wow you lot have been busy and it’s not even 7 o’clock . Marcella sorry can’t comment much as I not been put in that situation but I do feel for you . I only work in a small place and only work 3 and a half days , don’t be presured and do what’s best for you . Ps loving the photos ladies x

Christine when I went on Tuesday I so oncologists Registrar at burnley he was really nice Dr (removed name as per T and Cs) was in clinic but as u say he’s always busy . I have been having pain in my ribs he said it’s a side effect fron rads best to get it checked xx

Thanks jo it’s good to see other people have had this . Before I went to see oncologist iwas thinking my god what’s this x

Interesting ,children I didn’t even know I had !!!I would have to "ask a teenager " how to set up a private Facebook page as I’m not up on that sort of thing.I don’t use my real name on Facebook as my kind employers snoop on their employees Facebook pages including hacking into private posts!!!

Yikes, Jill! That’s serious stuff. Don’t want to show off, but I know how to create a private group on FB so can do this if you like. I’d have to be your friend first then invite you to it.

All big organisations are a bit like Big Brother,have a friend who works for Asda stacking shelves and they snoop on her there too.

Has anyone jad bruising under boob to sore ribs…so long afyer treatment ?
Chrisitne x

I’m working part time with hours increasing till Feb/March but occ health said I’ll have to make a decision then. Will have to do full time at least till youngest goes to uni in Oct - though I imagine things won’t get any cheaper then.

Ok. I’ll set up a FB group. If you’d like to join, you can message me privately through this site and we can exchange FB IDs, or text me if you have my number. What shall we call it? Like Jill, I don’t have photo on here just in case. Even my FB photo is of me at 14!

Bunch of tits ?

Ha ha too funny jo! Blue tits, as mine still is! Boob buddies …will have a think x

Does the name of the group appear on your Facebook page?I only have 4 friends on Facebook (nobody likes me) they are old school friends who don’t live locally and none of them know about me and BC.

Not sure if the group name appears on your FB page, Jill. We could keep it as October and Onwards just in case.

Jill a private group will only appear to those in it, we had one for daughter in laws hen wkend and i panicked everytime we posted thinking she could see it but she couldnt!!

Im starting to think you ladies are in the secret service!! ?

Ha ha again No. You do make me laugh. No they are private in every way. No one but people in the group see it or its name… I’m in a few! Lol x

Lots of secret groups eh Lorna???You lead a much more exciting life than me!!!

Lol nothing sinister, just like minded music friends x

Hi ladies
have we got this facebook thing up u running yet ?
Christine x

Marcella is going to look into it.