Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Oh dear I forgot my brollie! Just arrived at a very wet Exeter and not up for a sprint, so guess it’s damp radiotherapy today - not a good look for that dance troupe Delly! Hope your weekends have been good. Love to all xx

Hi All,  hope you dried out ok Janey.  Think you’ve finished rads now and just week of boosters to go?  I’m lucky in that I didn’t have to have boosters (not sure why), hope its not too bad.  Also hope your visitors weren’t too demanding for you this weekend. 


I clocked up just over 9 miles walking on Saturday, and yes Delly, we do have a good laugh and chat while walking and I over breakfast.  Loved. Fascinating Aida!  I was really tired after but a good tired, not the usual exhausting wretched tired.  Didn’t get a headache all day though it came back last night (fingers crossed not too bad today). Got second acupuncture tomorrow morning.


Where do you think these ideas up from Delly?  Hope you’re arranging first  class travel for our tours lol.

Charys and Rubycat are obviously busy working on their routines lol xx





That’s a brilliant walk Lesley. Always better with good company. You’re right all done with regular rads now and tomorrow I will find out how boosters differ! I should warn you Delly it’s taken me 3 weeks to get the position right for treatment, I’ll never get our routine learned! Xx

Hi Charys, the Crimbo decorations I made last year are packed away in the loft, I do have a bangle I made this time but not sure how to post a pic on here.  If you could tell me how to I’ll put a pic on xx

<li-spoiler><img src=“/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/3403iA5BF6B2B51A6A594/image-size/original?v=v2&px=-1” border=“0” alt=“image.jpg” title=“image.jpg”></li-spoiler>

Well, just figured out how to post photo and it states emotional content!  Now I know my knitting is not good but I don’t think it’s that upsetting!  If you’re brave enough just tap on the warning.  I’ll start on some more Christmas tree decorations soon and will post photos then xx

That’s very pretty but made me giggle that it came with emotional content!! You are clever. I think we should now see some of your cards Charys!
I hope your GP appointment went well and you got some reassurance.
The booster went ok but I still had to lift my arms and 2 new sites being zapped. Will be very glad to get the last 4 done and dusted. I’ve managed to blag lifts on Thurs and Friday and very glad, as I’m a tired soul now! Trying to toddler tame myself and stop the afternoon nap, so I sleep at night!
Hugs to you all xx

Oh Janey, really feel for you as I know by the end of my 15 I’d had enough, more than enough!  Also such a shame that you had to have a break so early in so you can’t get it all done and over with this week.  So glad you’ve got a lift two days though.  Sending you a big hug.  Had my second acupuncture this morning, really hoping I start getting some relief from the dreaded night flushes, they say you don’t start feeling the benefit until 2 or 3 sessions in, even stopped the vino hoping it will help.



I had to give up wine (well other than the odd glass of my favourite red) when I started menopause, as it does seem to make me feel rotten. I have, however, embraced gin! Thank you for the hug, I caught it and much needed! First acupuncture for me next Tuesday, so we can compare notes. My worries turned to my lovely girl today, she works as a pastry chef and poured molten caramel on her hand the other day. I’ve nagged her from afar to get to doctors and she’s finally going today. I could have done with an emotional warning before she sent me the photo!! Xx

Lesley your craft has us all weeping! Actually I think it’s possibly only one new site, directly over the tumour bed but seem to be being zapped still on the side for good measure. I already have monkey arms, so will soon be even longer!! X

Sorry my knitting made you weep Charys.  All that bangle is, is 6 stitches knitted until right length, stitched together at ends (with wire) then rolled over and over then crunched up, takes about 15 minutes, if feeling very creative you can thread tiny beads onto the wire.  Think maybe I’ll give the gin a try Janey.  When I go out to a dance or party I have vodka or Bacardi as I can only have one large glass of wine then I’m drunk, whereas I can manage 3-4 vodkas over an evening if I’ve eaten.  It’s just I got into the habit of unwinding after work with a glass of wine.  Now I’m not working I don’t have that excuse and hitting the spirits on a school day seems like “drinking” whereas I can kid myself that wine doesent count lol.  Funnily enough, when I was having my rads I went right off it, didn’t touch any alcohol for weeks and I didn’t feel any better for it.  

Ps hope your girls ok Janey, ouch! That must be really painful xx

I asked today and definitely 2 new sites! However, much easier and quicker than yesterday. I haven’t touched a drop since rads started but looking forward to a large G&T on Monday when I finish. I shall raise a glass to all with thanks for support. Thank goodness I know what the little black dots are that have appeared Lesley!
I hope you’ve all had good days. Hugs xx

Oh, youve got them too Janey?  Mine are still here, though not quite as many,  plus nipple is still peeling.  Had copy of letter oncologist sent to  my GP today, he said the skin damage is permanent as it the enlarged boob and discomfort.  Also said that that I had been particularly sensitive to radiotherapy and “the  appearances were not typical”, trust me to be different!


Gave in tonight and had a glass of vino, I figured my head was thumping anyway so what the heck.  The good news is, last night (following 2nd acupuncture session), although I still was hot flushing all night they didn’t seem quite so intense and managed to drop off to sleep inbetween them quicker.


Roll on Monday night and you can pour that G&T and enjoy it knowing you won’t have to go for your daily zapping the next day, though be prepared, it hits you after.  Make sure that you are ready to say NO to any visitors for the next few weeks, you really need to rest.  Probably a good thing that it’s not gardening weather or you’d probably be tempted to get out there working.  Just put your feet up and let the other half wait on you. Xx

Lesley I have just shown other half the edited highlights of that message! Thank you and I’m so sorry you’re still struggling with healing. My skin is holding up - forever indebted to you Charys for MooMilk! However, I think it’s starting to go!! Cheers to you and that wine - a virtual chink chink!! Xx

Happy Sunday all,


everyone’s been very quiet on here lately, hope its  because you are all busy doing lovely things.  Me, well, I’m still feeling crap!  Going to make an appointment with GP (husband is insisting) and say I can’t continue any longer with an almost permanent headache.  Bad enough hot flushing/sweating all night, painful shoulders, scar under arm now inflamed, but worse of all is the …king head!


Janey, last booster tomorrow.  So pleased for you that no more travelling and zapping to get through, But, do remember  you carry on cooking for 2 weeks or so and really need to rest lots as I found it all caught up with me when I’d finished.  Also, just like post op blues I was hit with a similar post rads effect which took me by surprise.


Expect everyone is getting their costumes for trick or treating tomorrow night as you’re such a clever crafty lot xx

Thank you Lesley for remembering. It hasn’t been an easy week with boosters and now very sore under my arm and my scar from sentinel node biopsy is looking very angry. Will be so glad to finish tomorrow. My first acupuncture on Tuesday, so we can compare notes.
I’m so glad you’re checking out with your GP and rotten for you with headaches.
I was whisked away to crazy golf in Teignmouth today and a read of the papers before perfect pub roast. So lots of brownie points for OH, who is now watching local rugby match on record and pretending it’s live!
I think the last few months are now hitting home and I’m so grateful for words of wisdom.
Love to all of you xx

Hi Charys. would love to see one of your cards. Mix of fear and trepidation for today and just hoping they get positioning right. The two sites are very targeted to the tumour bed and also the SNB site. Can’t quite believe it’s the last day but sooo relieved, wishing you a good Monday and Lesley I hope not too long to wait for a GP appointment xxx

Good luck Janey, hope there’s no waiting about and it’s an early appointment so it’s all done and dusted quickly xx. Charys, while I’m sorry about your crusty peeling nipple, I have to say I’m a bit relieved that as you’ve got it too it must be something that just happens to some of us and not something to worry about.  So far (touch wood) head feels ok today.  Had a very lazy morning, only just heading out now to get the papers.  Promised myself I’m going to tackle the airing cupboard later, pretty sure I saw a duvet cover peaking out from under mountains of linen that I bought when we got married 30 years so!  Well done on the crafty stuff, so therapeutic.  I’m actually Knitting some câble neck warmer thingys with big buttons as table pressies for a girly dinner party I’m inviting to early December, I think I’ve turned into a proper old lady at last! Xx

Woohoo all done! My last zaps while Bos Scaggs’ Lido (sp?!) playing! I wish we had had a bell like Kary. Two others finished today too. I don’t know if I said my dental plan apparently pays £10 a session, so had my form stamped. An unexpected treat and will help, as half pay this month. I tempted to treat myself to a jug - I know how to live! So impressed with your creativity - I need to boost energy to get on with garden jobs. I want to plant more bulbs for that jug in Spring. Thank you so much for the support I can’t tell you how great it’s been. I wish neither of you were struggling with skin, but very glad you’ve shared, as it feels like I’m heading the same way! Xx