Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Thanks all xx. Charys, I should have written it down, I really can’t remember what he called it, I was just so relieved as soon as he said it was benign I felt like a weight had been lifted off me and couldn’t have cared less what it was called but really should know I suppose.  Maybe I’ll google it, I think I’d recognise it I I sW it, if I do I’ll let you know xx

Woohoo Lesley. Sooo pleased for you and mighty relieved.
I hope everyone else is doing ok. I’m off to see what Dr Charys has to say about you Rubycat!
A good day today. I went to the big smoke of Exeter to get a haircut and was out after 5!! I thought I ought to try and look a little more glam ready for the Look Good Feel Better course tomorrow. I think I’m looking forward to acupuncture more though. It’s working with flushes well - if only it would sort out the fatigue! Delly I loved all those films and my friends youngest boy makes me hoot when he does “teeny tiny toilet” from Minions! Hugs to all and only 4 more sleeps before your rads are done I think Clair? X

So glad you’re pleased with your hair Janey, nothing like a bit of pampering.  Good luck with the rads Clair, near the finishing post then you can rest up and hopefully be able to enjoy your Christmas.  How’s the skin holding up?


Dr Charys, just googled it, I know it’s some kind of keratosis but not sure which type?..  frightened myself reading the info so stopped, none of the names rang a bell except the keratosis bit.  I just know I’ve got to keep an eye on it.  It’s flipping itchy though.


Enjoy your needles tomorrow Janey.  I’ve got my penultimate session in the morning.  Unfortunately not helping at all with the flushes but last time she put needles in my shoulders and i did get less pain the following few days.


Heard from my sister over the weekend that she’s going to spend Christmas with her son who lives in Florida this year instead of coming to me as usual.  Can’t understand why anyone would prefer to go to Florida than Bucks can you? Lol.    So it will just be the two of us.  I used to love Christmas but over the years the family has shrunk and now I find it a sad time.  Never mind, I’ll just stock up with lots of goodies and watch things like It’s a Wonderful Life and The Wizard of Oz for a couple of days.  Plenty of social events to look forward to on the run up to it so will be nice to have a rest.  Expect your house will be bursting at the seams Janey.



Rubycat can your hubby give noticing lessons to my lovely man please. I waited and waited for him to notice my catwalk looks ?
Not sure what’s happening with our Christmas Lesley, but feeling a bit of pressure, as the guaranteed guests are my daughter and her boyfriend - she’s a pastry chef and he’s mains - maybe I’ll hand over the reins…

Well today I have dropped lots of hints I will return home a glamourpuss! I had acupuncture this morning and now trying to stay awake in the waiting rooms on for makeover at 2. How are you all doing? Rotten miserable weather in the Westcountry and train lines washed away.

Well, just how glam are you Jsney? Hope you enjoyed the pampering.  Had my acupuncture this morning.  We   Have decided thsts  it’s not working with the flushes and headaches but I def felt improvement in shoulders and arms for  a couple if days after  last session.  This time I put my jacket on after with ease and as usual felt really relaxed after, still do actually, if only the feeling lasted.


Started off wet and miserable here but turned into a lovely sunny day.  Hope everyone is having a good day and that today’s rad session went ok Clair xx

Evening lovelies,
I had a super quick rads session today I swear I was in and out in minutes even my hubby asked if they did it right and was so quick I said I don’t care let’s go :slight_smile: my skins doing really well but then I’m moisturising 4 times a day.
How was your pampering Janey maybe your hubby was so impressed he’s taken you out somewhere posh for your tea?
I’ve been exceptionally grumpy today I emailed work about returning full time after Christmas and they replied saying although they’d love to have me back to work I’ll need to continue be phased back in so I have a successful return! Now I know I need to take it easy that’s my sensible side ( don’t see it very often) but I’m fed up of other people bring in control of my life. I just want to be me again :frowning: I’ve done nothing but growl at everyone so I’m off for a long soak in the bath. Oh and one good thing was I growled so loudly at the boy with the wonderful social life he’s written my a list of his plans on a whiteboard so I now know when he’s working and what’s he’s doing for the week :smiley: I need to be like this more often
Lots a love Clair xxx.

Clair I woul paste my new house rules below but I’m embarrassed at my inner dictator!! That said it all seems to be working … I think you sound like the picture I posted below. Embrace your inner grump and pamper yourself. I’ve definitely been pampered today. I’m phasing a return over 4 weeks in the New Year. Fatigue has hit the last couple of weeks so we can do a patience pact for getting our new Westcountry normal!!

:-D. Lol Janey that picture is definitely me at the moment and I love the patience pact I’m in for that xxxx

Loved that Janey, think we  can all relate to it.  So glad you enjoyed your pampering.  Ha, poor OH,  bet he was on high alert waiting to gush with the compliments.  They do get a rough deal something with our raging hormones dont they?  But then I think after years of “good service” we’ve earned a bit of patience.  Good for you with the house rules, just make sure you don’t let them slip.  Glad the needles are working.  Funny you’ve got your food craving under control.  I needed to put on a bit of weight and had no appetite.  Now I can’t stop eating and put on what I needed but have now got a pop belly and dont like it.  Think I’ll have to go on a diet for the first time in years if I don’t stop eating so much.


Know what you mean about being in control of your life again Clair.  This horrible thing seems to take over your life and you just get pushed along, poked and prodded,  very difficult when you’re used to being in control. I would say though with regards to work, if they are being good about time off just take it and make the most of it.  You’ll probably find that after youve finished rads it will catch up with you, I know it did me.  First few days I just felt relief it was over then went downhill over the next couple of weeks, took me then several weeks to start picking up.  But then I’m an old girl.


Delly’s gone quiet.  Bet she’s out rummaging through skips looking for old sinks and toilets to make more teeth.


just been looking at a Nordic Walking course. Was recommended by physio last year for my shoulder problem.  Might give it a go in the new year.  Already got the poles, used them to get me up Snowdon 4 years ago.

Hellooooooo lovelies,

Yes, have been out at the tip again today. Found a lovely shade of pink loo. Yeh, pink gnashers. Saw what looked like a gold coin at the bottom of it, reached in, but got my head and arm stuck in the process.Luckily, some refuse collecting officers found me and covered me in Swarfega to free me. It’s taking a while for my head to go back to normal, still a bit ‘U’ bend shaped.

Lesley - that’s great news on the alien arm spot. Is it some sort of Solar related hyperkeratotic lesion/mole

Janey- you look juicyliciously abfably gorgeous, woman.What do you mean, your daughters boyfriend is Mains???Yes, I was a Jackie reader, educational wasn’t it. No wonder you nad I are so intelligent Juicy - cept I can’t spell “and”!

Clair - we’re all gonna be dusting off our knockers for your final rad appmnt. Could this be a possible sequel to the Calendar Girls (another fab film), The Knocker Girls ? Moisturising 4 x a day? Are you another “Udder cream girl” too?

Dr Charys - what? You diagnosed some kind of “worm” living in or on you husbands foot?? Ooooomph Yuk. That’d give me nightmares, especially if I’m having to sleep next to it. Only sooo much I’m prepared to do for love. What’s this other thread, you and Ruby are talking about? See how I hate to be left out.


Took my car in yesterday for MOT and pre Winter service. The recommended garage I’ve used since being here also services/fixes, wait for it, Aston Martins, but also bog standards such as mine. And no, they’re not outrageously priced as you’d expect, no more expensive for repairs than anywhere else. Is just round the corner 10 mins walk for when you’ve dropped off and have to get back, so very convenient. But, he’s recently expanded, so now has a seperate bog standard car garage, which is a good 1/2 hour brisk walk. Well, what a flippin wicked day yesterday was to go out into - blowin a hooley here and torrents of rain, flash floods. Had the sense to take my heavy duty umbrella and set off to walk back. Kept passing litter bins with crumpled up wrecked umbrellas and thought, well now I’m out in it, I may as well stay out longer and detour into town to pick up a few necessities such as food. Was approached by an elderly gentleman, asking “Is this Mill St, and do you know where the hearing aid shop is. It’s supposed to be No 46”? Err No. I resisted the temptation to say Pardon. Told him it would be up at the top of the hill with that number. Would he like to hitch a ride with me under my umbrella (ella ella). Well only if I was going that way, he said, which I wasn’t, but it was no skin off my nose. Awww, he linked his arm through mine, and helped keep my umbrella anchored down from the gusts. As we toiled up the hill against the elements. we had a very cheeky chatty conversation. When we reached his destination, he turned and thanked me, and gave me a great  big  kiss. How lovely, made me go all wet eyed - bless. So a very sunny thing to happen in such a grey, miserable day. 


Loadsa love Dellypoos xxx


Good evening all,


Just a quick post to say hello to you all.  Been a lousy headache day.  However, peeped in last night before heading off to bed and I really laughed out LOUD at your post Delly, you really should have your own weekly column in a mag, honestly, so funny, plus so sweet you giving the old chap a lift under your umbrella Ella Ella. Also laughed at your reaction to your husband’s comments Clair about never mind if they’ve done it right, let’s just get out of here.  Can so relate to that!


Hope you’re all ok and having a good day/evening xx

Def Charys, you said before she should think about writing professionally, she’s certainly more entertaining than some of the columnists I read in the Sunday mags that come with the papers.

:-D. Evening all, Delly is totally fantastic I definitely think she should write a blog, the banter on this thread is fab and always makes me giggle . I had my moving on chat with the nurse today bless her last time we spoke I had a major break down so she must of been really looking forward to today. I was very proud of myself I was very cheery and not grumpy at all, I’m now armed with a load of leaflets to read through, only 2 more to go
Ps I think.your all great xxx lv Clair xx

Awwww Lesley - i do so wish I could do somethin for your flippin awful headaches. Before I got my head and arm stuck down the pink loo on the tip yesterday, I found a pair of “jump leads”. Put them in my plastic bag, wondering and thinking, if I connected the two ends to either side of your temples and the other to my car battery, the quick sharp shock might sort your headaches out. But I decided that was in very bad taste to even think it, let alone say or suggest it, so connected them up to myself instead. I ended up with my hair in a cork screw frizz, with a not so lovely smell of singeing. Don’t think it’s gonna work Lesley - sorry. Back to the drawing board. I’ll keep working on a solution though.


Seriously tho’, I can’t and don’t understand why the cause can’t be found, in this day and age with all the scans and all sorts of other test availables. I mean, often severe headaches can be linked to high blood pressure and other more nasty causes. I can’t imagine what it must be like for you, day in day out.


Mucho luvo

Dellypoo xxx 

Forgot to ask - on a completely different tangeant, you all being knowledgable women of the world. How do I get spilt wax out of my carpet? I understand ironing over some form of paper helps soak it up, but what kind/type of paper do you use - newspaper? or summat else. It’s obviously got to absorb the wax.

Prize offered to the correct solution !!

Delly xxx

My nan always said use a warm iron and an old fashioned brown paper bag that should get the wax out. :slight_smile: xx

Hey - No. I missed your praises whilst posting cos it takes me soooo long to type ANYthing. Awww shucks, are you saying it was directed towards me? L’il Dellypoos?? If Yes - you’re too kind girlies.

But where on earth do you get brown paper bags in this day and age? And yes Charys, candle as oppo hair removing wax. Don’t need that - use my teeth! And yes, I am double jointed!! Heehaw haha.

Think I’m a few postings behind - so you’ll have to have a bit o’ patience


Still laughing about the jump leads.  So desperate I think I’d let you have a go with them Delly.  Also Charys you made me chuckle re the bikini wax, reminded me of years ago when my sister tried a DIY bikini wax and got in such a mess, her husband came from work and found her in tears armed with manicure scissors trying to unglue herself.  i once got an epilady mangled there trying to do a trim.  The things we do in the name of beauty!  Still, gives us something to chuckle over though never funny at the time.


Good luck with the wax on the carpet.  Years ago I tried the paper and iron, freeze and pick methods, neither were 100% but got most out.


will be ringing my door bell for you on Friday Clair, make sure you let us know when it’s done xx

Charys - Ooo Ooo Ooooo - Batik!! Corr, know all about THAT from my six form A level art days. I’m impressed. Didn’t ever get into it myself, but my bezzie did some beautiful ones. Other than that, our 6th form art room days were like todays “Loose Women”, discussing boyfriends and the importances/meaning of life etc., whilst splashing a bit of paint around.

Waxing - the secret is to rip it off quick. Wax on carpet, however, needs a faaar more subtle approach. It’s been there a while, so doubt freezing will make much difference, and yes, I’ve tried to pick off the worst. Carpet is a biege colour and some of the wax is green!! splodge of 3" by 1, and the odd smaller white wax splodges  (nice word don’t ya think           S P L O D G E!!). 

BTW - do people get paid to write a blog? I need to find a way to earn an income. Can’t be doing it for free !


Dellywelly xxx