Hi Cookie. I got labyrinthitis during treatment and had to go to doc. Horrible. Glad you’ve got more time off work - take as much as you need - as Jill says, colleagues soon forget you’ve had a life-threatening illness.

Marcella and Christine,why don’t you ask Oncologist about Tamoxifen,it can be used post menopause ,I’m on it for 10 years so I will most definitely be post menopause by 62!!! It has different side effects and may work better for you if you wanted to try it.Bladder problems don’t appear on the list of side effects.

Hi Ladies
my oncologist did off me Tamoxifen 3 mnths ago I said I didnt want them so he gave me anastrozole lower dosage from letrozole…I thought I would be ok bit 5 days of takong them I was back to square one bladder pains headaches joints and bones like someone at 90.all the symptoms came back so I thought best if I dont take anything a week or two later I was back to my whole self again joint pains took a while to get right again but I kimp out of bed in the morning now and walk down stairs instead of coming down on my bum…I wouldnt have been back to work if I carried on taking them …x
christine x

Glad my posts are finally working. Not seeing onc till Sept 2016! I could ask to see him sooner. Last time he complained that I kept bringing him problems and said he wasn’t convinced I got swollen glands on exertion. I met another of his patients who said he texted throughout her appointment. Major a***hole.

Hi Sara. My tumour was grade 3. When they tested it, the proliferation rate was at the lower end but they offered chemo, then changed their minds because of my allergies. It would have added 4% to survival. you can calculate the benefits yourself on this site if you want - I know some people would rather not know. predict.nhs.uk/predict.html

Oh the fun of looking up survival rates!!!Many a happy hour spent,"what happens if I make it 5mm smaller etc etc

Likewise, Jill - not a time I want to revisit.

I’ve been thinking… It’s about time you lovely ladies finally showed yourselves ! Pictures please ??

Oh I can see you, albeit a tiny pic! Looks like you are on your hols in the beautiful sunshine! X

Lovely pic!

I will try to post one…hold on x

Ha ha think I’ve done it! Wouldn’t let me on the phone x

Same here…don’t post personal stuff on it, just social. Need Jill to tell us how to do it. She knows everything! Lol x

Ye Jill is out mummy come o. Jill sort this private facebook out for us…x
Christine x

Sorry about the spelling but it is 3.50am & sat un bed with a lamp on …x but you know what im saying x

Wow just managed to do my phot from my phone what a clecer girl. :0)

Morning Christine, very impressive work for the middle of the night! Lovely picture ?

Morning I know im proud of myself doing it from phone ive only ever been in this site in my phone never on laptop x

Morning, all. Good to see you’re up early! Feeling a bit worried. This week occ health said I should seriously think about whether I should work full time and must prioritise my health. I’m assuming I’ll get back to normal at some point. Anyone else been told this?

Morning Marchell
Im not sure about what youve got vut if I was told not to do full time I would think of my health and take it easy you’ve been tired lately too you will feel back to normal when the time is right I would take it easy and look after your self dont worry about work…
Ive got sore ribs just under opp boob ive noticed bruising is coming out sure this is t due to opp n rads my opp was I. April … I see oncologist on tuesday maybe he can tell me if he has got time he is run off his feel poor man x
Christine x