Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Thank you both. Lesley I can’t imagine you are in anyway a heart sink patient. Made for a wry smile though as I’m off about a lump in the throat and worried they will think the same about me!! It’s a GP practice I work with too. Felt sorry for the dentist today. Burst into tears when he said how much to do a “cheap” repair and going to try and keep temporary one till I’m back at work in January. I’ve known him 20+ years thank goodness. Lesley I hope the wine is shifting your head and you are soon through all these tests. I’m looking forward to a virtual glass with you all as Big Ben chimes on 31st and we get shot of 2016! Xx

Lesson to us all, in our next reincarnation train to be a dentist!  I pay into Denplan, costs me £35 a month, that’s supposed to cover everything except things that need to go outside the dentist to be made, ie crowns, caps, dentures etc.  My dentist did temporary repairs and they lasted two weeks, I think that was deliberate, but then I’m cynical.


Hope lump In throat is nothing to worry about, but if you’re like me, every thing is a sorry now.  Yes, let’s hope 2017 is a better year for all of us.


Wishing you (and me) a hot flush/sweat free good nights sleep xx

Ladies I’ve just been scrolling through and your all such a fab lot and so funny :smiley: it’s great to have a thread that’s light hearted with such fun banter. Lv Clair Xxx

Hi Clair. Lovely to see you here too. A better day in soapland today. I embraced my inner dictator and wrote a house rules agreement, which has been signed by all! Still not ideal but hopefully will improve. I slept better and then went to see my lovely lovely GP who let me blub and confirmed she thinks lump in throat sensation and pain is either due to Anastrazole or the radiotherapy. She has given me some omeprazole (yay!! More tablets) and wants me to feed back in a couple of weeks also on my mood. Way back when you started this thread Charys you talked about how emotionally different the meds made you and I’m the same. She’s confirmed there is a referral for genetics too in the pipeline… and breathe! On a positive note whilst I’ve used up all my Simply Health for dentist for this year, they have paid out £10 per radiotherapy session! Only by accident I found out they would.
Hope you’re all ok today with all bugs on their way and headaches too xx

How’s Nov Bithday come up as a title for this thread? That’s weird, cos it was from an email. Anyway.

Ladies - I’m setting up two new businesses at cut price prices. Needle Sticking - have just bought a shed load of darning needles cheap. These are 4 times thicker than acupuncture ones so therefore give 4 x more effective results. Have yet to order dressings to stem the extra bleeding tho’. The other is Dental Services. Have an assortment of power tools and drill bits (I don’t mind a bit of dust). No need for injected anaesthetic, as I still have a few crates of out of date Tequilla, produced from crushed dead ladybirds only found on a certain persons windowsill in Macclesfield (aka as Treacle Town. No really, it is!) with a few dried up bees thrown in for extra spice. One shot numbs the head (great for you Lesley), two shots the whole body - full works.Effects last a week. You have a choice of music played through headphones (suggestions/requests for are welcomed) whilst I work away with the drills. Can only accept appointments at “Tooth hurty” ( did I hear a guffaw then?) and replacement teeth are made to bespoke requirements from an old porcelain sink found buried in the garden. Fixings with superglue. Demand is already proving popular, so appointments are booking up fast. I could have done with a bit more practice but the cheap costs outweigh the skills and I’ll pick it up more as I go along. Send me a pm for bookings.


Hi Cla46, yeh they’re all bonkers on here. I’m the only sane and sensible one. Are you doing okay?

Marydan - good to see you. Glad you’re feeling better and calmer and that your Neurologist is keeping a close eye on you and taking good care.


Lotsa love

DoolallyincreasinglybonkersDelly xxx             

Guffaw guffaw guffaw you wonderful entrepreneur you ?? sign me up. Do you do BOGOFs?! Xx

Janey - likely to be BOGTF. Until I’m better at it, the T could turn out to mean two or three due to the occasional slip of the drill.  (move over Mr Menkle - that the right spelling? You know, the German dentist who tortured) Didn’t know you were having trouble with a lump in your throat? I could probably fix that for you too. xxx

P.s. Am I explaining the procedure correctly to Lesley ref bringing up the view of posts in another tab page whilst replying in the other??

Hi everyone,
I’m doing ok, very interesting to hear about your flu like symptoms Janey I’m feeling like that too and I’ve broken a tooth I just thought it was me!! I’m so glad I’m not the only one falling apart :smiley: So Delly I’ll definitely need your dentistry services too but I’ll pass on the needles though :slight_smile:
lv Clair xx

Good evening all. Just logged in, been busy most of the day finishing off wire decorations to attach to Christmas presents, or Rubycat earrings lol.  Seems you’ve all been busy, Delly setting up not one but two new enterprises.  Think I’ll leave you to practice on the others first before I let you loose on me, though you did make me laugh, really laugh.  And Janey writing up house rules.  I hope they’re strict ones and you enforce them, really, you don’t need more stress at this time.  Really hope this throat thing sorts itself out.  Wonder if it is down to Anastrozole?  I’ve now done my 6 weeks off but can’t quite bring myself to restart it yet.   Charys did say it takes longer than that to get it out of your system.  


Big hello to you Clair, Im Not always upbeat and funny, if you read the posts you’ll see how much I whinge, so Marydan don’t say sorry about your rabble as you call it, sounds like you’re having a really bad time of it, just come on here and share with us.


Mild nagging headache all day but bearable, didn’t need painkillers, so hoping the pills are starting to work.  One thing, they do make you sleep!  Keep waking up with flushes but I’m half awake and groggy then drop back off a couple of minutes after they stop and finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.  Will need to set the alarm for tomorrow as need to leave house by 8.30am  for ENT appointment.  That doesent sound early considering I used to have to leave for work at 7.15am but you soon get lazy xx





Hi all, a mistake. …logged in on my phone and I can therefore only type a few sentences without losing the plot. I’ll come back later lol just seen one thing regarding the hormone stuff coming out your system, well I’ve heard two things ftom people, one says 6 weeks and another says it can take as long to come out as you took it fir. …but that makes no sense to me ?! I would say after 11 weeks I was heading to normality. The thing is …it might not be still in you. …but fir everything to normalise in terms of the delicate hormone system it can take quite a while

Forgot to say, glad hip X-ray was ok Rubycat xx

Dellys rubbing her hands together with all these extra customers - loadsa dosh. The porcelain sink has already been used up, but I found an old porcelain loo on a the tip today so I’m currently chiselling out some replacements from that. I’m sure no-one will notice a few stains.

Carol - I’ll be using Edith in my future advertising campaign. Where or how on earth did you find such a video?? Just goes to show how you spend your time. Great stuff. Reminds me of a joke set of teeth I bought as a giggle for a recent hen night. Needless to say, nobody asked me to dance at the nightclub we went on to.


Poor you’s with all your teeth breaking (I’m being serious now).

Rubycat - what hormone treatment are you taking ?? I’m interested that your taking Adcal.What was wrong with your hip?? 

I’m just trying to think it through. Of course, if you’re oestrogen production is prevented by these hormone tabs, it’s not just going to affect your bones - as also often happens with ‘normal’ menopausal women when their oestrogen production stops, and hence the increased risk of osteoporosis it’s going to affect teeth as well isn’t it, because they’re bone too. So maybe the tabs DO have a lot to do with all these tooth probs you’re all having. 

Janey - what are these houserules??

Lesley and all - my dental insurance scheme is called “Dellyplan” and only costs £1 a month. Am sending a bottle of the ladybird Tequila to numb your head. Keep it away from any open flames though - the Tequila not your head. Well, on second thoughts, that as well.

Loadsa love

Dellydentinedriller xxx


Oh Delly, you’re priceless, always make me laugh.  Haven’t looked at the video yet but will do later.  With regard to Adcal - when I was prescribed Anastrozole I was also prescribed Calceos, which I believe is the same thing?  Was told it was because Anastrozole attacks bones and the calceos protects them.  Reading the bumpf that came with the calceos it states that if taken for longer than two weeks may cause tooth decay.  I’m assuming it’s because you have to crunch them rather than swallow whole and they contain sugar.  Might be wrong (often am) as I’m on a break from the Anastrozole I’m also taking a break from the calceos, take enough pills as it is xx

Charys - Sshhh, . . . I too thought they were earrings until Lesley said otherwise. But don’t tell Rubycat !!


Ok…I’m good with secrets…my lips are sealed.

Ha, when I showed my friends (in the flesh and not via photo) they all thought they were earrings  too and asked how do you put them on? Have got a pattern for earrings though they are little ball shaped things.  Tried crochet Charys but can’t get the hang of holding the wool, yarn, wire or whatever (I am cack handed)


Saw ENT consultant today for results of my sinus scan…  He said slight blockage but nothing major, small polyp (squirty stuff didn’t shrink it) and bit of bone.  Could do op but thinks really will only give me slight relief and at this stage doesent think I should have further surgery.  He ruled out the sinuses causing headaches (which I was hoping, then it could be sorted)


Hope everyone is ok and busy doing nice things.  I know Charys is busy crocheting stuff for her arts and crafts stall and Delly making dentures out of the toilet she reclaimed from a skip (hope you bleached it, i want pearly white ones that dazzle people when I smile) xx



Evening all! When I had my hysterectomy I found a very bizarre American site called hystersisters- was very miserable. However, I’m thinking this is very much "tit"ter sisters, especially this particular thread - that pun especially for you Delly. You must be feeling quite deflated Lesley still waiting for answers.
I am low Charys but thinking it has to be fatigue. It’s worrying me how little energy I have. I’m hoping it’s the rads rather than the Anastrazole and will pass. I feel very lucky with my GP, as she will monitor. It doesn’t make me enthused about managing work though!
However, I’m looking forward to next week a hair cut booked and I’m doing the Look Hoid Feel Better group on Tuesday.
I’m going to have to get crafty - my Christmas tree needs earrings!! If they can sparkle as much as the new gnashers Delly is going to sort me we can save some money on lighting ?

Hi Charys

Really pleased to hear you’re feeling normal again…what a relief! I’ve never heard of hormonal psychosis, but it sounds like a major nightmare.  All ok this end ta. Finally feeling a bit more normal myself now the Herceptin has finished.  Actually managed to stay up until 10.30 pm this week, a personal best in the last 15 months.  Although I think that might have something to do with I’m a Celeb being on LOL.  I stuck with 5mg of Tamox in the end.  All my hair starts falling out if I go any higher, so i’m working on the basis some’s better than none.  Re the veg thing, I am trying to eat broccoli, cauliflower or rocket most days & putting broccoli sprouts in a smoothie. My husband thinks it’s nuts, but seems like an easy thing to do if it might help. Enjoy your weekend.    Hi Delly hope you managed to find out what’s going on. xx

I’m trying to think of songs we could cover … this one could run and run ?

Ooooomph, just lost a long post - hadn’t autodated. Oh well I’ll attempt to repeat it.

'Ello flowers,

Lesley - I’m wondering if I might use the fine wire of yours  to hold any new teeth in, instead of superglue. Err, can’t remove any of the existing loo stains with toothpaste, you’ll have to brush your teeth with household D*mest*s, preferably leave on overnight. Try squirting some up your nostrils too, may get rid of that polyp. What were you suffering in the first place for you to go see an ENT ?? As you said, and Charys said, what a shame that your headaches haven’t or couldn’t be attributed to your sinus probs and then be sorted with a minor op. I had to have a boney protrusion removed 20 odd years ago, after having suffered repeated nasty infections for a year, with almost fluorescent green stuff coming out (sorrygirls) and a constant bunged up head. Couldn’t believe the instant relief and difference afterwards. Such a quick and easy op too.

Going back to Anastrol - it prevents the formation of oestrogen, which plays a major part in maintaining the health and strength of the bones and therefore also teeth, them also being bone. Am not understanding why on earth the Calceos could/would CAUSE tooth decay tho’ ??


Charys - like your evil Panto laugh. But  you  don’t  scare  me. Mwahahahaaaa back - Sssssss to your spam threat. Bogof, as Janey says. And Bibi’s just reminded me. I asked you ages ago too - what’s hormonal psychosis??


Bibi - Hi. Am sooo glad you’re feeling more normal again and more energetic. Howevr, I’m feeling a bit worried about your green colour!! Think all these cruciferous veges are taking effect. Also, I daren’t imagine what effect the extra personal methane production is having on our ozone layer !! lol  Thanks for asking, but no, I didn’t find out what was going on with the liver abnormalities. I actually gave up on the Gastro guy at the local hospital here because I went round in a full circle with tests, as opposed to progressive ones to give a more differential diagnosis. Got thoroughly frustrated and annoyed by it all.  I’m kicking myself really, because I was in two minds to begin with, whether to use a larger hospital that isn’t so close, but has better facilities and a better reputation. I had such fantastic care at the hospitals I attended where I lived before I moved here, but they were all much larger and part of a larger N. Manchester trust. Finding it a bit provincial here.

RaunchyRuby - What’s your theory on your hip and WHY can’t you explore it on here also, with us, your FRIENDS?? And where do you think you’re going next week, AWAY?? Have you asked permission from Miss for your absence? i.e. Janey, she who makes the rules round here. On Have you had any form of in depth physical examination of your hip? I’m talking “Biomechanics” here. By such as a Podiatrist. X-Ray has ruled out what?? Arthritic boney abnormalities?. Iit may be a muscular or ligamentous prob. Could be caused by an abnormality of other of your leg joints on the same leg or your opposite leg, and your hip may be compensating for this. As an X Podiatrist, without knowing all your symptoms, it could be that you need something to just re-align a joint/joints elsewhere to reduce the pressure on your hip. May be worth your while to go get a biomechanical exam sweetie.    


JuicyJaney - awwww. What can we do for you. You’re a tired girly aren’t you. All this crap at home won’t be helping. I like the  Tit-ter Sisters. Had to take a close look at what that was at the end of your post. Looked like some kind of insect, but it’s a . . . MICROPHONE! Hope you have a relaxing, re-charging W/end lovey.

Mentioned it on another post tonight - the Gritters have been out here for the first time. Freezing cold, and much too early for my comfort.

Nitey Nitey, Pyjamas Pyjamas

Dellypoos xxxx