Just at work at the moment!

Oh ok thanks x

If we set up a private group does anyone mind Claire who came to our meet up being invited( Lorna you will meet her in December)?I also wondered about Sheena(Mismore) as I am still in touch with her and although she doesn’t want to come on the Forum anymore she may like to have a natter in a different setting.

Of course not Jill the more the merrier!

The more the merrier ; 0)

You are all going to get rather confused cos my “Facebook name” is very similar to your real name Jo!!!

Looks like I’m going to have to set up anouther Facebook account ! I deleated mine years ago as was always on it . Found I was obsessed with it and far to nosey . But will be good to keep in touch with you all Julie xx

The more the merrier Jill! Be nice to be able to chat, keep in touch a bit easier. X x

Would any of up you mind if I joined the FB group? Am on there quite a bit so would be a good way to keep up with everyone :wink: xxx

Thank you :slight_smile: be warned there are photos of me on there to scare you all tho :stuck_out_tongue: x

Sounds like a relaxing evening Marcella!!!

Boys… And they all play a musical instrument.

It’s up and running already! Well done. I’m Lorna Mceveley same pic as on here… what’s your name so I know who to expect? Lol threes only one me so won’t need to search x

Just messaged you via FB.

Sheena would like to join when she has internet connection again.So I will send get and invite if all ok with that.Jo I can see serious confusion between the. 2 of us,you had better not be randomly swearing and starting fights as I may get the blame!!!

Would be good if Sheens joined us.

Hey im here been doing a fire work display ive just got back …ive pm marchella to add me to the face book group see you all soon x

Can a wimpy person like me join the Facebook group. ??

Gosh so many Jo Rees on FB, can’t seem to locate you, unless you’re the 21 yr old from Swansea, lol. Can you try and locate me, Francine Paluch. Think there’s only one of me, of course!!

Jo rees tones of you which is you where r u from ?