Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Charys flower - You’too are up early. Noticed you in another thread. How are you doing??


Lesley - I’ve just been looking at your photo, just out of interest. What a lovely looking woman you are :-)) And I’m pretty darn sure ALL the rest of you are too.

Janey - do the overflowing compliments count towards my 15 mins??

Hope you all have a better day. Love yers

Dellypoos xxx

Good morning my lovely virtual friends. Actually one of Loyd Cole (yep and the Commotions) songs was Brand New Friend! Is there a photo gallery somewhere?! I was hoping I could maintain the myth of being Cindy Crawford’s double!
Oh thank goodness for a safe place to vent. No sleep two nights running. Last night down to 18 yr old step child and ex wife. At the moment I feel like running away and taking vow of silence somewhere!
Anyway good news is I think my skin is healing and also another go with acupuncture today, with added destressing. Lesley are you going to keep with it anyway, and go along today? Kary how are you doing? Look what you started with the bells!! Xx

Well I’m feeling floaty now and spoke with acupuncturist about lovely side effect, which seems to be banishing food cravings - maybe I will get to look like Cindy one day!
Probablems problems with partner’s ex wife and their son. All very amicable until new husband this year and we are getting the brunt of the fallout. 50/50 residency became 100% last night. Hey ho 2016 eh, what a year?!
I am going to tidy out a cupboard Delly to refocus me and then the delights of an Occ Health call about return to work. Rubycat can you send a virtual choc or two that I won’t eat because of acupuncture? Xx

Yeh, Charys, I was a bit thrown by Janey’s stepson and ‘X’ wife. All’s been explained. Lesleys Avatar photo.

Janey, who’s Kary?? You’ll be leaking like sieve soon from your needle stciking. Glad you’re feeling some benefit. You’ll have to hum that song for me, can’t bring it to mind.

Well, I intended to have a cup o’ tea and go back to bed after my early awakening by Charys. But am still up, but now feeling decidedly rough with tummy, so me thinks I’ll go have a lie down.

Dellypooped xxx (No not that type of pooped!!   


I know what’s the matter…



you have DELLY BELLY!!! 

<li-spoiler><li-spoiler>:smileylol:</li-spoiler> </li-spoiler>

I’m not laughing I’m not laughing! Hope you get better soon. Ex wife didn’t move in but has absolved herself of any responsibility. Never mind in scheme of things its usual nonsense.

Hello lovely ladies, just been catching up on all your posts, the highlight of my day.  Delly, so nice to have  you back in the fold, and thanks for the heads up re the birds,  I didn’t know about not feeding them in the summer,  I’ve taken note, I dont want the bird equivalent of Jamie Olivier knocking on my door accusing me of causing obesity in the bird world.   


Janey, the ex! It sounds like something from the Jeremy Kyle Show, Not that Ive ever watched it, nightmare!  Talking if nightmare, that cording sounds pretty grim Charus, hope it clears up soon.


Feeling pretty pleased, only mild headache yesterday and today, so Hoping those  amitripyline pills are starting to work, now all I need is an answer to the horrors of hot flushes every hour during the night.  No, no pins today Janey, acupuncture lady said to leave it a fortnight this time, only got 6 sessions in all so only 2 more to go.  Was thinking about paying privately but as it doesent seem to be helping with flushes and headaches not sure it’s worth the  expenditure as I’m on a very tight budget not working.


Thanks for the compliment re my pic Delly, however, that pic was taken on my holiday last year when I was fit and well, this year I feel BC stress has taken its toll on me.  I’m sure you’re all gorgeous, to me you are xx

Hi ladies 

do you mind if I ask you all a question? Apologies if this is the wrong thread 

I’m coming down with a cold, first one of the season boooo - can you take any kind of cold remedy whilst taking tamoxifen? Lemsip or Day & NighhtNurse kind of stuff? 

I’m trying to keep it together before rads start in a fortnight so if I can take something I will!

thanking you all. I do love reading all your posts every day - u do make me smile!

beth x


Hi, Charys, Not sure if this had worked?  A pic of two knitted with wire Christmas decorations  I’ve just done to show you what they look like xx

Welcome Beth, Im sure the odd lemsip won’t hurt you.  As (if you’ve  e been reading previous posts you’ll know) I suffer with daily headaches plus migraines so have to regularly take strong pain killers and did do all through rads.


So with you on the ironing one pillowcase at a time if that’s all you feel like doing Rubycat, after working all my adult life and having to cram everything in it’s wonderful having the luxury of just thinking, oh, I leave that till tomorrow.


Charys, to add a photo - on the top on the post you’re typing 9th symbol along is a picture symbol, (B I U  etc)  tap on that, you then have the option whether to select a photo from an album (though that won’t work for me) or take a photo, as I use a iPad, I just select that, it takes a minute or 2 to upload unto the post.  If you use a laptop you can probably select from an album.  Somehow I got it to work with my pic of myself from album on iPad but since then it tries to upload EVERY photo, then says too much data!  Just play around with it, that’s how I found out how to do it.  Still can’t sort out how to save what I’m typing and scroll down and view previous posts despite Delicious Dellys instructions, keep losing what I’ve typed so given up xx

Ps, Rubycat, they’re not earrings, Im Not Bet Lynch, lol, they’re Christmas decorations.  Charys, they’re about 2 inches by 2 inches, Sorry, I only do old money, never got my head round metric xx

Oh Lesley I still can’t access your profile pic from my phone but the Bet Lynch comment had me chuckling! Hi Beth - hoping it is ok to take painkillers on Anastrazole, as I’m keeping manufacturers going!
Went to stay at a friend’s last night to get away from stress and it did the trick. Just as well I couldn’t eat all that lovely chocolate Rubycat, as I lost the back of a tooth and off to dentist shortly. I can’t talk but I can type haha!! Oh and Beth when your done with rads we will all ring bells and knock knockers (Delly no, do not think that?) for you! Xx

Oh Janey, poor you with the teeth and the soap opera playing out at home.  I’ve have two teeth break recently, dentist quoted £300 EACH to fix, Im manageing to eat ok and not in any pain so going to leave them, haven’t got that amount spare, if I had I’d go on holiday.


Spoke too soon re the headaches, thumping one again today so dosed up with strong painkillers as just off to have CT scan on lungs (found nodules about 2.5 years ago)  been having scans every 6 months, if they’ve haven’t changed/grown this time consultant said won’t need checking anymore, fingers crossed all ok, will have to wait two weeks for results.  See ENT doctor on Friday for results of sinus scan and find out if op needed on them, so fed up with hospitals, scans etc. 


Lovely sunny day here, hope sun is shining on all of you too. Xx

Ps, Beth, I hope your cold is improving.  Dose yourself up with lemsip, rest and generally look after yourself.  You need to be well as possible for rads.  Luckily I had mine during the summer when there weren’t so many colds, bugs etc going around.  Do stay in touch and let us know how you get on xx

Yeh Yeh, I give you all a compliment and what do I get - cajoled, made fun of. Delly Belly indeed. Rotten lot. It’s that  Charys again - she’s doin some stirring this time.Then she carries on as normal “Lesley, those are so lovely . . . .” yerder yerder!! And you’re no better Janey, joining in with the giggling and encouraging her. I’ll come and stick some pins in you !!

Lesley - I’m soooo glad your head’s feeling a bit better today. Hope it IS the tabs taking effect and the pain keeps diminishing. I too like the decs - very delicate craftwomanship. Must require a load of patience.

I’m working my way upwards towards the latest post and Rubycats joined too. Stupid girl - earrings !!  “I” knew they were Xmas decs. Why didn’t you (flamin numpty).

Beth - welcome from me too. Be warned about some of the nasty women on here. Lesley’s a good egg though. Hope you quell your cold in time and you sail through your rads without too many probs. You’ve got plenty of back up support, help and advice to call on with this Forum.  

Janey - how did you know to pre-empt me with a warning ref the “knockers”. Hahahaha. I’ve got tears rolling down my cheeks from laughing. That’s so classically comical. Oh, I’ve wetted all my keyboard now, I’ll end up getting electricuted. Golly, I can’t remember when I last laughed so much. Talk about wry, you lot crack me up.


Awwww, and now I’ve read luscious Lesley’s last post - teeth, lungs and sinus, plus banging head back. No wonder your fed up flower. Hope the lung scans the same and you’re signed off for that. When you click on and open up a post, click on the reply to button, then before you type any response in the response box, scroll down to the bottom of that box and a little bit further below the bottom line of the box, on the left, in purple pink lettering, is “view discussion in a pop up”. Click on that and another page/window tab will appear at the very top of your screen, with Re Progesterone, assorted . . . and your Reply to Message tab to the left of it. If you click on the right tab, it lets you view all the posts to scroll up and down through. Then if you click on the left one, it takes you back to your reply box window.  So if whilst you’re typing your reply post, you forget what’s been said, just click back on the right tab to open up the post window again to refer to, then click back on the left reply window/tab to go back to your message where you left off. Failing that, if you still can’t get it to work, I’m never gonna try to explain it again. I’m just gonna shoot myself !!! !!!

Well, I DO hope you’ve all enjoyed having a good laugh today at my, Delly Belly’s expense.

Huh xxxx


You are indeed lovely Lesley, I went on the iPad and spotted your avatar. Actually on the subject of your, I have grammar police checked myself in last post and of course meant you’re!
Don’t know where I’d be without you lot today. Not a good day. Feeling exhausted after 3 nights of rubbish sleep and the soap opera ongoing at home. Not the calm environment I need or want at the moment. I’ve booked appt with doc tomorrow.
Thank you lovelies xx

Hope you get a good restful, recharging nights sleep tonight Janey xxx Thanks for the good laugh xxx

Thanks again for the IT lesson  Delicious, but as I’ve just had a large glass of vino I’ll leave it for  tonight.  As for tears running down your face, at my age the problem when I laugh is tears running down my legs!


Oh Janey, I do feel for you, all that drama at home, just what you dint need right now.


Had scan and on the way out radiographer said “you have got a follow up appointment haven’t you ?” Now I’m worried, but after this BC marlarkey think I worry about every little thing, the latest is a sun damage brown spot that’s been on my arm for years has suddenly got lumpy and itchy.  The thing is, Im scared to go back to the doctors in case they think I’m a “heart sink patient” (I know that phrase from my years as a Practice Manager) 


No Delly, Im Not at all arty like Charys but do like having a go.  Those decs are so simple and take about half an hour and keep me occupied, plus they do look nice attached to gifts wrapped in crepe paper, something homemade makes its special even if it is a bit amateurish, plus it amuses my friends as I’m so not a Lady Wot Makes Things lol xx