the skin had broken down and the ended up with antibiotics cos it got infected!!Area around scar got very dry and cracked too .

Hope you get sorted out dorcie sounds painfull.
Iv got oncologist appointment this morning have you had yours yet Jill x

Next Monday,I know it’s nothing to worry about but not looking forward to being forced back into" Cancerworld " again after having a break for a while .Let us know how you get on.

Results a bit mixed really. Good news is that they had a clear margin around the tumour and that there was no sign of cancer in the nodes. The tumour was 4 times bigger than they expected and has been promoted from grad 2 to grade 3 which is disappointing. They have sent a sample to the USA to be tested and I go back in 2 weeks to find out if I need chemo. I def have to have radiotherapy and drugs for 10 years. 


Oh and also got to attend dressings clinic because wound not yet healed!

Dorice at my post rads chat they said if my skin got bad to talk to the reds team as gp don’t have enough experience with possible skin problems. Hope you manage to get some help as it does sound sore.

All went well with oncologist sending for me again in 3 month . Yes !! No hospital appointments till next year , hope every one ok x

Hi Sara. Well mine was a Grade 3 invasive, no nodes but I didn’t have chemo, they felt that because of my age 62, the side effects would outweigh the benefits. Just rads and Anastrazole for 5 yrs at the moment. Not sure how old you are but worth having a good discussion with the onc about the chemo.

Hi Francine (I hope I got your name right). I’m 52. Interesting to hear that you made an informed choice not to have chemo. The surgeon says that if the results come back to show that I would benefit from chemo then I should do it. He said that 2 thirds of women with this type of cancer will not benefit so I am really hoping that I will be in the 2 thirds group. My next appt is 16th which is when I will find out the results - if he says chemo then I will do as you suggest and ask him if the benefits are worth the side-effects for me. Thanks for your advice - it’s good to hear as many experiences as possible to help me decide. 

Good news/bad news then Sara.Is it the Oncotype DX test ?Its designed to predict how likely your are to have a reoccurrence.