Ha ha Jill…hilarious x

Yes Jill Ann will be coming on saturday x
christine x

Ok I will change it to 7 people.

So we’re meeting in the restaurant at 1 pm? I need reminding, old age! X

No ,12.15 at the pub opposite station,12.45 at restaurant.

Oh thanks :wink: x

Jennifer ,are you back at work yet?

Hi!  I joined the September sizzler for my rads, and this seems to be the continuation thread.  

Finishing in three days’ time, I will leave the forum then. Before this I wanted to post a HAIR DYE WARNING. I finished my chemotherapy in August. I waited for my hair to regrow, it was white, and I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had a handful of dark hair left after the cold cap and I wanted a uniform colour.


I dyed my hair with NATURTIN, it said no armonia, no resorcinol, no parabens. 
It did not seem to mention PPD, a chemical which can cause intense allergic reaction. Apparently black henna can cause the same reaction. 

I had three pin points tattooes put on my chest for the radiotherapy, and I don’t know whether the tattooes had made me more sensitive. I did the hair strand test for allergy, and as nothing happened, I use NATURTIN the next morning. The reaction was slow, it flared out two days later, I thought I ate some bad cheese. I got my radiotherapy appraisal with a nurse, and both of us decided that with some Piriton the rash at the corners of my eyes would clear up. Two days later I was at A&E as “priority”, I still thought it was the cheese, because my hair strand test did not give allergic result for 14 hours!  I was prescribed steroids for 4 days and antihistamine. My eyes had closed up almost completely, my cheeks were raw red, my ears had double size and I was so itchy I could not sleep. Not what I wanted after 6 cycles chemo and in my second week rads!!! Today (in my fourth week rads) I had an emergency appointment with my GP, heavier antihistamine, cortisoid cream - and more steroids “just in case”. Luckily the rash did not touch by breast.

I am pre-diabetic, the steroids can topple me into diabetes. I am trying to avoid them, but if things don’t improve, I might have to take them. I researched the web, and it seems that PPD is the culprit. It is in a lot of hair dyes, even those which are advertised as “natural”. Black henna can also cause allergy (in hair dyes and tattooes).  PPD is often in hair dye where there are two containers to mix. Apparently I can have weeks of rash, itchy skin, puffy eyes, and I am writing this so that others don’t go through this - I am not even concerned about my 4th week rads (!!!). This issue is now dominating my life!  The 4th week rads is so much easier, no more breath hold tube. I don’t think that if I waited another month or two for my hair, it would have made any difference. I dyed my hair before, and this is the first time I use NATURTIN.
Sending my best wishes to your friendship meetup - I live too far away to join - sigh.  Egret x

Blooming heck Egret,that’s certainly is a reaction poor you!!We have started a kind of “moving on thread”,anyone welcome to join in ,there is an October rads thread (October hot cross buns) too.

Glad you are on the last leg of your rads now.

Yes ,I have one of them too,very odd!!

Gosh egret, thanks for the warning, sounds horrendous! Like you’re not going through enough. Hope it all subsides soon. Shame you can’t meet us all on Saturday but understand you’re too far away. Where are you? Perhaps you could meet up with others on here nearby? X Lorna

Poor you Egret that sounds horrific.i hope you are feeling better soon. I had a bad reaction to make up in March and had similar symptoms but not as severe so I really sympathise with you. My eyes were affected the most and the skin was red raw and peeling. I felt like I had been burnt beneath my eyes. I have since had a patch test done at the hospital and found out what I’m allergic to. I am in the one tanned boob club as well! Don’t know how long it lasts but I finished rads mid August!


Hope all you ladies have a nice time when you meet up - I’m too far away as well. 


Still didn’t sleep well last night, listening to the rain at 3am this morning. I’m not liking these dark mornings already, can’t believe how early its dark tonight - winter is on its way I think. I do enjoy reading so will have to try that to see if it will help send me to sleep - trouble is if I get into a book I can’t put it down! Hot flushes are still waking me up and then I struggle to go back to sleep. I think I will have a milky drink tonight, read for a bit and see if that helps! Good luck fellow insomniacs, pleasant dreams xxx

It’s horrible battling with insomnia. I was that bad I started the night owl thread ! But I started to accept it, not as if I had work to get up for so I would get up, read make a drink etc. Far more pleasant than lying there struggling with my thoughts. I can’t get enough sleep since rads! Or that may be the citalopram anti depressants I take before bed now …Don’t know don’t care lol x

Can’t belive back at work and full of a cold ?oonly today to work then off til Monday . Hope every one else is getting back into the normality of work . Make most of last few days Jill c u Saturday xxxxx

Bet I will get ill too,I think the anxiety of going back to work affects your immune system.I had so many things I was going to do in the house ,not really got many done.Will need to cross at least one more off the list before I go back.

Put a lot of xx just text my daughter before I’d posted as I always put loads of x on hers .

I know what u mean Jill about doing jobs round house I was the same and they still need doing .

The kitchen drawer is getting sorted today, hope I find some forgotten cash!!!

I have allergies too , my acupuncturist also told me the cancer down to inflammation and suggested various supplements to reduce inflammation.If I take them all it will cost a small fortune though.