Positive HER2 stories please

Hello everyone.
Having a bit of a blue moment tonight!
I saw my consultant earlier and again he told me at this stage its curable
Im HER2 positive with positive nodes.
Im having my second lot of chemo on wednesday and he eased me earlier of my fears because i was worried about it spreading inbetween. He told me chemo is still doing its job.
Anyway surely i not only one who is nattering and has the odd moment.
I am quite positive about it all as all the nurses and Dr’s have said all good things to me… but still cant help the pesky negative thought creep in.
Thanks for listening to the rant. Sending you all love. Jem xx


Hi @jeml

Sorry you have found yourself here. I’m also HER2+, I was diagnosed last year and have 2 more injections of Herceptin and a MUGA heart scan due afterwards early October. HER2+ is treatable. You are not alone in your thoughts we’ve all been there.

There are many others on this thread if you would like to join, many of our treatments continue long after chemo finishes.

I see you have already joined the monthly chemo group, you will make some lovely friends and support each other through this time in your treatment. It’s seems so daunting at first but it’s doable and you will get it done ( probably with some ups and downs but you will do it)

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Aww thank you so much for the uplifting message!
Im trying not to google too much but with what i have read HER2 is the most one to respond to treatment and then there is the superdrug herceptin injections which is meant to be a massive game changer.
Hope your treatment is going well?
My little one as gone to bed so its a bit quiet now and then the negative thoughts creep in. I not like it all the time but tonight i think its one of those moments. X

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Hi, I’m her2 postive. I had 17 IV doses of herceptin 18 years ago. It’s now given as an injection. I’m fit and healthy and here to tell the tale. Best wishes with your treatment, hope it goes by fast and you can get on with things again.


Thank you so much for sharing this! Wow 18 years ago.
Yes i am having herceptin injection in my thigh every 3 week and will continue for up to a year.
Yes thank you. It is going quick and i will be able to get on with life again. X


It’s been 5 years for me since triple positive diagnosis. (surgery Sept. 27/2019. 1.7 cm tumour, 1 lymph node. 4 rounds docetaxel and cyclophosphamide, 17 herceptin infusions and now taking letrozole for another 6 years. So far so good! I hope everything goes well for you. :heart:


yup - I was HER2+ in 2021. Had Herceptin, chemo, Radiotherapy aadn was originally on Letrozole… had all sorts of side effects - GP gave me a tissue when I walked in (didn’t know I looked that bad) & the BCN’s were brilliant & told me to stop taking it. I was very tearful it appears! Oncologist understood and now changed to Exemastane, with no issues. So the moral of my story is don’t put up with it, talk to someone before the tears overtake.


P.S. I forgot the 25 rounds of radiation. :blush:

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Thank you for the advice.
I hope you are well now! Xx

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Thank you so much Darla
Im on my second round of chemo on wednesday! Got my grandads funeral tomorrow so its a very emotional time and everything seems to happen at once! Busy week ahead for me.
I hope you are well now, and i hope it goes quickly for me so i can be where you are now. Xx

I am also HER2+ and after4 months of chemotherapy, I had complete response. I had surgery (lumpectomy) and radiation. There is no sign of cancer left. So far so good. :blush:


Wow thats amazing patricia! So happy for you. They told me i could get total response too. Do you mind if i ask if you had any node involvement?
How are you now? X

I was diagnosed with her2+ cancer in January with positive nodes. Went through TCHP chemo 6 rounds over 18 weeks. The tumor was demolished and I just had a lumpectomy a couple weeks ago with 5 lymph nodes. Pathology came back with 100% tumor response. I am cancer free. You got this too.

Good luck.


Oh wow! Thank you i really needed to see this today… i think its the positive nodes more than anything that is niggling me.
I had my second round of chemo weds so i just laid in bed at mo with tv on.
Im also having 6 rounds of chemo. Did you notice any difference in your breast?
After one round my swelling as gone and it feels soft again xx

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Hey, I’m one year on from a ER+, HER2 + diagnosis. I’ve got 6 Herceptin injections to go after chemo, lumpectomy and RT.
I call those doubts the mind monkeys…I still have them and probably always will but they are not as often and no where near as debilitating. Sending a big hug x

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Thank you for the response… yes it will defo take a lot of time and healing to try and move on… if you ever do.
How did you respond to chemo? Did you get response or did it shrink? X

By the 2nd chemo I felt it shrinking (it was 22mm). If I remember rightly (it’s such a blur now), it had melted away by no4. They call a complete pathological response. The pre surgery mammogram just showed an area of calcification the same size as the tumor. They took out the whole area and there was no evidence of disease.
It can feel like such a slog at times, but you will get through it, be as kind as you can to yourself xxx


Thank you so much… i need to hear the positives. Feeling quite miserable right now. Just laid here feeling a bit sickly post chemo.
And my hair as started to shed. I been cold capping.
But some as come out and it feels more real now. Had a good sob x

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Yeah almost immediately the tumor went away. This is my before and after. (Before on right.)


Wow thats amazing!!! Currently laid in bed feeling rubbish and its defo perked me up seeing this.
Hopefully in a few days i will be okay again. Start my stomach injections today. X