Take work as slowly as you can get away with Marcella.I chucked most of contents of kitchen drawer ,counted 25 pens…no cash though!!!If you can’t log on on your phone did you get my phone number in case any problems re Saturday ?

I have read of other people having swollen glands after finishing treatment ,remember your body took a battering from the bladder problems too .Occy health woman was very cautious re my return to work made me realise this has been quite serious hasn’t it!!!

Bloody brilliant !
Been lymphodemia clinic today another toen another hospital…just got back to work and need go to this clinic twice a week to have massage and special lights…for gowd sake when is it gonna stop !..good side ive managed to fit it around work when ive finished …I was working yeaterday 81/2 hrs none stop but did I sleep dis I he’ll as like lookinh forward to the two glasses of wine on saturday ; 0)
Christine x

That’s a bummer Christine,there are so many potential complications with this thing.

That blooming restaurant offer is looking less good value when I rang to change the booking they said that it is one Italian platter and pizza between 2 ,not one pizza each ,and one glass of wine each and bottle of water for £25 (12.50 each).Guess it’s a little bit cheaper than buying off the main menu ,we could always mix and match get a couple of the offers and share a few other things.Im feeling hungry now!!!

Jill Ann has txd me from preston rads really on a downer waiting for lift home she said christine im deffo not coming on saturday im sick of talking cancer she been preston today and she said they left a stich in from opp and no one there can take it out she has to go climic tomorrow she sounds on a right downer…she already had opp dune before and thwy never got it out she been througj loada of messing about… anyway 6 is an even number ao no probs .pwew sweating but not the tablets ive just shampooed my living room carpet think a noce cold drink go down a treat x
christine x

I will just leave booking and if she changes her mind she can come . see how she feels .

Every time I power my phone off I get locked out of the forum it has took me since 1.30 yesterday afternoon to get back logged on !! CHristine hooefully they will sort you out at the lymodeama clinic , I’m still full of a cold and now got a soddin cold sore up my nose of all places . You will be sitting me at a separate table in Saturday x

Just bring a surgical mask from work!!!Marcella has had problems logging in too.Im bound to get ill in time for going back to work.

Your last rad Egret, brilliant! X

Well done egret x

What a nice day on my way to Manchester airport with hubby . Picking up our daughter and son in law , they got married in January but just had 2 weeks honeymoon in Las Vegas . See some of you tomorrow xxx

Look forward to meeting you all x

Thanks, Egret. Congratulations on completing rads!

Hi ladies what time are we meeting up tomorrow ? Not been able to log on here too…Julie I will private message you my phone number about getting there ok x
christine x

Hi Christine. We’re meeting at 12.15 in the pub opposite Preston station. Jill will tell me if I’m wrong.

That’s fine CHristine xx

That’s right Marcella. I have everyones phone number now so we should be able to find each other !!!

Hi Julie ive just PM you my phone number if you want to text your number to mine I will ring you when ive finished work ok x
christine x

See you all tomorrow so looking forward to meeting you all x
christine x