I can’t work this phone so you may have to wait til I suss it out or I will ask Julie to send you a photo.Im the baldy non photogenic one!!!

It’s an I phone but Julie sent me the photo and I don’t know how to send it on.

Photo been sent xx

Not sure we will be making Heat magazine but we did have a laugh !!

So lovely to see you all! You look amazing ladies and no one would ever guess what you’ve all been through these past few months! Xx

Not majorly tempted by that suggestion Jo!!!

Not even for a million ?

Holding up some Green and Blacks ice cream tubs and a bottle of gin!!!

You don’t look in the least bit bald Jill! I zoomed in to check :wink: lol. X

Morning Ladies was nice to meet up and catch up yesterday. .Im just laughing to myself when the waiter brought the bubbles to our table and started to pour it we all sat with mouths open and jill thinkinging hold on this wasnt on the offer whats happening here ha…
feel like you know who your chatting to on here now putting a picture to your faces…it was a lovely restaurant jill and not to much walking to do we will have to all meet up again and all keep I touch …right best get ready for work only working till 10.30 though x
christine x

Jill ive managed to find my challenge I will be onto it later oky dowky x
christine x

I will watch out for it!!

Good luck for tomorrow Jill and Marcella , back to work x

Thanks. I’ve had a stay of execution till Tues so intend to enjoy tomorrow! Good luck, Jill and Claire.

Yes good luck at work girls! Join the human race again, back on the treadmill! Why should I be the only one :wink: lol x

Sorry Claire good luck to you too . If you are reading x

Really ,really not looking forward to it! But will be nice in some ways like you say Lorna to rejoin the real world.

Good luck ladies back at work tomorrow we need you all report back on here tomorrow let us know how your day went …Ive been on a twelve mile hill walk today the views was lively feet are killing jist had a nice soak in the bath …swift glass of nice cold wine now ; 0) just to end the weekend off x
Christine x

Sounds like you have had a good weekend Christine.Passed your challenge too!

What’s Christine’s challenge? I’m intrigued x