Glad you got sorted Dorice.

How are you doing Francine, are you home from hospital ?

I think so Jill. He said genetic test. Reading the chemo thread, I think yes to assess likelihood of reoccurrence. Been speaking to friend 22 years clear and she suggests have everything they say I need. 

It’s def worth having , it’s costs a small fortune or I guess we would all be offered the test .Woman who had op same time as me had it and they didn’t recommend chemo,rads with boosters and tamoxifen .

Yes Jill, very expensive test and not available in a lot of hospitals. Just have to wait and see what they say.

They only give it to people who are borderline for chemo so hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones Sara.

Home from hospital and resting in bed. My GP popped round (she’s lovely) and has decided that I should continue with a low dose of antibiotics once the current ones have finished until my rads have ended. Hospital have said they will probably add any missing days on at the end but will discuss it with me when I resume, on Monday hopefully. Just seems I’ll never get to the finish line but I know I will. Sending hugs to everyone xx

You will get there Francine.Finished before Christmas and put this horrible year behind you .

Take care fuffs 123 , hope you feeling better soon , nothing like being in your own bed x

Good to hear you are home :smileyhappy: Hope you’re feeling brighter soon and can get back on those rads so you can get them done and dusted! :smileywink: xxx

Bless you Francine what a nightmare! Hope you’re sorted soon and as Jill says, you get the treatment done and dusted. Big hug x

Dorice - I’m glad you got some cream to sort out your skin.

I’m off to the doctors tomorrow. I nearly fainted yesterday at the hairdressers. I have upped my activity a little as I’m supposed to be back to work next Monday - just under two weeks after finishing rads. I don’t feel right, not sure if it’s the fatigue, I am tired & my brain is foggy. I’m going to ask for an extension to my sick certificate. My job can be a bit stressful & full on. I feel bad about letting my colleagues down though. X

Cookie the Oncologist told me that side effects peak 2 weeks after finishing and that you can experience fatigue for several months afterwards .I went back a month after finishing after 2 weeks I was fit for nothing.I am on a very slow phased return.Take another 2 weeks then ask to go back gradually, don’t under estimate the impact this has on you mentally too.

Ps don’t feel bad about letting colleagues down , this about your health which is more important, once you are back everyone quickly forgets you are not quite right.

Thank you Jill, I hope they understand. I went in last week for a meeting and everyone gave me the usual ‘oh you look so well’ - I did say I didn’t feel it. Felt tired last week but this is on a whole different level. Must be as my son’s keep checking if I’m ok!! I’m definitely going to ask for another week at the very least. X

Radiation continues to build up in your body for 2 weeks, then your body uses up resources to repair damage caused by the radiation.Stay off for at least another week or 2 if you can .

Just back from doctors, I’ve got labyrinthitis, so that’s why I’m dizzy feeling on top of the fatigue. I’ve been signed off for another two weeks so at least I don’t have to stress about work. I just hope I sleep tonight as I haven’t much this week even though I’ve been so tired.

I’ve had that it’s horrible ,I tend to get it when I’m run down or stressed ,all you can do is keep very still as movement sets off the dizziness .

Hi Marchella
How are you coping with the new tablets ok I hope …I go to see my oncologist next tuesday its three months since I seen him and he changed my tablets…little does he know ive stopped taking them after taking 5…will let tou know what he says I would never have been back to work and feeling like my self again if I carried on taking them…take care x
christine x

Hi Christine. Haven’t been able to post for a while - not sure why. Hope this works. Started Anastrazole last week and thought it was going ok but woke in middle of the night with awful joint pain and my feet felt crippled. Got bladder pain today so have stopped taking them. Good luck when you see onc. They seem to think that these are normal menopausal symptoms but if they were, no women would make it to old age.