Thankyou , bet I won’t sleep tonite , make the most of your last week off Jill x

Will be thinking of you lorna in the morning as I to will have to slap the make up on , hope it goes well x

Next chapter ladies!!!

Good luck Ladies on going back to work tomorrow …ive had no internet all weekend been up lakes on caravan site and wifi was blocked …take it easy yes our next step Xx
christine x

Thanks everyone, will report in after work :wink: x

Uniform on off to work I go?. Have a nice day everyone x

Have fun, be me this time next week!!!

Good luck Julie x
christine x

Hope your are not too knackered Lorna and Julie after your return to work .Im really not looking forward to next Monday.Would be nice if your Onc is right Jennifer,but unfortunately I think there is a bit of research to say alcohol increases your risk of hormone responsive BC ,but interestingly does not increase your risk of popping your clogs from it!

Hi went in at 9 worked till 3 . Knackered now didn’t feel like iv been away But good to be back with the girls at work . Hubby’s made my tea red Thai curry . Early night then back again tomorrow hope every one else is doing ok . Xx

Hope you don’t have too many hours to work this week.

Hey Julie glad you enjoyed it back to reality now eh…onward and upwards iys been a tuff ride for us all…
Whers that Lorna maybe doing overtime ha …x
christine x

She’s gone for a nap!!!

Ha ha you two…we I slept 1 til 4 when I got home! Only did3 hours…I’ve turned into a lazy git! Lol. Off tomorrow :wink: ha ha x

Wow nice one enjoy your day off ; 0)
Christine x

Christine is your friend coming on Sat, if so I will change booking.

Evening all - hope you are all doing well. Glad to hear you got on ok at work, it’s daunting going back! It’s nice to get back to the real world again though. Hope you all had a nice weekend. The weather was lovely here, I worked on Saturday and then went to two different hospitals with my son! - don’t ask! He’s ok, just got some solvent glue in his eye at work! Don’t know how he managed that one but he’s always been a bit accident prone.


I’m a bit saddle sore, stupidly took part in a 50 mile bike ride on Sunday and my padded shorts chafed! Finding it difficult to sit down at the moment ha, ha! - am walking a bit like a cowboy ?. I must say it was a lot harder than I thought it would be, more hills involved than I expected and I did start to struggle at 42 miles but kept going - told myself if I can beat cancer I’m not letting a bike ride beat me.


Am still struggling with sleep - think my body is getting too used to it now. So hard to try and break the habit - am awake on and off from 3am onwards and I have to get up at 6.20 for work. I worry about taking sleeping tablets as I think I won’t wake up on time and they do make you feel drowsy. Tried taking half a tablet but that didn’t get me to sleep. Anyway I’m now signing off to try and get some sleep - goodnight all! X

I was shocking with insomnia in the beginning, thought I would never sleep through again! Got back into reading,
also had relaxation app that’s quite good. Hope you get some kip tonight x

Im still not sleeping gotta be up in a few hrs too ; 0 (
Christine x

You may need to start the insomnia thread up again,I was in and down all night and when I did sleep had bizarre dreams,think my body is gearing up for going back to work.One of my dreams involved my boob accidentally falling out when supervising a pub quiz,???