Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Some positive news - the local hospice do acupuncture, rheki and other services available to people recovering from treatment.  They are going to phone me tomorrow to arrange an appointment for acupuncture which will hopefully help with both hot flushes and headaches.


Now Delicious Delly, sounds like a plan Joyous Janey has come up with, 15 minutes a day in the garden.  I promise if you do it, I’ll start tackling one cupboard a week.  Although I’m a bit OCD in the house it only goes as far as you can see.  I tend to have a bit of a hoarding problem, but only if I can’t see it.  If I can chuck it out of sight and shut the door I’ll keep stuff I don’t use or need for years!  Husband is always complaining about the fact that I wash out and keep every kind of food container.  I’ve got clothes dating back years.  Always joke to one of my friends who is on her 4th husband that I’ve had knickers longer than she’s ever had any of her husbands.


Hope all of you are having a good day xx

That’s brilliant t that you can access complimentary therapy too Lesley. I’m booked in for first acupuncture in November. We can compare notes. You’ve inspired me to look under the stairs and sort the cupboard… oh dear, I decided to look and walk away!! Xx

Delly come in out of the garden!!! Morning you lovely lot 8 down and 12 to go. Starting to feel very tired in the afternoon and so have been enjoying “nana naps”! I’ve also very weirdly started craving marmite (honestly the panic yesterday when I thought it would be off all shelves!) - something I craved when pregnant! That’s very definitely impossible but wondered if it’s like the morning sickness type nausea I had when I started the tablets!?
I hope you’re all ok. Charys have you got any more answers? My skin is getting redder but so far holding up. Thank you so much for udder cream recommendation, although I think I need another pot!!
Love to all xx

Morning lovelies. Have you all gone to Weymouth to see Lesley? Hope you all had good weekends xx

Gawd you’re all so cute, and gawd I’ve missed you. Although I’ve been kinda looking on, but not in a pervy way, I assure you. Thank You for your support and askings after me.

Been literally under the duvet!! not because of physical illness either.

Had to laugh with you JuicyJaney, in that you summed it up. After sensibly suggesting tackling any overfacing jobs for just 15 mins a day, you then said you looked at the understairs cupboard, and “decided to look and walk away”!! S’all your fault see !! But pretty much sums up how or what my mindset’s been like for quite some time now. Sucks, and can’t seem to get myself out of it.T’isn’t just the garden, it’s the whole house as well, pretty much the same state it was in when I first moved in, now 3 yrs ago. Apart from my bedroom, every room is full of boxes and disarray,  - a symptom of my state of mind and being on my own in later years. Not how I used to be. Don’t have anyone to match up to or keep me in check. I don’t think I’m alone.

Anyway, LusciousLesley, I’m so glad you’re having some therapy - hope it works/helps with your nasty “heads” and hot flushes. I had many considerations to train in Acupuncture in more recent years, but don’t have the dexterity of hands any more. Stymied again.Isn’t it weird, how in this day and age of advanced treatments, that the cause of chronic headaches, such as yours, can’t and hasn’t yet been found

JuicyJaney - hope your skin’s holding up, Udder babe !!


Sorry for glum state but loadsa love to you all, Delly xxxx.   

Hello lovely! I’m feeling very daft sat waiting for today’s zap, as I got here an hour early! I wouldn’t mind but I really struggled to wake up and could have done with sleeping in! Anyway, I did it … yep the cupboard under the stairs has been done and I think a lovely friend is still looking out for me, as at the back I found some old cards I’d kept from my last round with the dreaded C and a wonderful message from her. So, I’m back on my 15 minutes and stop plan and it’s helping!
I think the Anastrazole is now doing its worst and I’m a sweaty mess. Boob still holding out but very tender.
Hugs to you all and Delly hoping you are feeling brighter xxx

Hello all,


Well I’m back and missed you all.  Poor you Janey, it’s bad enough going g to be fried without getting there an hour early and having to wait around.  Pleased to hear your skin is holding up ok, that udder cream must be good stuff.


Set off early Friday morning feeling wretched, head thumping, exhausted from yet another sleepless night and generally feeling crap.  Dosed up with painkillers as usual.  By the time we arrived in lovely sunny Weymouth headache had cleared and I didn’t get one all weekend, amazing, I’m sure it’s the sea as I felt so much better and fewer headaches when I was staying with my sister who lives yards from the beach.  Arrived home last night after a fun weekend, lots of lovely walks, delicious food and a few jig abouts at night and  plenty of laughs (always the best medicine).  Had acupuncture this morning but it takes 2-3 sessions before you start feeling the benefits (hopefully), I’ll keep you posted.  I did try it a few years ago for my headaches, didn’t really help them but I did feel better generally, more relaxed, less stressed (I had a very stressful job at the time) just brighter.  The lovely lady who stuck pins in me said most women (but not all) find it help with flushes/sweats greatly so fingers crossed.  Heads starting to feel fuzzy this afternoon, think I’ll have to move to the coast.


Well done with the cupboard under the stairs Janey, I’m going to start tackling one a week next week, too much on this week.


Ipad almost out of battery so I’ll go now xx

Hi Lesley, lovely to have you back and Weymouth is lovely… maybe you need to move to the seaside?! Over half way for me now but think I’ve now reached the point of no cupboard sorting, as I’m soooo tired! Reflexology was lovely and I shall await your acupuncture review keenly. Off for zap 12 shortly. Hugs xx

Hi Lesley, welcome back. Hope all that seaside air helped. I like the sound of the reflexology Jane. Wasn’t sure when you can have it. Could do with the relaxation! 

Maybe I should take myself off to the seaside too for a brisk walk and blow the cobwebs away. Oh and some fish and chips! Lol.

take care girlies xx

Hi Sue, lovely to hear from you, and yes, I really need the sea air, headache has returned!


Just watched Monday’s Cold Feet and it made me laugh remembering Rubycat’s description of her Mindfulness session, oh the raisin!


Janey, hope you got the time if todays session right and it wasn’t too bad.  You’re over half way now which is great, but I remember thinking “ok, I’ve had enough now” at that stage so sending you a big hug.


Everyone seems to have gone quiet, guess your all busy gardening and clearing out your cupboards xx

Cold Feet was brilliant and loved that Jen ate the raisins!! Sue I’m having reflexology once a week and it’s just lovely. Space and time to relax - even though I hate my feet!!
Lesley I am exactly feeling enough now. So far skin is intact but a bit weary now and no cupboards this week! Love to all xx

Hi all 


Yes Delicious, I think it must be the ozone that helps my headaches, if only they could come up with it in cans with a nozzle you I sert up your nose so you can inhale it.  What a brilliant write up on Liverpool!  I’ll put a visit to it on my bucket list.


Wow, Charys, how clever/industrious are you making Crimbo cards?  I went to a Festive Knitting Day today.  I went last year for the first time as I’d just packed up work.  I learnt Knitting with wire which is great as I’m not a good knitter and it doesent matter if it’s messy, you just mould it into shape.  Made a few decorations, had a yummy lunch and met some lovely interesting funny women.


Hope youve got today’s frying done and dusted Janey and poor boob is ok.


I guess Rubycat is busy rolling raisins round her mouth and getting in touch with her inner child or some such mindfulness as we haven’t heard from her in a while, miss you Rubycat xx

OMG - anybody daring to watch Emmers. 1st half had me in tears. Just said this on “Why do I feel this way” thread - Yes I know it’s not real but it’s still drastically, dramatically upsetting. And deserved the warning to cause upset at the beginning. Corries at it this week too. I got out of the habit of watching tv for a long time when I was in a more “UP” state. Wishing I’d not got back into. If you’re not of too sensitive a disposition, and are thinking to now catch it at later stage because of what I’ve said - catch it. It’s extremely well done. HAhhhhhh - that’s me drawing in my breath NOT laughing.

I just cant take and try to avoid watching anything upsetting anymore - stopped after all my family deaths, espesh my bruv. Don’t ever watch “The Railway Man” - harrowing, torturous Japanese prison camp scenes and a very upsetting view of one of the friends hanging himself from a railway bridge in his later years following his war experiences. At which point I got up and walked out - couldn’t take it. Thought it was a love story when I’d seen the adverts for it. Dreadfully upsetting, whether it has any bearing on your own experience or not. Harrowing is so much the right word.


EvenMoreDoolallyNow Delly xxxx 


Knitting with wire…now not heard of that before. …or seen it. I will look it up and see what it’s about.

I don’t watch t.v . DELLYWELLY…well only bake-off, that’s the one programme I catch with the family. I listen to the radio all day though. Maybe you should avoid it , as it sure can affect you if you are feeling bit iffy.

Where s Janey then…?

Haven’t even read any of your todays posts yet except the beginning address of Lesley to me, and to put things onto a much lighter note 'cos it made me chuckle !! (Talk about the opposite of emotions) - The “Hey, Delicious” is to ME, by the way.  Lesley - I think we have a lot going for and, much down to my naughtiness, that we ought to make up a “Burlesque” act - Luscious Lesley and Delicious Delly. Juicy Janey and Cuddly Charys. Raunchy Ruby!! Got to come up with a less “tame” name for Charys. Cutiepie d’ya think ?? What naughty words begin with “C”. Moderators, Anna and Lizzy 'll be reading this and having me struck off. Me giving out all sorts of wrong ideas. (You reading this you two - all very harmless and me having/causing some mischievous fun. Can’t help it. Sorry AGAIN gals),

Hey up (that’s VERY Northern), have I left anyone out of that list of we saucy women?? What shall we call ourselves?? “A Bevvy of Beauties” ? “The Lovely Luscious Ladies” or, even just "THE LOVELIES ? Any other suggestions flowwers ?? + All proceeds from our shows go to BCC? We COULD, actually seriously DO this you know - get an act together that’s humerous, BUT a tiny bit “saucy” with it. We could present it at the next BCC modelling show or such? No/Yes, … I’m actually being serious now!!

Any of you ever heard of a female trio act called “Fascinating Aida”. Witty, musical, funny, and, a little bit like Moi - naughty, BUT innocently naughty. Have a think on, cos’ I am and will. Oooooo, The “Luscious Lovelies” sounds good to me. Let’s just flippin do it.Given a purpose and some time. 


I’ll have to catch up on your posts now, shalln’t I. Luscious - yes - OZONE. Prior to me training as a Podiatrist, I trained as a BeautyThoroughlyPi##ed, Thats Therapist, for two years on finishing my school Ed. Went on to train for 2 yrs  City and Guilds, in allsorts, electrolysis, Swedish massage, waxing, make-up, blah blah. (No disrespect to anyone else doing it). I worked in some of the larger 5* hotel health spas and salons in Bournemouth. Lastly being assistant manageress for the famous “Champneys” at the Carlton Hotel. Just trying to give myself some more “credance” here.  Now, Luscious, there is a VERY strong reason for me wittering on, in that my last post was promoting a certain brand of facial treatment that involved and actually created “OZONE”. Without mentioning their name, the treatment was called “Cathiodermie”. SEE what you’ve set off in me. I’m going back around 34 yrs here!!, and it’s all YOUR fault, Luscious.But it involved using, what was called a glass diode on a persons skin. You probably won’t be getting much of what I’m saying, but n’er mind.

OMG, I’d almost forgotten those days. 

Oxygen is O2.  Ozone is O3. We all know that water is H2O - yeh? But at the sea-side, you get SALT water, which is NaCl (salt) plus H2O (water) so becomes NaCl H2O - salt water, yeh?

Ultraviolet rays come into play - sunlight. There always a higher amount of UV ray levels by the sea, probably because it isn’t interfered with to the same extent as in towns and cities, with building structures, etc. So it has a Direct effect on the NaCl H2O (salt water), and simply causes a chemical reaction between the NaCl and H2O that causes an INstabiltiy in the O2 atomic structure, causing it to become UNstable. And an UNstable atomic strucure “tends” to attract/ or be attracted to any similar nearby “free”  molecules/men/women, whatever EXTRA atom is nearby.Oxygen  is very much like me, being a bit of a hussy, it attaches itself to any opening that is then created, and allows an extra Oxygen ion/particle to “break” into the O2 circle - to then become an O3 molecule unit - which is Ozone. Know what I mean??  HaHaHee. “I” know someTHING of what I’m talking about!!" Actually MORE than I thought. I have no doubt SOMEone could come on and give a better theory, dispelling mine as a loada rubbish, But you’ve all gone to bobies anyway. And much the best time for me to talk a loada rubbish. z z zz z z z

Sweet dreams

DeffoDoolally xxxx 

Wow Delicious, you are so smart! How do you fit all that knowledge in your brain?  And all the professions you’re trained in, one clever lady, and a witty one too.


Charys, if you want to have a go at Knitting with wire it’s really easy (I’m useless and have managed a few things). Use size 4 needles and florist wire, the crimped is best as it catches the light.  Bullion wire.  I wish we could scan in here and i would send you the pattern sheet I’ve got to start you off.  I will bash out below the basic diamond shape hanging ornament

cast on 8 stitches, (keep stitches as loose as possible), leave a tail of at least 6". Knit until square (about 8 rows), cast off LOOSLEY.  Cut wire leaving 6". Wiggle about, poke needle into holes, manipulable until you get a good shape.  Use one taille to thread round the edge to strengthen (can use darning needle).  Make a loop using second tail, add a pretty bead, twist edge so it will dissipera under bead, then just wiggle, squeeze, pinch, pull it about etc. Til it’s a nice shape, done.  Star Shape - as above then manipulate it to make an indent in centre of each side to form a star.  You can add tiny beads as you go, once you get going if you’re creative you can go on to do lots of things (I’m most def NOT) but last Christmas I mas a few of these and put them on special friends pressies, they all use them to put round the neck of wine bottles.  Have a go, if you like it I can bang out earrings, bangles, napkin rings.    You need 0.35 to 0.30mm thickness, Oasis. Is the brand I use.  I can give you a website to buy it if you can’t get it locally.


sorry if Ive bored everyone (bored myself). Just off to see if I can follow Dellys recipe for ozone lol, need it for this @&@&ing  headache, not sure how much I can take it xx

Hello my lovelies! I hope the suns is shining with all of you too. Feeling shattered after last zap of the week (think you’re later today Sue?) and looking forward to a couple of days off, although a busy weekend with sister and brother in law announcing a visit - because she needs a break!!! Yep those exclamation marks are signs of disbelief! I have calmly said I won’t be up to usual cooking!
Brilliant to get both chemistry and knitting lessons on here and a big smile too. Delly that burlesque plan of yours is taking shape! With all these hormone tablets, I think you could explore opening a waxing salon!
The Railwayman was an amazing film But left me in floods. I’m with you again Charys on bake off but sad to see Selasi go home. However, happy to know there will be another series of Cold Feet. The radio is definitely my friend at the moment.
Hugs to all of you xx

Oh Janey, that’s just what you need NOT!,  When I was having my rads I didn’t see anyone at all, I just wasn’t up to it (mentally or physically), it was bad enough having to speak to people on the phone let alone having them come and stay.  You should have put your foot down and said no.


I too was sorry to see Selasi go, such a character.  I’m sad it’s the final next week, it seems to have gone really quickly this year.


Hope the sun is still shining on you, just clouded over here.  Not that I’ve ventured outside today, just been moping around feeling sorry for  myself, headache, shoulders hurting and feel like I’m getting a cold. Hope not, as tomorrow hoping to restart my Saturday walking which haven’t done since i started rads end of July.  Myself and 3 others meet up and either walk into  town, have breakfast, mooch round the shops then walk back (usually clock up about 8.5 miles) or walk along the river and do a 10-12 mile walk then go for lunch.  Tomorrow we’re doing the town walk as it’s a long time since I’ve done a proper walk and don’t  think I’ll manage the biggy.  Either way it’s a bit of normality returning.


Dont wait on your sister or BIL, get her to do the cooking and clearing up.  You’ve still got away to go yet and need your strength xx

Oh Lesley I fear I’m not a nice person today! It’s also our weekend to have the teenagers, so 6 of us this weekend. Asked why I was not feeling well I may have snapped and had a bit of a rant about having breast cancer treatment, cells being fried, feeling exhausted etc! I think they think it was all sorted with surgery and I’m just having a nice holiday. Thought I’d come on here to protect flying off any more handles!! I had a cottage pie in the freezer, so everyone fed tonight. Slight look of horror on sister in laws face when other half announced he was doing catering tomorrow and would get pizza!! I just need some quiet and thinking of going to stay at a friend’s xx

Hello lovelies

Just spent some time reading through and catching up on posts. God do I talk a load of ozone or rubbish sometimes!! Was just testing my memory.

Sorry you’re still feeling cr#p Lesley, but brill on hearing about your walking 8 - 9 miles, never mind 10-12!! Good therapy, not just in the exercise sense, cos’ you probably have some interesting “Loose Women” type conversations and a good giggle as well.

Charys - you ok?

Janey - hope yor weekend isn’t proving too taxing. Your hubby sounds very sensible with the pizza. Would that be “Take Away” too.

I’ve been putting the idea of “The Lovelies” show around, and am pleased to say it’s stirring up a lot of interest. We’ve been offered a tour in New Zealand - as from next week and for 2 months. You all up for?? We can rehearse what we’re doing on the 24 hr flight over there so loadsa time. I’m just sorting some glittery costumes out, but could probably do with some of Lesleys knitted wirey doodah things, to just add a touch of finish to them all. Cor, I’m so excited. We’re running away !! Oooops, sorry got to go, the phone’s hot with people offering bookings. It could be Vegas next !!
