Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

What a pain it’s not working for you, although good about your shoulder. See if you can find auricular acupuncture. Whole group reporting improvements and at different stages of programme. It’s trialled a lot and it’s used in drug and alcohol services - maybe it will put me off gin !!
Sue if you’re reading this, I think there are bells being rung for you today!! Xx

Sue I hope you’re having a lie in today. Be careful with work, as the tiredness is what did for me. In all the chaos of breast cancer I completely forgot that today I had a phone call planned with gynae oncologist department. Lesley, I need your front door bell again, as I’m now officially 5 years remission and discharged! A bitter sweet call, as I’m now with their colleagues on the other side of the building!
The acupuncture is auricular and is what they use for drug and alcohol services too, to manage addictions, stress triggers etc. So far it has helped me with anxiety and there has been a noticeable shift in intensity and frequency of flushes. I’m also hoping the knock on may be a lessening of food cravings! I do feel very lucky with the support here and finally getting somewhere with work! Xx

I am amazed anything left to say about the news. I do think 2016 is going to go down as the worst year personally, nationally and internationally.
Anyway the doorbells are ringing as people finish radiotherapy, well mine anyway! A brilliant idea of Lesley’s when I finished, borrowing from Kary’s radiotherapy department when you ring a bell when your rads are done.
Delly delay where are you (I’ve pm’d you too)? We are missing you.
Lovely to see your name pop up Rubycat, ih for a walnut whip. Mindfulness is the one thing I’ve turned down so far. I have, however, been reading around auricular acupuncture. I knew it worked with addiction services but was sceptical it would work with me. I am, however, noticing flushes to be less intense and less frequent - or is it because I’m nearing peak burn post rads?
Rubycat. I hope they can make you feel better soon. Night night all xx

Hi all, and welcome back Rubycst, you’ve been missed.  I was thinking of giving the mindfulness ago, saw a poster for it in our library but don’t think I’ll bother now.   xx. Hope Delly is ok, miss her comments.


Read up on the aricular acupuncture Janey but couldn’t find anything round here.  The regular type is certainly not helping my menopause or headaches but did slightly help shoulder pain on Tuesday.


Saw doctor this afternoon as I really cannot go on any longer with the daily headaches.  I don’t think she understood that when I say everyday I mean EVERYDAY, and they are getting more and more intense.  Yesterday I could hardly move with the pain.  She’s now prescribed Amitriptyline to see if it helps.  In the past it was thought I couldn’t take it because of the migraine prevention medication I take, turns out that I can, it’s only if you take it for epilepsy (used for both) that you can’t take it.  Fingers crossed it works.  I didn’t dare ask her to check a sore lump under my arm, think I’ll ring BCN next week, one thing st a time. 


Charys, moan away, sounds like you’ve got just cause, one thing after another, you need a break. Xx

Sorry, didn’t mean Charys moaning I meant Rubycat - Not that you were moaning, just mentioning all the cr@p you’re going through, and you never do, just keep us amused and upbeat bless you xx

?I have a lovely picture of women around the country playing knock down ginger!
What a glorious day here. Starting to pick up energy and the garden beckons x

Funny, the same thought popped into my head last night Janey and I was going to post it but the site kept crashing on me so couldn’t,  it brought back memories of my childhood, knock down ginger, hopscotch, and playing ball in the street, and only very occasionally having to get out of the road because of a car coming, very different these days, especially in London where I grew up.


Hope you’re feeling better today Rubycat andvthe sun is shining where you are.  


Took the first my amitripyline last night, didn’t sleep any better and still got a headache (though not a bad one) but it’s early days yet and I guess they will take a while to get into my system, and I’m feeling positive.


Tomorrow I’m going on a reunion lunch with some girls that I worked with when I first moved here from London in 1978.  A wonderful company (chocolate manufacturer) I was the only one left working there when it closed in 1989, I ended up as the Personnel Manager.  The rest had all left to have babies, and one retired, happy to say she’s still going strong in her 90’s and is coming along.  One of them is still one of my closest friends who I see regularly, one of the others i see now and then, the others I haven’t  seen for years as they moved away from the area.  Really looking forward to it.


One of my sisters closest friend learned yesterday that she has BC and is in shock.  My sister said she had asked her a whole lot of questions to ask me.  I told her to give her my email address and phone number, also gave her the details of this website to pass on, told her that for me it was what got me through many a dark hour/day and still is the place I turn to for reassurance, comfort, friendship, and a laugh, so thank you xx

Hi Charys I don’t know how you’re getting on with the Tamox these days but I saw this article & thought you might be interested BBx

Sharing hope and experience is definitely something I’ve had from this forum. I met up with a woman I hadn’t seen for years the other day, who was diagnosed last week for the second time and it was strange to share in reality what has been so easy to share with you all virtually! I seem to have gathered lots of breast friends.
I think knock down ginger is called different things in different places. I’m 51 and loved playing outside still. There was a radio programme today talking about play therapy - adults on trampolines, playing with lego and colouring books!
Hope you had a lovely catch up Lesley and headaches are being kind to you. Is the new medication working?
Charys I’m so glad your oncologist listened to you. It’s a fine balance between mental and physical health. Just had a very honest chat with other half about needing to find work/life balance. I’m thinking about reducing my working week when I go back tO work. Delly delay how are you? Pop in and say hi. Xx

Evening all,


Charys, you don’t know what fun you missed being so young, oh the fun of knocking on someone’s door then running away.  When I think about it now it must have driven people crazy, I know I wouldn’t like it if kids repeatedly did it to me now.


Really enjoyed my reunion lunch.  So great to see people after so many years and find you still disolve in giggles the same as you did when you were youngsters.  Got a thumping head now, probably down to the two glasses of wine I had with lunch, though I drank two glasses of water as well.


Great if you can cut down your hours Janey.  I know in the end I was so tired and stressed I began hating my job whereas in the past I had always enjoyed work.  Such a relief when I got made redundant and made the decision that although I still had a few years to go before I got my pension I really couldn’t face the thought of starting all over again at a new job.  You do manage financially somehow, just have to tweak things.  I now wonder what the heck I used to spend my salary on every month!


Hope Delly is ok.  That’s the problem being virtual friends, you can’t just pop round to check everything’s alright when you don’t hear from someone in a while and are concerned.



Won"another"  tenner, on PCL whooohooo, so get your bums round for another few bottles on me!!

Hello gorgeously lovelies. Keeping this brief (me - brief? - ha!) to just sign in before spending time catching up on all you udder cream gals! One of my excuses for non attendance, Miss, has been techno probs. These flippin machines are a necessary evil to me, a techno-igno, so had to renew a few bits on the machine, not me personally. Tho now I’ve finally fathomed how to work the webcam,think I might book myself in at the computer repair shop and get myself “booted up” (black leather thigh high please!) . Don’t do and never have “done” photos - prefer to just think/kid myself I look abfab ALL the time!! lol. It’s final - loss of oestrogen sucks in it’s youth sapping vampirism and mirrors are far kinder than webcams me thinks. Anyway, following all these techy installations, whats taken me ages to feel comfey slipper with, all of a sudden changes. Yeh, I’ve finally discovered - I   do   not   like   change - computer wise especially.   Listen to me. I’m beginning to sound like Dave Gorman and his “Life is Goodish”. Make a point of catching him on “Dave” if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Takes a bit of getting used to his way of presenting, but he’s so funny in picking up and at everyday stuff and making it humerous.

My mouse pad isn’t functioning right either. Why can’t we go back to just picking up a phone to communicate. But then, I probably would never have had the absolute pleasure of you gals and everyone else on this 'ere wonderful forum, would I. So, come on Delly, get some patience back and just give it a bit of time to readjust again. After all, that’s what we’re all having to do in a far more serious way, the reason that we are on here. What’s worse Delly, a techno glitch or breast cancer?? Well, 10 yrs later from still surviving the former, I would say the latter. Hate these blasted machines - stomp stomp tantrum.Need to take it to a mouse doctor.

Will check in again after catch up, but caught a glimpse of Charys and a poss issue ref Tamox and consultant, would it be??

Love yers

Dellywhoohoo xxxxxxx    more xxxxxxx !!!

Now, where’s that mouse doctor! x 




And …sorry Janey. Noted you sent me a pm. No offence, haven’t yet read and responded, but thank you sweetheart. And thank you all for your concerned enquiries after me xxx 

What a lovely idea, the ‘sewing hearts’ and a glorious day for it too ! Yep, we had telly :0)

What a lovely way to spend Remembrence  Sunday afternoon, and in such a beautiful setting Rubycat.  The husband went into town to watch the march by then popped into the Royal British Legion for a chat with the old soldiers as he does every year, sad as there’s less each year as they grow older and pass away.  I didn’t go with him as was feeling dozy (no change there). The amitripyline are certainly helping with the sleep, still keep waking up with the flushes but drop off back to sleep immediately they stop, so feeling hopeful they will help with the headaches in time.


We did have telly when I was a kid but it was a huge thing with a tiny screen but  apart from Dr Who and Sunday Night at the London Palladium which we watched as a family never watched it, children didn’t then, spent our time harassing people playing knock down ginger.


I hope you all have a lovely sunny day where you are, it’s glorious here in Bucks xx




Hello lovelies and a big hello to back in the 21st century Delly! What a post! A good day today and gardening about to be topped off by roast at the pub - it had its own brewery, so I’m driving! I love Dr Who now but hid behind the sofa when it was as on as a child. Apparently I was scared of Leslie Crowther on the telly too and also the Sweet on Top of the Pops but happy to dance along to Ballroom Blitz now!
Your Sunday sounds very special Rubycat. We walked to the town memorial. Hugs to all xxx

Janey, I’ve just had my first gin & tonic, Im hooked, so refreshing.  Only had a splash with lots  of ice, slice of lemon and topped up with lots of tonic.  Sipped it while cooking late lunch/early dinner, only thing was I hadn’t finished it when meal was ready and it didn’t go well with food, definitely aa aperitife.   Hope you enjoyed your roast.


Looking forward to Strictly and the start of Im a celeb tonight.  Anyone else a fan or am I on my own? Xx





Welcome to the Gin club Lesley! Now add cucumber or lime - yum!
Well it’s 3.25 am and I think I’m over the worst of rads but peaking with Anastrazole ? Feeling very glad for the acupuncture, as at least the flushes are shorter and less intense but almost every half hour today and a bad night’s sleep. I’ve decamped to the spare bed and wide open window! That said a really lovely day.
I haven’t ever seen I’m a Celebrity but a fan of Strictly and now Planet Earth Ii. I’m looking forward to getting out more to gigs (not a word I’m allowed to use in front of my daughter!) and have booked to see Lloyd Cole in March, if anyone remembers him?

A good reminder Charys to put the bird feeders out again. They’re living on windfall apples at the moment. Last night’s Planet Earth was stunning and the “how it was filmed” even more so. Xx

Oh yes, Planet Earth, amazing, and David Attenborough is one person I would add to my dream dinner part guest list.


Our birds seem to feed all year long so it’s weekly job filling up the feeders sometimes twice weekly during winter, guess they just must be greedy birds round here.  Love watching them feed though, one of my indulgences since stopping working, having the time to just sit back with a coffee for ages, so relaxing.


Ill give the lime and cucumber a try Janey.  So sorry about the flushes it’s poop isn’t it.  The husband has been deported to the spare room since I’ve come off hrt because I’m the same, window wide open, duvet thrown off every hour.  Only had a sheet and a cotton throw on the bed until about three weeks ago.  He’s on warfarin so feels the cold now.


I miss Bake Off too.  I’m not a telly addict but there are a few programmes I love to watch, Strictly, Im a celeb and I do enjoy a good drama.


Its a wet and miserable day here so I’m going to indulge my self this afternoon having been a good girl this morning housework wise, Knitting and may even crack open my new jigsaw, I know how to live it up! Xx

Said in the style of Leslie Phillips in the old “Carry On” films (to those of you who remember) “Well Helloooooooo” cept without his smarminess.

What are you all like - I leave you for a few days and I come back to a load of loony gin drinking, doorbell ringers!!

Lesley - you’re the one to blame for it all!! Cording is normally to do with scarring and the lymph vessels shrinking sfter the lymph nodes have been removed, or so I was lead to believe following mine.

Well I’ve pm’d and reported into to JuicyJaney with all my excuses for my absence and been officially excused. but only if I do my 15 mins of chores on a daily basis. Janey - who’s Kary ??? And remind me who Lloyd Cole is. Was that with And The Commotions?? If so remind me of anything they did. Given I’m a born in 59 babe, so remember my disco era days were from 1973 upwards.  

Lesley - what a gawd awful daily thing your intense headaches must be to have to put up with. I do hope the acupuncture and Amitriptyline work some magic for you.Is the underarm lump under your affected side?

Charys - i too am glad to hear you had a sympathetic ear ref your Tamox experience. I still can’t help thinking that you may now be suffering actual menopausal changes with ref to your as yet unstable periods. Please enlighten me on what is meant by “hormonal psychosis” ?? I’m still with you on the Tamox versus non. Remind me again of your age lovey?? And I have never heard of cording to the torso either but I’ve just checked out the BCC info and it mentions it, but not what to do about it. I had it in both my arms following masts and ANC, but sorted with persisting with repeated stretching exercises from the onco physio. I was under the impression that it was very much to do with the lymph vessels tightening, once they have been made redundant following lmph node removal. Have you been given some exercises for it??  If not, and I’m hoping they haven’t just left you to cope with it on your own, I would ask for and to see a physio through your onco team. Hope you’re feeling better each day flower. By politics - are you meaning the American presidency? I’m opening myself up to allsorts of danger in saying that I could never trust anyone who looks like Trump. Has no-one ever told him to sort his physical image. Just goes to show you how superficial I am, and how much I/we place on physical image. Sorry to any supporters.

RaunchyRuby - Hahaha, I had to giggle at your ref to your “MindLESSness”! course. Comical

Sue - I’m offering my services for needle sticking. Payment in keeping with this thread is GIN ! Better to pay me after treatment tho, otherwise I take no responsibilty for where the needles end up. Have you yet had your meds sorted yet?

Sorry this is turning into such a log rambling response, but I’m catching up as I go and you’re all so prolific in your postings.

Rememberance Sunday passed me by this year. Did respect the silence on Thurs tho’. Brought back memories of last year, when I took a very dear friend out for a day in Liverpool, following attending her husbands funeral the day before. I wanted to give her something more than a bunch of flowers. She doesn’t drive (her hubby was the driver) and she’s interested in artyfarty stuff like me. Took her into Liverpool to look at the RC cathedral. A first for both of us - beautiful building, and the sun was out to pick up the stain glass. It was remembrance day, not Sunday. I walked around in tears, because it brought up my family loss, but was such a cathartic experience. We then went on to the Walker gallery for some uplifting, art wise.


Lesley, ref birdies - I was warned off feeding them in the Summer, as there’s plenty of natural food fodder for them and they otherwise over feed, and become overweight! And to just feed them in the Winter, when their natural food source becomes scarce and they also need fat. Would hate to think your contributing to an overweight birdie population that then become like many humans and have to be put on a diet. (am joking!).

David Attenborough - so well deserving of his knighthood. What an amazing guy, and what an amazing life. How old is he now? 90 or getting on for?

Am going now. Sending you all lotsa love and special Delly hugs

Dellywellydoodah xxxx