See you tomorrow Christine, looking forward to it .

5 weeks after Rads.


Had my review meeting with the Oncologist yesterday.  After waiting an hour (how much of our lives have been wasted in waiting rooms?), the appointment lasted less than 10 minutes.  


He said my skin looked as he would expect, had a prod and a poke at my breast and said there was a lot of scar tissue.  He asked how the treatment had been and when I told him how much pain I had been in for 7 weeks he said it was because my rib cage had been elevated due to the heartspare (I’m left side) and so had been subjected to more radiation.  He said he didn’t have a picture of where the treatment had been given (do I need a picture?!  There’s a large brown rectangle that kind of shows me where it was!!) but the whole left side of my ribs had received radiotherapy.  


Felt quite angry when I left, couldn’t wait to get out, hated being back in the hospital.  


Love to everyone xx



Hi NP ,I think going back for any appointments will be hard .I can see exactly where they have radiated too , a bit freaky really .Hope you feel better today. , hopefully won’t have to go near the sodding place for a while eh ?

Hi Tweasel, hope you are doing ok after finishing treatment .

No ,none of us will look forward to that experience will we.

My bc was on right but was told ribs could become brittle after rads along with lung scaring. Hope you all have a fab weekend x

Sorry re your ribs, NP. I’m finding more each day that living with the consequences of treatment is no mean feat. I certainly feel far worse than I did even after three ops. x

HI Lorna hope your mum is ok sorry dint get to meet up todày that was lovely of you to have bottle of bubbles waiting for us thanks …we will have to do another meet soon when you can come was looking forward to meeting you x
christine x

Was gutted to miss you all…mums fine, well frail but didnt have to go to hospital so home on anti biotics. Glad you had a good day. And definitely need to do it again. X x

Yes we will defiantly have to have anouther meet up ,was good to meet you all and have an adventure on the train with Christine . Just a shame you couldn’t make it lorna . We look forward to meeting you at the next one x

Lorna ,thank you for the bubbles , lovely thought !We were very confused when we sat down and they brought the bottle over !Fit for nothing now,2 glasses of wine in the afternoon and Im done for !!!Lovely to meet everyone ,we should do it again when Lorna can come.If anyone wants a coat like mine, they have them at Asda …

That’s a joke obviously. !!!

Christine don’t forget your challenge …

Lovely meeting you all today. Thanks for the drink, Lorna - lovely surprise. Thought we had an admirer for a moment…

Not sure we were that popular with the poor waiter, didn’t realise we had been there for nearly 3 hours!!!

Your welcome…I’m made up I have a pic of you all and have to say you are all laying it on a bit thick in here when you all look so well! Ha ha…seriously a table of glamour. Been though, going through the BC journey? No one would ever guess! Be proud of yourselves x x

Bargain at £25 each too!!!( Oops!).

Don’t look too baldy !Bet people would be surprised why we had got together given how much we were laughing !

Ahhh I wanna see a picture of you all!!! 

When I can work out how to send pictures from this phone I will send you one!