Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Lorac - That’s not fair you should have that sitcom and not us. That’s downright stingey! I didn’t realise that you have different programmes to us over the border. You have a good w/end too.

Lotsa love

Dellywelly xxx  

Morning glories! This has to be the very best coffee morning.
Charys I can only imagine how awful that was for you. A colleague had the same. She now lectures to health students every year about her experiences.
Rubycat definitely definitely see a Dellyiatrist in your area. I had some lovely insoles made especially for me and it made a huge difference to joint pain.
Delly you are clearly putting a lot of thought into this new venture of yours. I wonder if you could use a screenshot from Carol’s clip on the posters? Will supermarket own brand do if domestos not to hand?!
I tell you what I’m clearly a scary rules person. 3 days in and a calmer place to be at home. Still tired, but a bit more sleep last night, so a better morning. I don’t think any of you lot would abide by any rules, which I love.
As a nod to you Rubycat I shall attempt to make soup in a mindful way. If it’s cream of broccoli I assume that’s good for me Bibi?!
May your Saturdays be lovely and especially headache free for you Lesley X

Hello T*t sisters,


lovely sunny albeit cold and frosty day here.  Usually go walking on a Saturday morning but my friends had other plans today, feeling a bit like Lesley no mates, but then I do have you lovely lot.


The husband is in bed with a stinking cold, he’s really poorly, had it for week and a half.  He has COPD, so a cold is bad news for him.  I’m being a good wife, went and got his Daily Telegraph and given lots of cups of tea, won’t est anything though.  I’m feeling very saintly though the sound of his sniffing, coughing and spluttering even though closed door is driving me nuts, so perhaps not so saintly!


So many posts to catch up on, can’t remember who said what, and no Delly, I’ve tried and tried to view in a pop up, but lose what I’ve typed so can’t be bothered to give it another go.


With regard to “The headaches”. Always suffered with them since being a teenager but about 20 years ago they gotreally bad and started getting migraines.  Had CT and MRI scan, couldn’t find anything wrong so they’ve given up looking for a cause.  They kept saying it was stress, but after giving up work, until the horrid BC reared it ugly head I was as relaxed and as happy as Larry for 18 months and if anything they got worse.  All I get offered is painkillers until this time the GP has put me on amitripyline (In The hope it will relax the muscles) which in the past it was thought I couldn’t take with the migraine prevention meds I take.  Turns out I can’t take them.  Long story, but the meds are also used for epilepsy and that’s when you can’t take amitripyline.  Been on them just over a week and a very slight improvement in the intensity.  Apparently I need to take a high dose for them to be effective but have to start on a low dose and work up, fingers crossed.


Charys, some of the ladies and my knit and natter group  use those big handled crochet hooks, my problem is holding the wool in the “other” hand, if you see what I mean?  I.e., if you’re right handed you work with the hook in your right hand but the wool in the left.  I can’t seem to get the knack of holding

/working the wool in my left hand.  Several people have tried to show me and given up.


As usual I’ve rambled on.  Think I’ll be saintly and make himself another cuppa, needs to keep drinking even if he won’t eat xx

Heck - thought it was Sunday today. Couldn’t understand why Lesley was talking about usually going walking on Saturday. Definitely losing it - going bonkers. Lesley, don’t give up on it. Sit down, open up the thread, scroll down to my last set of instructions and try it exactly as the instructions. You’ll then be able to click between the two tabs at the top of your screen (not page), one for the thread posts, the other for your reply box.


Extra Personal Methane Production made me ? Delly, you have such a great turn of phrase, even if you don’t know what day it is. I actually thought it was Friday for a couple of hours this morning. Dunno about green, but def gone a bit bonkers since all this started. That sounds very annoying about the gastric man. I didn’t realise you could just chop & change. Charys my thoughts entirely on veg. It can’t hurt can it. Have a lovely weekend ladies xx

Evening I totally love the idea of tit er sisters :-D. I’m not bad on the drums and I quite like sitting at the back and making a racket once in a while :smiley:
Ruby I laughed so much about your mindlessness course, I’m going to strangle the next person who says have you thought about a course or councilling!! I personally can’t think of anything worse. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing for those who benefit but it’s not for me yet everyone I encounter says it in that sing song voice that always ends up making me cry and feel 100 times worse. Oops sorry that turned into a bit of a rant…
Well I’m off to enjoy my 3 S Saturday, soak in the bath then moisturise, snuggle down in bed and watch strictly come dancing with a glass of wine. Oh and I have various green veg all done and sorted for Sunday dinner to go with a bit of chicken.of course. Night lovelies and thank you for making me smile / lol again even though your all going through a rough time too tons of love xxxx

Don’t worry, I’m not organised, haven’t even thought about tomorrow’s dinner yet.  Used to be organised but these days can’t get enthused about stuff like that.


Clair, sounds like a perfect Saturday evening, bath, wine and Strictly, same as mine, follwed by Im a Celeb. 


Ps, LOVE The minion Janey xx

Charys - that would be a big fat No re Sunday lunch. Went to Morrisons this afternoon & u would have thought it was Christmas ? Eve! People with full trolleys everywhere - felt like shouting - it’s NOVEMBER everyone!!!.

Love the minion xxx

Good morning all,


Yes, Clair, that’s the problem with the wine, but I think, going to wake up every hour with with flushes anyway so might as well enjoy a glass (or two) of vino.  Last night every time I woke up flushing I could hear the rain smashing against the window, pretty bad night here.  The amitripyline does make me drop right off to sleep in between the flushes though so that’s a good thing.


Just going to chuck a gammon joint in the slow cooker for dinner later.  The husband got it, and it’s huge!  Think we will be eating it all week, Im not even that keen on it in the first place.


I hope the weather is better where you all are.  Not sure of everyone’s location… Janey in Devon, Rubycat in Salisbury, Delly up north, that’s all I can remember.  Anyway, it’s pretty grim here in the south east today.


Janey, how’s thé throat?  Going to try and get an appointment with docs this week, thing on my arm is starting to worry me now (was like a very large freckle) now lumpy and very itchy.  Been trying to ignore it but too itchy to ignore.  


Trying to think of something witty and upbeat to finish on but can’t.  Wishing you all a lovely Sunday, even if the sun isn’t shining xx 

Well I’m learning a valuable lesson to not be organised, 2 out of my 3 children aren’t having tea tonight ( they’re luckily enough to have a social life) so I’m left with a mountain of roasters and veg do if you want any just shout :-D.
Lesley I’m in the south west and it’s windy, wild & freezing so I’ve given up in the garden for a bit. Xx
Janey I hope your throats feeling better today xx
Right I’m off to sort through this veg at least the cat will be happy she’ll get extra chicken :wink: love Clair xxx

We are being cooked for tonight! Youngest son and girlfriend are in control of the kitchen making roast beef and homemade mince pies ?? Hubby is getting a bit twitchy as he usually does most of the cooking , have to keep stopping him wandering out there interfearing! I couldn’t care less as I hate cooking ? Xx 

Well I’m hanging my head in shame and gluttony - went to the pub again for Sunday lunch! My parents staying and all 3 steps with us, so welcome respite from the oven. Clair and Charys one of the new house rules is if I don’t hear by midday, my assumption is no meal required!
A better end to the week but my temporary tooth fell out - Delly are you ready with your new venture yet?!
Rubycat I shall grant temporary leave, but we definitely need reviews.
What a wonderful nationwide coffee morning. Love to all of you. I’m looking forward to a fix of Planet Earth and Strictly! ? ?

Gosh, youve all got busy households haven’t you, just me and himself to cook (or not) for.  Think it’s just you Delly?  You can please yourself, eat what and when you want.


Sounds like your temporary tooth lasted about as long as mine then Janey, pretty sure my dentist makes sure the temps dont last so you have to pay out big bucks.  So far I’m managing to eat ok with two broken ones, so she can whistle for her £600.


So sad to  Greg go out of Strictly.  Got David A on sky+, will make a cuppa then settle down to watch it then xx

Delly I’m terrible and often make more than I need. When my eldest left home I still kept making enough tea for him for a good few weeks. 2 out of the 3 are really good at letting me know but the other one is a nightmare so most of the time I don’t do food for them.
I’m stuck in my Sunday roast routine it was ingrained into me by my nan and hubby did all the cooking when I couldn’t :smiley:
I’m in lovely soaked somerset I think I’ll need a boat to get to radiotherapy today only 5 more to go xxx

Good morning all, well not so good for me!  Got an appointment with GP this morning re the thingy on my arm.  Said he would do an urgent referral.  Got home, put the kettle in and just settled down to read the paper and the phone rang.  3.15 appointment today!  Still, at least no hanging around, pretty good service, couldn’t be better if I was private.  However, I was hoping GP would say oh, it’s nothing to worry about.


Reading your posts did cheer me up though.  Hugs to you all xx

Quick check in to wish you all the best for today. So glad they’re seeing you quickly but what a worry. Huge hugs xxx

Fingers crossed Lesley xx

Gosh that is quick. …I remember saying ages ago that if it was one arm you should get it checked . I hope you come back on later and gives us an update, at least you’ve had no time to sit and worry ! Thinking of you lesley

Thank you lovely ladies for  your kind words of support.  Phew, all ok.  Forgot what’s it’s called (something double barrelled). It’s benign.  They measured it and took photos.  Told me to take photos as well with something next to it to guage the size and watch for any changes.  If it grows, especially unevenly? I will need it cut out.  Such a relief.  While I was with the consultant I showed him the brown moley type things that appeared a couple of weeks after finishing rads down the affected site, he said like sun damage but nothing to be concerned about.  Feeling soooo relieved.  Will get himself to take photos tomorrow but he’s pretty poorly at the moment.  Still suffering with bad chest and temperature but now his neck and back (on going problem) are giving him gyp.


Weather terrible here, poured down all day, so glad to be indoors now.  Hope all ok with you lovely lot.  Thank you again for the support xx




That’s good news Lesley xx