Well done, Christine.

Full marks Christine I knew you’d do it x

Hey im really into it now ; 0)
Christine x

Think I’d rather watch X Factor…

Think I deserve a free drink on next meet up now for that was like putty in my hands x
christine x

I will get you one , but if you give it away you have failed the challenge …

OOOOOOooooo now now dont think I will be giving it away Jill…happy ive passed the challenge x
christine z

I’m not! I want to know the challenge because I’m a nosey git! :wink: x

Hey Lorna would live yo tell but if I do I lose my free drink on next meet up lol lol x

christine x

You passed !!! I’ve messaged Lorna to explain, put her out of her misery!Got stinking cold and do not want to go to work!!Had a dream they have put me on a desk al on my own away from everyone else and all my stuff has gone missing!!!Will let you know if it comes true!!

Aw have a nice day back at work Jill soon will feel like uve never been away after two days I felt ive never been away im still going through working with others still not seen yet since been back but im ready for questions …worked with one yeaterday and was dreading her asking me where have I been all that time … but she just said or u glad ti be back ! I just said feels like uve never been off… strange really makes me wonder if they all had a tip off saying confidential so do t ask queations maybe …waiting to here about ur first day back lafies today . PS. Glad you filled lorna in about my challenge bet she never slept a wink wondering ha x
christine x

Let’s hope people are not that nosey with me too!!We shall see …part of me thinks it would be easier to be up front but I don’t want to have conversations with random people about cancer want some control particularly at work.

I found it easier that everyone knew. I didn’t tell them work did with my permission so when I went back there were no questions at all. Just great to see you back etc. Different for each of us …have a good day girls x

I don’t want to go to work either today ? It’s such a lovely morning here and I’d much rather stay home and clean my windows! xx 

Went to work didn’t like it very much , felt like a spare part but survived !! Good luck tomorrow Marcella!!

Thanks, Jill. I think I’ll feel useless too as I seem to have been replaced by three young men! Had a dream last night that I’d forgotten what to do.

That’s day one over with Jill , this time next week you will feel like you have never been away .
Will be thinking of you Marcella tomorrow x

Waiting in a car park in the middle of Liverpool whilst Gee has an audition…things are getting back to some normality and in missing corri! X

Wow whays she auditioning for it all pays off in thee end Lorna no kod gets where they get without having a mother running around like a blue arss d fly…x
And weell done all who got the first day back over with today good luck Marcella for tomorrow x
christine x

Thanks, everyone. If I can stay awake it’ll be a plus!