Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

WooHoo! Fantastic, just got off sofa, shattered after clearing out airing cupboard, yes I did do it, opened front door and rang our door bell in honour of your last zap Janey.  So pleased for you, but please don’t go over doing it in the garden, you really need to take care of yourself now.  Enjoy a large G&T later, you’ve earned it xx

Lesley you lovely woman thank you for a grin and giggle!! Xx

Just read these posts and they made me smile. I think I’m going to ring the old windup fire bell we have from when hubby was a retained fireman when I finish. So pleased for you Janey and all you ladies that have finished rads. I’m on countdown now. Had enough of it and all the travelling. Not getting much done at home either. Oh well, not long now. Nighty night all, Sue x

Hello Sue,  seems a long time ago when you were waiting to hear about your dates for rads, now you’re approaching the finish line, not sure how many you have left?  Great idea about the bell.  I know they ring one st some places, not at where I had mine.  Guess as it was so large, they had 6 machines ( people tavelling from several  counties) I guess there would have been bells going non stop.  Hope you’re holding up well, it does get pretty gruelling near the near.


off for  3rd acupuncture session shortly in the hope they help with the dreaded flushes/sweats.  Janey, it’s your first session today I think, good luck xx

Well I’ve followed your lead Lesley and rang my doorbell twice today for today’s finishers!
You will get a bonus bell Sue when you’re done too. My skin struggling today but I feel great after acupuncture. It was a group session, with about 6 needles in each ear, including relaxation point. Good to chat to others and just to relax. I hope yours a success too Lesley. Having a hot flush as I type this, so a bit further to go.
Sue I hope you get some lifts. I did need them most at the end of each week.
Hugs to all from a happy pincushion! Xx

Glad you enjoyed getting needles stuck into you Janey.  In you ears?  Haven’t had them there.  I have them in my feet, lower legs, chest and head normally, but today she put a couple in my neck but just for a couple of minutes before putting the normal ones in and leaving them in plus one in forehead.  Usually I don’t feel them going in but today for some reason a couple really stung but only for a few seconds.  I’m hoping I’ll start to feel the benefits as she said it takes 2-3 till it kicks in.


Maybe we’ve started a trend and women all over the country will be opening their front doors,  ringing their bells then shutting the door and their neighbours thinking they’ve  lost the plot.  It’s a nice thought though that virtual friends all over the UK are celebrating together.


Got myself into a right state this evening - finished the first of my table pressies for a girlie dinner party I’m going to, a cable knitted collar that does up with two big buttons.  Was really pleased with it until I attempted to sew the buttons on.  I cannot sew, no, not even a button!  What a mess I made.  The husband couldn’t believe that I had managed to knit  a (what to him looked really impressive/professional) piece of work then couldn’t manage to sew on a couple of buttons.





It’s all in the ear down here and also done as a group session, which was lovely. The collars sound lovely too. I had a disaster with knitting as a teenager - my first knitting attempt some mohair leg warmers! Needless to say I should have started with a scarf… Very impressed you can knit! I’m sticking with gardening and preserves.

Janey, when we first “met” back in July, I just knew you were a smart lady!  Gin is good for you, it’s official!  Been reading all about its healthy properties in the press the last couple of days so going to put a bottle if it on my next shopping list and ditch the wine.


Hope everyone is ok xx

Lesley you star! I now feel fully vindicated in my collection of gins! Sadly feeling off booze for the moment, but I’ll line the bottles up ready!! It’s so cold today it’s been a shock to the system! How are you doing? Xx

It was a glorious day here in Bucks, sunny with a little nip in the air.  I walked into town, first 10 minutes of the walk not so nice getting to the main road, then  I veer off and walk along a path with a stream running along side, beautiful, even saw a kingfisher, that path takes me right into the town centre.  It’s about  3 miles, really enjoyed it.  Had a coffee, mooched round shops but bussed back.  Can feel the temperature dropping now, think we may even get a frost, shame, will see the the last if the flowers off.  Can’t believe how lovely the garden is still looking in November.


Funny, I went off wine when i was having rads, and though I’m back on it now I don’t want as much or every day like I used to so every cloud and all that.


How are you feeling?  Has it caught up with you yet?  Hope you’re taking it easy.


Think all the others have given up on us, hopefully it’s because they are all fine and dandy and busy xx

That sounds a lovely day. I’m still here - I have visions Charys that you are surrounded in cards and crafting box!
An emotional day today. My sister was recalled from a mammogram and I’d convinced myself she also had BC. Thank fully cysts rather than a tumour. I’m so relieved.
When do you think you peaked after rads finished? I’m feelings my like I have flu most afternoons and evenings and am assuming it’s side effects? Xx

Good morning,


Grey damp and gloomy here in Bucks this morning.  When I was about half way through having my rads my sister also had a recall following her mammogram, and like you I was convinced she too had the dreaded BC (we lost our lovely mum to it), I got a text from her while waiting to be called in to be zapped telling me it was cysts, I skipped in and leaped on the table with a smile on my face that session.  


I think the first couple of days after finishing I just felt free and relieved, then skin which had been holding up pretty well through out got worse and worse (Also got a bad rash under boob) as did how I was feeling generally.  Hard to describe, just yuck, as you say, like the start of a cold thats on its way (I still feel I’m going down with a cold some days but it doesent develop), tired but not sleepy, low mood, burning and stabbing pains inside boob.  Don’t want to bring you down, but with me, I did feel worse each day for about 10 days then very slowly outside did start to heal, inside pains got less intense and frequent (still get them but not often) and I found I wasn’t quite as down.  When I was talking to friends on the phone  I could chat and not have to pretend if you know what I mean?  It’s only a few days for you Janey, plus you had 5 booster sessions which I didn’t, so just try and take it easy, but also do something nice.  I think I spent too much time on my own during recovery, I shut myself away all during rads (I felt comforted talking to people on here though, it got me through) and I don’t think it did me any good mentally as I’m a sociable person normally but I just didn’t want to see anyone at the time, just email and phone calls if I couldn’t avoid it.  


Staying in today as expecting delivery of a couple of Christmas gifts, the first of which has just been pushed through my letter box so I didn’t need to be here for that one (it said needs a signature)  xx

Oh Lesley thank you so much. I think I’m mirroring you exactly and it’s reassuring to know it’s a pattern. The first couple of days I was hugely relieved and almost certain I wasn’t going to be affected! I’m struggling with going out and about but have had some lovely visitors today. I do think toddler time should be on prescription!
No sun here either today but I’m going to plan a cutting garden for next year xx

Hi Janey, just checking up on you.  I expect the effects are really kicking in now you’re a full week post rads.  Hope you are being waited on and taking it easy, and remember, it does get better xx

Thank you lovely Lesley. I’m touching wood, as I type that my skin is still holding. It’s a strange colour and sore but thankfully not broken, although it threatened to. I’ve found a bit more energy today but aware I may not have peaked! I thought of you, as I took a walk into town with a friend. I even treated myself to a lovely soft grey poncho, as my coat is uncomfortable.
I think we both have acupuncture tomorrow and I’m hoping it’s as wonderful as last time. How are you and are the headaches any better? How is your skin? I am concerned the Anastrazole is kicking in now and I’ve had a couple of bad heads and some joint pain. When are you due for revue? How is everyone else?! Xx

So glad it’s not so bad for you, with luck you won’t get any worse.  I’m ok, headaches still here. It will be 6 weeks on Thursday since I stooped the Anastrozole so that’s when I’m supposed to ring the BCN for revue.  Hot flushes still as bad, sweats not quite as bad, but I find I drop off to sleep in between them whereas while taking Anastrozole once they started I was wide awake all night long.  Aches and pains still here so not all down to the pills.  Not sure about whether give them another go or not as I’m suffering from lack of sleep as is it but at least I’m getting about 4 hours if you add all the bits and pieces up.  If ionly the wretched menopause would funally do one I could cope.  Hey ho, that’s enough moan g.


Yes, session 4 of acupuncture tomorrow, only 2 more after that, haven’t noticed any decrease in flushes or headaches but do feel better for the rest of the day after I’ve had my session.  Got myself a bottle of gin today thought haven’t tried it yet, trying to lay of all booze and sweet and spices things for a while in the hope that it will grip with the flushes.  


Think everyone else has gone off us xx



hello! Well, it’s been a hard week of emotional agonising…I knew I was heading to this appointment today at the hospital with oncologist. It was meant to be RT follow up (a few months late!) but led to a long tamoxifen discussion. She was lovely, totally…( not one I’ve seen before)…and before I even started about hormones she asked how I’d got on as she had seen my notes about a post natal psychosis. The long and short , after a little oncologists conflab, and me giving them a list of how I’d been affected, was that I am not to take it and if I do start again it must be under supervision. It affected me in quite a severe way, and the risk of it outweighs the possible benefits over the next 10 years, which is rare for anyone reading this who is starting it now! She really understood and was so reassuring about how they would check regularly etc etc. All was also normal from her manual breast exam, ( Lesley Vaseline for the crusty nipple thing, that’s all apparently) I’ve got cording below my breast down my torso…which neither oncologist had ever seen before! 


I’m sorry I’ve not been around, just been a bit jittery, but on a bit of a high today after finding out ’ all is well’ from the exam. Janey, so glad you are done and dusted with your RT…anything that comes up for you in the next few weeks ask away as we might have experienced it too ?



C x

hi charys,
jumping in here, but so glad to hear your tamox issues have now been sorted.
ann x

Well I’m floating after another acupuncture session. It certainly seems to be working on anxiety levels. My mood is worse than the PMT I used to get. Most of the time I’m ok but (not that I’d admit this to anyone else!) other times I can be irrational in my thinking and over ruminating. It was there a bit pre Anastrazole but I think a bit worse. That said I think I’ve noticed a change in the last week since starting the acupuncture, so I’m trying to keep an open mind. On a very positive note I had another delivery of udder cream today and also treated myself to some hair products - you should get some commission Charys!! How was your session today Lesley? Xx

Just caught up with posts, so happy for you Charys that finally soneone has listened to you and you are feeling in a more positive place.  Not sure what cording is? Maybe I’d better not know or will be something g else to worry about lol.  Also glad that acupuncture is working its magic on you Janey.  Today following a horrendous night of flushing and return of bad sweating acupuncturist has come to the conclusion that unfirtnaately I’m one of the women it’s not going to help.  However, she did stick pins in my shoulders today and my shoulder pain is much reduced, Also my thumping head I arrived with went down to just a slight annoyance after she stuck pins in head and forehead.  I do think it’s a wonderful therapy.


let me know how you get on with Vaseline on nipple Charys, I’m still slapping on the cetraben but only once a day after bathing.  Still peeling/crusty to use your word but not as sensitive as it was.


What a change in te weather, couldn’t believe it when I looked out the window this morning to see everything covered in a thick white frost, especially as I was still running with sweat.


Still haven’t hit the gin bottle yet Janey, worried that once I do I won’t stop lol xx