Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Me too Janey, feel cr@p, thumping headache third day in a row, pills just won’t shift it, and generally yuck.  Just waiting for takeaway to come as can’t be bothered to cook to eat while watching Stritcly.  Hope everyone else is feeling well and enjoying the weekend xx

To all you poorly poppets big squashy gentle hugs. First things first, incorrigiblets Delly, my brain finding the empty spaces has really made us laugh, unbetter half had wondered what the echoing thumping noise was, and you also made me understand how to keep the thread to look at while typing. Yeah, go me.  Now: Janey Janey - didn’t you know it’s Caturday today, so crumble and cauli cheese are the order of the day. Followed by chocolate, chocolate oh and of course more chocolate.

Leslie, yes I’m on the Adcal D3 as well, found out I’ve got osteopenia, so DEXA scans every two years - wonder what it will be next May?  Have just started doing yoga again, but some too tricky to do, although is supposed to strengthen bones, so will do when I don’t ache too much.  Dentist did say my crumbling teeth not due to treatment, although as you say is known as a side effect, but more due to getting older - yuk, so can’t do nowt bout tat.

Charys, well Mindfulness, or Mindlessness as I am feeling obliged to call it, is an 8 week course being provided free for cancer folk and as it usually costs £300+ thought I’d give it a go. A sceptic BC friend found it really chilled her down and calmed her - but thinking perhaps I’m so chilled I’m almost horizontal already that wondering if it’s for me.  It’s supposed to make you zone into the moment and experience and appreciate what is, non-judgementally, so that you are not on automatic pilot , blah blah and more blah.  We spend 40 mins flat out on the floor, thinking about how each toe feels, touches, is is heavy soft, all the way through our body - everyone dozed orff yet??  Sent myself off to sleep now.  Going to beddybyes with a good book, turned off X factor, what a load of rubbish.  Love n stuff :catvery-happy:xxx

Hi again, you luvverly women,

Don’t get what you’re goin on about Ruby !! Please explain to me just WHAT you’re goin on about please. Are you saying “how to keep the thread whilst typing”? that in all my attempts to explain to Luscious Lesley to find HOW to keep the thread to look at whilst typing, YOU have also realised WHAT I  have been talking about? :-)) Until Luscious Lesley GETS it, it’s worthless!! Gawd diddums and all such rubbish (I AM teasing!!)


Hey Rubycat 

Whats Osteopenia. Please give me and us a clue. I haven’t come across that term, given my med knowledge.

Oooooo Rubycat darlin. I can’t help thinking and feeling you’ve gone into a bit of a “meltdown”. Whatever terminology. anyone wants to give it. One minute, you’re talkin a load of sense, then the next talkin a load of nonsense -Seriously flower. I don’t want to offend you - but you are. 



Lots of lols! I got you Rubycat and your description of mindfulness session. I’m now thinking a lie down on the floor maybe worth a shot. I did do a one day course some years ago for work but never for me. I’m not sure I’d be able to get back up off the floor though!
My friend has osteopenia, having had an early menopause. I’m still waiting on a dexa bone scan.
Thank you for loveliness - I think I’m Jekyll and Hyde. One day fine the next well down in the doldrums- I’ve woken in a sunnier mood today and the weather seems to have joined in, thankfully. I feel like I’ve strained both sides and think it’s from the rads rack of doom, so doing the exercises with more vigour to try and combat, as I’m also still waiting for physio to call back.
Looking forward to tomorrow and first reflexology session. Will be very chilled when I type!
I hope your headache shifted Lesley. What a lot we are. Thank you for being my friends xx

Meltdown? Moi?  No fear. Thank you Charys - you were spot on, very tired last night.  Yes, my post was a bit (!) rambling - I knew exactly what I meant though, and tried to get it all in, failing miserably.  Charys, right again about osteopenia being early sign of osteoporosis, but hopefully I won’t go on to develop that due to taking the Adcal D3 ( calcium & Vit D).

Bought lots of daffodowndillie bulbs and weather a bit bright, so shall wander out into my garden and get digging. Have a good Sunday all. :catvery-happy:xxx

And I’m planting onions! Xx

My apologies for absence girlies, I’m currently in a flippin awful mental state - dire. And, D’ya know what, you’re all such a load of abfab sweetipies. I so wish you all lived down the road, and we could get together to bolster each other up. I’ve just said the same in another thread.

Rubycat - I am so sorry if I caused any offence. I truely did NOT mean to - honest, but I just couldn’t get what you were talking about. I think I just MISread your post - Sorry. Please accept my aplogies.

OY - Charys, dolly toilet roll covers!!! Yey, Classical Retro chique!!. Do it. What was the word? I’m goin back to the 70’s - “Kitsche”!! meaning distastefully ok!!.

Oooh, Charys - you are left with a MAJOR decision ref Tamoxifen, just as ‘I’ was. Told it’s  “ESSENTIAL” to take Tamox and all that. How are you currently feeling about that Charys?? Don’t allow me to dissuay you from it, but, as I said, I chose NOT to due to the depression it caused. Did your Onc say ANYthing about a different “brand” ?? Ooooooh, sooooo difficult.

Love to all of yers

Delly xxxx 

Hi all,


Sorry you’re down Delicious, yes, it is a shame we’re not all nearer so we could all get together for a good old natter.  Hope today’s session went ok today Janey, another one ticked off.


So, Janey, Charys and Rubycat are gardeners then, wish I was, think it must be very therapeutic.  I love to sit in the garden but have never done anything to it other than ocassionally water the plants, always left it to the husband.


Headache still very much present but bearable as long as I keep taking painkilllers.


I got my nails done today for the first time since I had to have the shellac/acyrillic removed for the op in June and I feel more like myself, I do love having nice nails.  Was supposed to be meeting an old friend for lunch, got to the pub early, got a glass of wine (been laying off it lately), sat outside in the sunwaiting for her.  After half an hour after the arranged time i realised she wasn’t coming, realised I didn’t have her mobile number  knew she didn’t have mine as we always contact each other via messenger.  Anyway, long story short - she had messaged me late last night to say she had done her back in and couldn’t get out of bed, I didn’t check messages this morning before leaving home (don’t use mobile for internet) so didn’t see her message until I got home.  I did feel very brave though, sitting drinking wine all on my own outside a pub, might even do it again sometime, quite enjoyed it.


Still not feeling great but think getting out and about today helped.  Were off for a long weekend Friday.  Just made the husband roar with laughter when I said to him that I hope we’ve got twin beds, he reminded me of our first weekend away together and we were horrified to find we had twin beds and the first thing we did was push them together!  I’m hoping being by the sea will work its magic on me again, though reading up on the hotel on trip advisor it says to take ear plugs as it’s next to a night club and very noisy.


As usual, I’ve rattled on and on so I’ll sign off now.  Big hugs to you all xx

Ps my mum used to have dolly loo roll covers, she loved them xx

Another ps, Rubycat, my sister was told she had osteopenia 10 years ago, she has to have regular bone scans as she takes a very high dose of daily steroids.  She has to take andronic  acid to protect her bones and her scans show no further bone loss, so keep taking the calcium pills, xx

Hello Monday Marshmellows, oh Lesley, if you saw my garden you wouldn’t call me a gardener.:catsurprised: It’s only since I stopped work a couple of years ago that I’ve bothered with it at all.  Don’t know if you garden Delly, but I find it does wonders for the mind - very peaceful & theraputic just digging or rootling around followed by complete and utter amazement when something bothers to grow and flowers- that is quite special.  Oops, got to go - Cold Feet just started!!

Morning glories. The marshmallows were delicious Rubycat and I’m looking for more treats today. I did try leaving the chocs in a bowl but a teenager had the munchies and all gone! I may have reacted somewhat grumpily!!
5 down and 15 to go. Yesterday was lovely, as I had my first reflexology session, courtesy of FORCE. I had the same therapist 5 years ago after my first run in with the C word and she remembered my story, which was quite overwhelming. I floated into rads and the rack of doom - my poor shoulder doesn’t like it!
There was a book on crochet in the waiting room, so I thought of you!
Lesley have a wonderful weekend by the sea and Delly we can go virtual clubbing, music is the great escape. Rubycat is right gardening can be such good therapy. I’m no Percy Thrower (although my OH says Monty Don is the other man!) but find such peace when I’m pottering in the garden and so glad we had decent weather while I’ve been off. Gardening tip is get your onions (and garlic!) in now for next Summer. I’ve soen sweet peas under cover too. Charys I think I managed to dig up all the tulips by mistake!!
Love and hugs - especially big for you Delly and hope your mood lifts a little. Xx

Thank You my garlicky flower - Janey xxx

And to all the rest of you oniony flowers.

Much love

Dellywelly xxx

Good morning, hey, Cold Feet, brilliant!  Poor Pete, was I alone in shedding a tear for him?


Effing headache still here, so going to dose myself up and head off to Knit and Natter group.  Lots of clever crochet peeps there as well as knitters, think I’ve said before, I’m a knit one drop two knitter but I enjoy it.  Most of my friends find it funny that I go and am surprised that I haven’t been slung out yet for misbehaving (it’s not the kind of thing they can imagine me doing) but they are a nice bunch and not at all stuffy.


Delly, we are off to Weymouth.  Haven’t been there in years.  Going with another couple, old friends.  It’s a coach trip arranged by our friend’s friend.  We did a long weekend with the same group early May to Weston Super Mare and had a blast.  Mainly pensioners but they put me to shame with their energy and sense of fun, dancing and carousing until the early hours, think some of them might head off to the night club.


Know what you mean about your shoulders Janey.  I have problems with both of mine.  Was having physio but stopped when I was diagnosed and found it uncomfortable/painful holding them in position during rads.  Both are giving me gyp now.  Will have to see doc about starting physio again but at the moment I can’t face any more “stuff”. Seeing ENT doc on 20November for results of sinus scan and think I’ll prob have to have op, dreading it, but then again if it helps will be worth it.


Another lovely sunny day here, hope it is where you all are xx

Ah the headache Charys, the bane of my life!  I’ve suffered all my life with them but they got really bad about 20 years ago, daily ones, very rarely go a day without one.  If I’m lucky just a minor one for an hour or so but some days chronic one that won’t shift and sometimes I go through a spell that can last several weeks when it’s continous.  I also get migraines, I’m on a migraine prevention med that if I don’t Take i get one every 8 days that’s lasts for 3 days, even taking it I still get them but if I’m lucky can go a few weeks at a time without one.  That’s my problem at the moment, everything that the doctor or BC consultant suggested to help with flushes/sweats can’t be taken with my migraine prevention meds.  Neurologist said they would get better when I stopped work and wasn’t stressed but they didn’t. 


Ive tried crochet but just can’t get the hang of holding the yarn.  There’s a young Italian girl at my knit and natter group who crochets the most amazing wraps with the finest of yarns, they would cost a fortune in a shop.  She just makes them for friends back home, keep telling her she should sell them.  I’ll stick to the knitting, though I always mess it up and have to wait until Tuesday and take it along for someone to put it right for me.  Do find it relaxing though even though I just do very basic stuff, attempting a little bolero at the moment.


Hope today’s session went ok today Janey and you had a nice treat (that wasn’t pinched before you got to it) xx

Thanks for your Cutchy love. Still not good, can’t seem to pull myself out of it.

But - names for you all. What have we got. Decided that’s a good ‘C’ for you Charys “Cutchy” or “Cuddly”.

Mmmmm Janey’s more difficult, Jovial, Jaunty, Jubilicious (made that one up!), Juicy even haha!! Which one would you prefer?? I’d go for “Juicy”.

Rubycat - Raunchy. Yeh, that’s a good one, Raunchy Rubycat.

Already got Luscious Lesley, and of course Delicious Delly.


Luscious - that’s soo awful for you to have to put up with so many headaches. Have you ever tried any alternative therapies for them. Acupuncture may help you know. Even massage or Osteopathy. Has anyone ever got to the root of the problem for you as to why you have them?? BUTYou mentioned one of your doctors suggested they may get better when you give up work?? BUT YOU DID’NT.  Acupuncture may/could work very well for you, if you can find a good one. Very much depends on THAT.  I’d actually thought of retraining in it myself. It’s one of the oldest forms of therapies going. They’re not stupid the Chinese.

Weymouth - awwwww, I have fond memories of from when I lived in Bournemouth for 16yrs. 1970 - 1986. Walked much of the Dorset coast and a close schoolfriend moved there for a few years with her husband. Used to visit them. Don’t remember any nightclubs tho’ !! How many of you are going?  Awwww, you made me smile with your memories of your first w/end away. How  r o m a n t i c - pushing your beds together -  how cutchy, cutch.


RaunchyRuby - My small townhouse garden is sadly overgrown from the 3 yrs I’ve been here - much like me - a mess. Much to the annoyance of my neighbours, cos they have to look out onto it. Have stated to me, but I haven’t give a toss. It’s just  another “symptom” of my not being able to cope with owt, I’m afraid. Had big plans when I first moved here to have an extension and have a patio garden created, retaining some planting beds for greenery and colour so it wouldn’t all be “hard”. Ain’t done that either!! Just what “have” I been doin the last 3 yrs of my life?? nothing much to show for it. Dire state to be in - not good. Perhaps I need someone to pull me up by the bootstraps, but literally don’t have anyone - literally can’t seem to do it myself. Umph, sucks.

Perhaps I need you all to come up and get me sorted out. Any offers?? Sorry to be miz my darlins

Mucho luvo Dellyboohoo xxxx


Morning all, can’t say good because feel so crap with the head!  Yes, been seen by 3 nuerolgists in the past, had CT and MRI scan, nothing showed up.  I was years ago put on a 3 month course of muscle relaxants/anti deppressants which did help the daily headaches greatly, however, I was getting migraines every 8 days lasting 3 days, so switched to the anti migraine meds.  Unfortunately can’t take both so I’m between a rock and a hard place.  I did try accupuncture about 5 years ago.  Didn’t stop them them But found they were shorter duration and felt so much better generally.  However, it was expensive and now I’m not working (don’t get my state pension yet) I’m living on a private pension topped up by  fast dwindling savings so can’t afford it. Have seen GP several times but all I get offered is stronger painkillers.  I can’t go on like this much longer, flushing/sweating all night, just a bit of sleep inbetween them, thumping head, still got peeling nipple and “blackhead thingys” on boob and starting to feel generally unwell, miserable and anxious.  Sorry lovely ladies, don’t want to drag you down.  This is supposed to be “our happy place” .  It’s your own fault, you’re just too easy to talk to and unload.  On the up side, it is sunny here so I’ll dose up, put dark glasses on, thick cardie (it is mid October after all) and sit on my swing in the garden and watch and listen to the birds xx

Oh Lesley what a rotten place to be in and I hope a swing boosts you. My favourite spot when recovering from surgery was in an old swing seat under the apple tree. Sounds idyllic doesn’t it, until the bloody thing broke with this lump on it and I became an undignified mess on the floor! It was funny though!
The garden is my absolute escape and joy. It has lots of weeds and wouldn’t win prizes but it makes me feel so much better when I’m in it. Delly I have a challenge for you - 15 minutes each day in yours. 15 minutes, no more, and then stop and tell us you’ve done it. Was something I was advised to do by a psychologist friend years ago when I was overwhelmed by task ahead of me. It gave me a sense of achievement and bit by bit I learned to enjoy the garden and not see it as a chore - then it became my safe place in my then marriage. In this garden it’s just a happy place. Would be great to all descend on you to sort the garden in a Charlie Dimmock way - although I guess our poor boobs may not be able to compete! However, I think you are now officially adopted around the country Delly, so are you up to “challenge Delly” - can’t run to helicopter but I’m sure you could find a jumpsuit a la Anneka?!